Jeordie Vic Meier "New chemistry and astrophysics – 2021"

This book contains many new scientific discoveries in the field of chemistry and astrophysics that will change modern theoretical chemistry. It's better and more ingenious than the books of Stephen Hawking, scientific discoveries surpass Einstein's achievements. This is the most useful book written in recent years, it can change the life of person who read it. You can throw in the trash modern textbooks on theoretical chemistry, because there are only mistakes and delusions of scientists

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update Дата обновления : 28.09.2021

Scientists should not try toВ catch gluons and split them, because this is part ofВ body ofВ universe, like its soul, if you destroy small piece ofВ universe, it can lead toВ destruction ofВ all life inВ space, like chain reaction.

Why scientists did not see this particle В«GalaxionВ», perhaps they saw, but did not understand what is it or took it for electron.

If we analyze the nature ofВ electron, then my logic builds such constructions. InВ different galaxies there are different particles" GalaxionsВ», but they have something common, which means they consist ofВ smaller particles. Рђll galaxies have different electrons, they have different radiation, but electrons have something inВ common, this particle" GodeyeВ».

If you think that IВ could not prove the existence ofВ В«GalaxionВ» particle, then here is the list ofВ evidence.

1.В InВ the center ofВ galaxy there is substance that holds the gravity ofВ stars around it, the core ofВ star consists ofВ heavy atom and particles ofВ stardust, which means that the center ofВ the galaxy also consists ofВ heavy particles ofВ stardust.

Logically, inВ all galaxies the core consists ofВ the similar particles ofВ stardust. We found out that these stardust are attracted toВ each other, forming aВ nucleus, then the centers ofВ all galaxies should be attracted toВ each other, but no, there is some force that creates different points ofВ attraction inВ cosmos around wich stardust gather toВ form the nucleus ofВ galaxy. These points ofВ attraction have different radiation, they have particles that are different from each other, but have aВ common property, they have an energy charge. IВ call these particles В«GalaxionsВ».

В«GalaxionsВ» as atoms have different structures and radiation, but they have aВ common microparticle inВ their composition, which attracts other particles toВ itself inВ different proportions, thus different types ofВ В«GalaxionsВ» are formed.

..Yes, this is new information and it is difficult toВ accept it, but IВ am sure that none ofВ scientists will ever create more logical theory.

– — —

*So calculating number ofВ electrons, protons, neutrons inВ an atom according toВ the old system ofВ Mendeleev will be erroneous, just like calculating the masses ofВ protons and neutrons, especially since the periodic table ofВ Mendeleev is one continuous error, there are very few real pure substances with full-fledged atoms, there is substances with defective atoms and different particles ofВ stardust, or chemicals has not atoms atВ all.

This is what IВ found inВ aВ chemistry textbook. (How much magnesium and how many magnesium atoms are contained inВ aВ sample ofВ pure magnesium weighing 6В grams? What is the mass ofВ one magnesium atom?) Why torment the brain ofВ people with this nonsense. Magnesium does not consist entirely ofВ atoms, but you will never calculate the mass ofВ atoms that are inВ it, because chemical elements are living structures and the number ofВ atoms inВ them can change, they lose energy over time and turn into quarkrubbish.

You should not rely on periodic table ofВ Mendeleev, it is not correct, not all elements inВ it are separate chemical elements, scientists have not yet learned how toВ fully separate pure atoms from matter.

What is full-fledged atom.

This is aВ stable atom, and not those mutants that scientists get inВ their laboratories and that live for 20В seconds, an example ofВ atom Nichunium. Perhaps he live not for 20В seconds, but he simply fell and disappeared from the field ofВ view and later collapsed inВ aВ couple ofВ hours, because he did not have enough energy due toВ absence ofВ some element inВ him. Or he has defect inВ structure ofВ its quarks, and this destroyed the entire chain. InВ any case, structure living for 20В seconds is not atom. Need toВ learn distinguish normal atom from defective one byВ vibrations that it emits, normal one has stable vibration, and inferior atom emits chaotic waves, like radiation.

This is a fake, they failed to create atom, atom is stable unit, it does not decay by itself within 20 seconds like Japanese Nihunium, they collided Zinc with 30 protons and Bismuth with 83 protons (we already found out that number of protons in chemical elements in periodic table is wrong), as result, they attributed 113 electrons and protons to Nichunium. This is genius. Firstly, no one has ever counted the exact number of protons and electrons of Zinc and Bismuth in microscope, this is speculative data, so there are definitely not 113 electrons in this under-atom of Nichunium, and secondly, they did not take into account the sterility of container in which they cooked their soup of atoms, for sure there were particles from previous experiments: atoms of oxygen, hydrogen, plus reaction with material of which their container made, plus i don’t think that Bismuth consists of full-fledged atoms, there are no full-fledged atoms with nucleus- center that is filled with energy and creates an attraction.

Scientists who create new atoms inВ their laboratories openly say that their atoms are destroyed after aВ while, lose energy. Р’ut why then no one says that atoms inВ the matter around us can also be destroyed due toВ energy loss and turn into quark mass. And thus, chemical elements are not made entirely ofВ atoms.

Chemists say that all chemical elements consist ofВ the same particles, supposedly they differ only inВ their internal ststructure. But this is not so, different chemical elements consist ofВ different particles, inВ lead there are particles that are not inВ oxygen.

And how did the ancient scientists arrange the elements inВ the periodic table ofВ Mendeleev? They weighed all substances they discovered, calculated their estimated atomic weight, and arranged them inВ ascending order byВ weight.

Now imagine inВ what conditions this happened, these scientists were half-crazy disabled, because most likely they did not use any means ofВ protection inВ working with toxic substances (mercury, lead, and so on), these substances poison the body and destroy nervous system, people go crazy with these substances, and now half-mad scientist takes substance not completely purified from foreign impurities and weighsВ it.

Plus on earth and most likely inВ this galaxy not all chemicals are present inВ the order 1,2,3,4,5,6,7.. electrons inВ atom, many atoms are not on the planet, they are either too precious or too dangerous. So new chemical periodic table will have empty cells that we will never fill. The set ofВ atoms on the planet is, inВ sense, an accident.

Need also carefully study and describe each chemical element of periodic table, what it really is. It is necessary to remove from table of Mendeleev the molecular weight of elements and numbers that indicate the quantity of electrons. Mendeleev’s table will become just a list of chemicals with which people deals.

Also need toВ remove the valence and numbers ofВ electrons from chemical equations and tasks.

How can we talk about the valence ofВ atom if not all substances inВ the periodic table consist ofВ full-fledged homogeneous atoms, plus scientists do not know exactly how many electrons thereВ are.

Now I understand why at school I didn’t want to solve these equations and didn’t even want to look at them.

Theoretical chemistry with equations and tasks where you need toВ arrange valences and electrons, this is all wrong, because elements inВ periodic table ofВ Mendeleev are either defective damaged atoms or chaos from quarks and stardust, scientists do not know which ones ofВ chemical elements are pure and how many electrons they actually have. They cannot describe what actually happens with chemicals when they are mixed. Need toВ create new education system inВ order toВ describe inВ detail processes that occur with chemicals inВ every chemical reaction.

Scientists are busy creating new atoms inВ laboratory, but they have not even studied the usual chemical elements, they do not know exactly how many electrons and hadrons are there, scientists are not even learned toВ isolate pure substance consisting ofВ homogeneous atoms.

Great attention must be paid toВ safety ofВ scientists, because many chemicals inВ their pure form are hazardous toВ health.

So chemistry will partly remain theoretical science, but I think people don’t really need pure substances consist of homogene atoms, we already have everything materials need for life.

Whole section ofВ chemistry on chemical compounds is devoted toВ the theory that atoms attract toВ each other with help ofВ electrons and thus form chemical bonds, inВ fact, full-fledged atoms at first will fight, they are irritated byВ presence ofВ each other, they interfere with each other, because they can destroy each other, which happens over time, the heavier atom takes energy from other atom and this other atom is destroyed, loses electrons, and stronger atom, thanks toВ it, prolongs its life.

Atoms attract and hold each other not byВ electrons, but byВ the attraction ofВ their energy centers. Normal atom has bright energy center with stable radiation.

Method ofВ studying chemicals. Take aВ pea-sized plate ofВ chemical substance and with the help ofВ some kind ofВ detector device (IВ think there are such devices inВ centers where the atom is studied) determine how much piece luminous points there (these are the energy centers ofВ atoms) so scientists will understand how many atoms inВ different chemicals. Presence ofВ glowing energy center means that there is an atom.

This atom has its own radiation.

*It seems toВ me that such topic as transformation ofВ one chemical element into another more valuable one with other chemical properties has great potential. ..for example, we take meta, we need toВ change its energy charge byВ adding some chemical inВ this metal (carbon?), and then metal under photon emitter or under electricity for aВ different amount ofВ time and check what will happen inВ 10В hours, inВ 20, 30В or 80В hours, aВ week, then metal will be saturated with energy and with the help ofВ quark rubbish that is inВ almost any piece ofВ material, the metal will become another more valuable chemical element byВ attaching new electrons. We can add quark rubbish and stardust from other substances so that metal can take hadrons from there for its transformation.

IВ cannot yet accurately predict the result ofВ these experiments, but inВ any case, people can convert not very valuable chemical elements ofВ which they have aВ lot into more valuable materials.

*Here is false theory ofВ chemists. В«Electrons pressed into core ofВ atom and merge with protons there. From the fusion ofВ electron with proton, aВ neutron is obtained? This is how neutron stars are formed.В»

Еlectron is not quark so that neutron could’t be obtained from its merger with proton.

We know that neutron does not have electron, neutron is like an anchor for atom. Neutron is aВ set ofВ quarks, it contains quark that is not present inВ proton, aВ heavier quark.

What is aВ full-fledged atom, it is aВ complete formed atom inВ which there are enough quarks, it does not have excess energy toВ which additional neutrons can join, all its energy is used, it is an energy system. There are atoms that lack quarks and they at the stage ofВ formation.

*Hadron collider.

It would be interesting for me toВ work there and understand the meaning ofВ their experiments of, they themselves do not fully understand what they are doing with body ofВ galaxy (microparticles is body ofВ galaxy), IВ would help them understand it. Although IВ think that they all mutated there aВ long time ago due toВ micro particles that are formed inВ the course ofВ their experiments and one employees dies there regularly.

2.NewВ chemistry table.

Introduction, for describing the structure of chemicals, I will use such word as stardust. These are fragments of stars of varying degrees of energy charge of which chemicals are composed, in addition to quarks, of which hadrons are composed. This stardust is part of the cosmic and solar radiation falling on the earth, some of which scientists have already studied. But it is an indisputable fact that the matter around consists not only of hadrons, just the scientists – chemists have forgotten about it.

This stardust has different properties, it creates attraction around which the nucleus of the atom is formed, it creates gravity and the attraction of materials. Protons and neutrons of hydrogen can’t do that.

These particles can attract electrons, take and give up energy.

* Determination ofВ protons and neutrons.

Only the lightest pieces ofВ stardust are combined into hadrons. Take the example ofВ hydrogen atom as an elementary hadron. And inВ order for these hadrons toВ unite toВ create aВ more complex atom, they need an energy-charged stellar particle that is heavier than ordinary quark, which will be located inВ the center ofВ atom as center ofВ energy attraction, it must be stronger than quark inВ order toВ be able toВ concentrate the energy ofВ the nucleus inВ itself and keeping its integrity. The heavier the atom, the more stardust inВ its core.

Using the hydrogen atom as an example, we see that the maximum number ofВ hadrons that can unite into the nucleus ofВ an atom is 3В hadrons.

Scientists have discovered many particles that are part ofВ cosmic radiation, ofВ course, these particles are part ofВ chemicals, which, according toВ scientists, consists only ofВ protons and neutrons. IВ call these particles stardust, they differ inВ physical properties from the quarks that make up the proton and neutron ofВ hydrogen.

Alpha, beta, gamma particles, various anti particles, bosons, photons. Plus particles ofВ stardust are deformed on the earth as aВ result ofВ energy exchange with each other, they can lose their energy charge and their properties change.

Scientists assume that alpha particles are helium nuclei, but wait, is helium dangerous toВ health? because alpha particles are dangerous, or is it some kind ofВ special type ofВ helium. Ordinary hadrons cannot harm the body, they are too light, particles ofВ stardust, which are also part ofВ the chemical substances, is harm toВ man.

These particles damage structure ofВ the cell, they attract energy or other particles inВ the body, disrupting the functioning ofВ organs.

Alpha particles are not helium nuclei, these are particles of stardust, perhaps it separated from the helium atom, because in addition to hadrons in helium there are particles of stardust, in all atoms except hydrogen they are, they are needed to attract hadrons particles to themselves and create a more complex atom. It’s needed so that hadrons can be attracted to each other and create something more complicated than hydrogen.

Betta particles, according toВ scientists, are electrons or positrons. What? Who believed that electrons can strong harm toВ the body, new electrons constantly enter us and we are alive.

IВ had the opportunity toВ touch the weakly radioactive substances that emit alpha and beta particles, IВ wrote that due toВ my weak immunity, IВ have aВ high sensitivity toВ chemicals, IВ feel their radiation and how they affect me, so IВ feel alpha particles as charged energy ofВ needle, from them aВ state ofВ tingling inВ the hand. And Beta particles are like heavy nuclei that pierce the tissue ofВ the body and take energy. And these are definitely not helium nuclei or electrons with positrons. IВ can sense radiation and distinguish its types.

With radioactive radiation or an explosion, matter decays.

Man will not die if free protons, neutrons and electrons enter his body, this is normal, they are building blocks for the matter ofВ our body, they are too light toВ harmВ us.

Proof that there are other particles inВ matter besides quarks that make up the proton and neutron. There are heavy metals that, when entering our body, cause it severe harm, for example, mercury, if it consisted only ofВ protons and neutrons, it would not cause severe harm toВ the body, heavy particles ofВ stardust are dangerous, which, like radiation, harm the body and are hardly washed out ofВ the body.

Another example is the chemical formula ofВ ethyl alcohol РЎ2Рќ5РћРќ, IВ think that this is aВ mistake, if alcohol consisted only ofВ these substances, it would be harmless. Alcohol undoubtedly contains heavy particles ofВ stardust. InВ chemistry, many chemical formulas ofВ substances are not correct.

*Scientists are obsessed with creating new types of atoms, but an atom is a random structure, it is unstable, it gains and loses energy in material, depending on what types of stardust particles are contained in the material. It is foolish to count the number of hadrons if the atoms are unstable. And there are no atoms with 7,8,9,10 … 100 protons in the chemical table, we were taught this for years in chemistry lessons, but all in vain. It is necessary to delete from theoretical chemistry such section as false information about the structure of atom, about the number of its hadrons, about the arrangement of its electrons, this is all a lie. There are almost no materials on earth that have atomic structure, that is, they are completely composed only of atoms, except for elementary gases.

* InВ the matter inВ which there are defective atoms, there may be such phenomenon as the presence ofВ defective atoms ofВ different structure. Atom consists ofВ many different particles, and it would be surprising if defective atoms forming or decaying were absolutely identical inВ composition.

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