Oxana Khalikova "Sparrow Willie – 2. Big Adventure"

The second part of the tale of a brave sparrow named Willie. This time Willie goes on a journey with his friends. Great adventures await them. I wonder if Willie and his friends will make it to warmer climes!

date_range Год издания :

foundation Издательство :Издательские решения

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workspaces ISBN :9785005639271

child_care Возрастное ограничение : 6

update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023

Sparrow Willie – 2. Big Adventure
Oxana Khalikova

The second part of the tale of a brave sparrow named Willie. This time Willie goes on a journey with his friends. Great adventures await them. I wonder if Willie and his friends will make it to warmer climes!

Sparrow Willie – 2. Big Adventure

Oxana Khalikova

© Oxana Khalikova, 2022

ISBNВ 978-5-0056-3927-1 (С‚. 2)

ISBNВ 978-5-0056-3928-8

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Sparrow Willie

Big Adventure

ChapterВ 1

It had been only, two springs and one summer since Willie had returned home from his big adventure, but the word of mouth hadn’t stopped.

Even birds from neighboring areas flew to Willie’s favorite tree, where he told, almost every day, about his journey.

OfВ course, sparrow Willie has since become quite grown-up, but the dream has not stopped.

By evening, only Willie’s close friends would flock to the tree, discussing the coming autumn, talking about their new nests, which they had built separately from their parents.

Willie chose toВ build his first,

separate nest, the attic next door, just across the street from where Willie’s parents lived.

– Willie, aren’t you going away to warmer climes this fall?! – Sparrow Jack asked.

– No, I’m not going to this fall, and our rooks don’t stay in our town anymore. There are empty nests, and it’s dangerous to fly alone.

– Let’s all fly together with Willie, boys!

– What do you mean, Jack? – asked the sparrow, Peek.

– Look – continued Jack – There are five of us and Willie knows the way, and I’d like to see the south, wouldn’t you guys like to spend the winter somewhere where there is no snow?!

– Come on Jack, I’ve only flown once. I don’t remember the way too well, and we’re too few, on the way there might be dangerous predators, it’s not a good idea…

– Willie, how come you refuse to show us the south, you have been there yourself, and what about us? – Jack was indignant.

Jack, aВ sparrow was always aВ naughty character, was always encouraging the others toВ do something, such as teasing aВ huge red cat who lived inВ the yard, or fly toВ the zoo and tease animals. At the same time he did not participate much inВ his plans, but simply flew away at aВ suitable moment, and all the other sparrows took the blame for him. Gray sparrow Jack, not the most reliable friend, but still they all loved him, because they grew up together.

– Okay guys, I have to go do the nest, it will soon be night – said Mary and flew out of the tree.

With Mary, all the other sparrows flew away. Sparrow Pick, always afraid ofВ everything, but still flew with all the sparrows toВ the red cat, he wanted toВ bring up courage, but he could not. He was always screaming with fear and running away from the cat without looking back. Peek was the chubbiest ofВ all the sparrows.

AВ sparrow named Robbie was the bravest ofВ all,

he was the first toВ go tease the red cat, and if his friends got inВ trouble he saved them without aВ second thought. He was the prettiest sparrow inВ the company.

There was also aВ sparrow, Zack, aВ jolly goody-goody, always cheering everyone up and supporting them inВ difficult situations.

His slightly reddish feathers were liked byВ his friends.

Willie pondered Jack’s offer, but he understood that he would be responsible for his friends’ lives, so it was a serious decision for Willie.

In the morning Willie, thought why not, actually flying south with his friends wasn’t such a bad idea, it would be a great adventure.

ChapterВ 2

Willie gathered all his friends inВ the tree inВ the evening toВ announce his decision toВ them.

– Dear friends, I’ve decided that we’re flying out to the warmer climates in October!

Hooray!!! Hooray!!! Hurrah!!! All the sparrows were happy, except Peek, ofВ course.

– What are you saying, Willy?! It’s very dangerous! – said Pik.

– Don’t worry Pik, we’ll manage it together! – held Pic up, Robbie.

– We need to get ready, and you, Peek, will finally become the bravest sparrow in the world, you want it so badly.

– Mmm… Well, yeah, I guess…

– I have to disappoint you friends, I’m not going, Mary said.

– Why Mary?! – Willie asked.

– I’m helping my parents with the food and getting ready for winter, I can’t leave them.

– But we can’t do it without you, Mary! – Zack said.

– Yes, you are clever and you can help us well on the way, but if you don’t want to, we won’t be lost without you… – Jack grumbled.

– Stop it Jack,» Willie interrupted him. – Mary, we’ll fly in the beginning of October, we’ll be glad if you come with us, we really can’t do without you.

Yes, yes!В» the sparrows chirped together.

The next day aВ team ofВ sparrows, led byВ Willie, were preparing for the long flight. They jumped from one tree toВ another, took pebbles inВ their paws and flew with them, thus training their wings.

They also learned toВ line up inВ aВ flock, Willie was inВ front, he flew first because he knew the way, then toВ the left and right ofВ Willie,В flew

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