Рамиль Латыпов "The Prince of Exile"

The prince lives a measured life with his mistresses and maids. But the day of his engagement comes. A strange incident at the ball changes everything. What should he do in the world of intrigue and pleasure? Where every friend can become an enemy and vice versa.

date_range Год издания :

foundation Издательство :Издательские решения

person Автор :

workspaces ISBN :9785005673121

child_care Возрастное ограничение : 18

update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023

– Son – Father was clearly delighted with my question. – Have you ever talked to the maids or just slept with them. Ladies love to talk about flowers and chocolates. All sorts of rubbish. Praise her dress there, her hair. Ladies are obsessed with their appearance. Treat her to champagne. That’s all.

– Don’t listen to his son. The queen said sadly. It can be seen that her father speaks little to her and all conversations are reduced to pressing problems. – Talk to her about romance. About the books I read. Just not the ones I found under the bed. And with dressed ladies. She shook her head sadly. – The ones about the heroes who rescue the princesses from their prisons in the castle with the dragon. This of course does not happen in real life. Like princesses, they decide at least something in life. My father kept me all my life until I was eighteen in the tower of a castle far in the mountains. Then he married your dad. My opinion was not asked. In this world, a lady generally has little say in decision making. It’s a man’s world. And even if the princess does not like you, she will still marry you. But how you live with it depends on you. So you can tell her a poem. Talk a lot. Don’t let her open her mouth. Let him think that you are a friendly guy. Although there is little hope for this. You are my ugly son. Well, at least a prince, otherwise with such a character and appearance you would not have survived in the world outside the castle walls. All three adults nodded their heads and laughed. What did I do to them? Although they may be right. – Try not to be yourself. Try to be like a prince.

– Okay, mama, I’ll do as you say. I told them to get rid of me.

– Butler, bring the servants with trays, let them show me what is being served to my guests today. – Said the king loudly.

Seven maids entered the room, led by Alex. My favorites were not among them. Maybe it’s time to pick new victims. In the hands of trays full of food. They lined up next to the king. He held out his hand and the one he pointed to. On the third maid, the king tasted a pâté sandwich and began to choke. Cough and beat your chest. Everyone got excited and began to approach him. Everyone but me. Maybe today is a good day. The old man dies I will be king. I will expel the elf princess and return my three favorites to me. They will love me for a long time. Even in a week or two. After the ladies from the brothel and walks hard. Craftswomen. And then you have to go to them. Butler to be executed. I will have a lot to do.

– Do you really believe that I was poisoned. – The king laughed, looking at everyone. – I will rule you for a long time.

My plans toВ rule this country were dashed against reality for aВ while. Although it helped me understand what needs toВ be done. The princess and her family will not like me so much that they will leave. Will have toВ try. And IВ will return my girls toВ full ownership.

– Do not joke like that, the king, how can I be without you then. – Said the chancellor gently holding the king’s hand. She worried about the king even more than the queen. It’s obvious she loves him. The queen noticed it too. She obviously didn’t like it. Lest our chancellor slip off the tower on a dark night.

“You can make aristocrats.” King Diogenes said cheerfully. – Call them one by one. And Zaire do not disgrace us by not knowing the names of the guests. Say the names correctly. You are still my assistant. “Call the archbishop first. May it sanctify us. And then from this crappy food I will have indigestion. The king was laughing

– Will be done. – Said the little dwarf who was standing in the corner and I hardly noticed him.

He entered the hall. Archbishop Brahms. AВ beautiful angel with white wings and aВ kind face. The religion ofВ the Goddess ofВ Light inВ our country took root aВ hundred years ago. Before that we were pagans. They danced and burned effigies. But the land ofВ Light went toВ war against us. She crushed our army and forced us toВ pay tribute every ten years. My alliance with Tamara will turn this shameful leaf inВ our history.

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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