ISBN :Возрастное ограничение : 16
Дата обновления : 14.06.2023
Kind regards
Victoria Muzalevskaya
This book is a collection of author’s poems, written in foreign languages, such as English (mostly) and French (a couple). Some of them were written originally in English, other were translated by her from her Russian ones. Here you can find her translations of works, well known in Russia, such as those ones belonged to A. Block and Yu. Levitanskiy. All the poems were written with love and kind regards and the author hopes that everyone can find in this book something special for himself.
Kind regards
Victoria Muzalevskaya
© Victoria Muzalevskaya, 2023
ISBNВ 978-5-4474-8199-5
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
For my close people.
Tes murs pour moi sont toujours bons.
В В В В (c). Paris
Paris, when treason follows treason,
You’re whist, to think of faithless of your walls have no reason.
You gleam in lights, I’ve just a scene,
Paris, where is my Seine?
BestВ team
And when last star leaves my room inВ the morning,
And people-cities follow sun toВ spring,
Sea wind is blowing,
Radio waves sing.
I have something for you to see —
It is my smile and cup ofВ tea,
And all these hearts are on the wall —
IВ hang them everywhere inВ hall.
And on the table you put album.
It’s empty.
Let there be aВ home
That you imagine inВ your dream.
IВ think ofВ you,
You’re my best team.
Baby, youВ go,
You’re passerby.
You never leave me —
Your lullaby.
IВ want believeВ you
And IВ want toВ cry.
Baby, you giveВ me
Your Lullaby.
Baby, IВ follow
Day afterВ day.
And IВ whist words
IВ have toВ say.
You can be my friend,
You can be aВ bay,
You didn’t answer
Me yesterday.
Wake up, wakeВ up
Let’s go to walk.
Drop ofВ rain, drop ofВ rain
Broke morning city smoke.
Call me, callВ me,
When you feel loneliness,
You know, you know,
Heart inВ love is homeless.
I wish I’ve got a home
That always keeps my peace.
And you lay down aВ stone
ToВ be aВ part ofВ this.
And there toВ be aВ staircase
InВ living room above
Hung with the pictures ofВ yourВ face
That keep your lovely laugh.
What can do real friends together?
Make smile and laugh inВ any weather.
IВ want toВ do some stuff forВ you:
ToВ write good words that surely true,
ToВ go toВ listen toВ the rock.
Oh yes, of course it’s not a joke.
Play tennis, swim inВ water pool,
Find time for you, when day is full,
ToВ send you funnyВ sms,
Read morning articles inВ press,
Make bicycle, prepare dishes
And make you happy with these wishes.
Talk toВ me,
IВ need your stories.
Talk toВ me,
Discharge all glories.
Let them fly away.
Just stay:
Jerome Jerome,
Where is your home?
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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