Sergey Vedenyo "Chance thoughts. Book 2"

The e-book «Chance thoughts» represents aphorisms, quotations, maxims and chance thoughts by the author regarding absolutely different topics. Here there are phantasies and illusions, impressions and delusions, love and dreams, instincts and mistakes, will and despair. The long and the short of it, all questions to which the author gives answers every day, every hour and every minute. Sometimes they look like a Zen Buddhist koan, sometimes like a Japanese haiku, sometimes like a Russian proverb.

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Chance thoughts. Book 2
Sergey Vedenyo

The e-book «Chance thoughts» represents aphorisms, quotations, maxims and chance thoughts by the author regarding absolutely different topics. Here there are phantasies and illusions, impressions and delusions, love and dreams, instincts and mistakes, will and despair. The long and the short of it, all questions to which the author gives answers every day, every hour and every minute. Sometimes they look like a Zen Buddhist koan, sometimes like a Japanese haiku, sometimes like a Russian proverb.

Sergey Vedenyo

Chance thoughts. Book 2


If lack of a woman leads to sorrow, then lack of sorrow leads to a woman.

The only thing in this life that is really compelling is endless change for the better.


In most cases, a woman leaves a man not because he is bad, but because she is better.


Someone who only wants to be no worse than other people doesn't become better.


You can only make others happy if you are happy yourself.


Only the best people refuse good in favour of the best.

One hides, another isn't searching.


If you don’t assign value to what you don't have, then you will not have anything valueless.


We must be ready for luck.


We desire people with desires, and daydream about people with daydreams.


Happiness can't exist without a sense of humour.


And, secondly, I like women for their ability to tell both lies and the truth at the same time.


There are some people who are given and taken. And there are people who give and take.


The ideal woman is beautiful, wicked and devoted.


I haven’t always received, but I've never been had.


First, one tries to excuse what he hasn't done. Then he tries to amend what has happened.


If you can see your shadow, then you’ve turned your back on the sun.


Some love stories finish before the acquaintance is made.


Mostly we don’t miss the things that happened, but the feelings we had.

A good past is born in a good future.


The one who doesn't strive for anything will eventually have to pursue something.


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