Гай Юлий Цезарь "On The War In Africa"


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foundation Издательство :Tektime S.r.l.s.

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workspaces ISBN :9788835406853

child_care Возрастное ограничение : 0

update Дата обновления : 25.08.2020

year 52 BC

Year 50 BC

Year 48 BC

Year 47 BC

Year 46 BC

Year 45 BC

Battle of Tapso


DBG = De Bello Gallico

DBC = De Bello Civili

DBC AL = De Bello Alexandrino

DBC AF = De Bello Africo

DBC HI = De Bello Hispanico



Achilla - Achillan (Egyptian)

- DBC L3 Chapters 104, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112,

- DBC AL Chap. 4, 26,

- Egyptian General of the first century BC, said by Caesar to be capable and in command of a well-prepared army. Before the outbreak of the war Alexandria, the general was engaged in Pelusio against Cleopatra's militia, after the killing of Pompey and the arrival of Caesar in Egypt will move all troops to Alexandria putting the Roman general in considerable difficulty.

- https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Achilla

M. Acilio - M. Acilio (Cesarian)

- DBC L3 Cap 15

- Cesarian Officer

- Not found

- http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/manio-acilio-glabrione/

- https://www.romanoimpero.com/2018/09/marco-acilio-glabrione.html

Lucius Afranius - Lucius Afranius (Pompeian)

- DBC L1 Cap. 37 to 53, 59 to 76, 83 to 87,

- DBC L2 Chap. 17, 18,

- DBC L3 Chap. 83, 88,

- DBC AF Cap 64, 69, 95,

- DBC HI Cap. 7,

- He was a politician and a Roman general no much loved by the Senate but always loyal to Pompey. He was active in the third war against Mithridates but with poor performance. He was elected Consul in 60 B.C. thanks to Pompey's support but he didn't meet the expectations. He was later Governor in Spain with 3 legions and in 49 BC he faced Caesar. Defeated and pardoned he returned to fight Caesar both in Farsalo and in Africa where he was defeated and executed again.

- https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucio_Afranio_(console_60_a.C.)

Alianus - Alienus - Governor of Sicily in 46 BC.

- DBC AF Chap. 2, 34, 44,

- Governor of Sicily in charge of continuing preparations to bring in the new legions.

- Not found

Androstene - Praetor of Thessaly

DBC L3 Cap 80,

Not found

Titus Ampius Balbo Titus Ampius Balbus (Pompeian)

- DBC L3 Cap 105,

- He was a Roman politician, at the outbreak of the civil war he sided with Pompey, was then pardoned by Caesar.

- https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tito_Ampio_Balbo

Gaius Antonio - C. Antonio (?)

- DBC L3 Chap. 67,

- Roman military.

- Not found

Antonio? (Not identifiable with certainty)

- DBC HI Cap 17, 18,

- He seems to be a well-known person but the text does not specify who he is.

- Not found

Mark Antony - Marcus Antonius (Caesarian)

- DBC L1 Chapters 2, 11, 18,

- DBC L2 Cap. -

- DBC L3 Chapters 4, 10, 24, 26, 29, 30, 34, 40, 46, 65, 89,

- He was a Roman politician and general at the turn of the first century BC. His career remained linked to that of Julius Caesar of whom he was an important lieutenant. In addition to the civil war that opposed Caesar to Pompey, there is his personal story that saw him as the protagonist immediately after the assassination of Caesar with the brief war of Mutina (Modena), the Second Triunvirate followed by a new clash between the Romans. After the elimination of the Caesaricides and the division of the provinces, contrasts arose between the Triunvirates that soon led to the final clash with Octavian. He was the first politician who suffered the cancellation of his name and his effigy from all official acts of the Roman Republic. His political and human story is very interesting and not yet fully understood because of the aura of romanticism that envelops his turbulent relationship with Cleopatra. On Mark Antony and his descendants one can well notice the unjust and moral way of Augustus' government, characteristic before the de facto dictatorships, even if they were not concomitant. Another curiosity is linked to the use of defining a Marcantonio, men with an imposing appearance, which derives precisely from the physical appearance of Mark Antony.

- https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marco_Antonio

D. Eagle (Caesarian)

- DBC AF Caps. 62, 63, 67,

- Roman Military

- Not found

M. Aquinas (Pompeian)

- DBC AF Cap 57, 89,

- Roman Military

- Not found

Clodio Arquetio - Clodio Arguetius (Caesarian)

- FBC HI Cap 10, 23,

- Caesar's lieutenant

- Not found

Ariarate X (10) - Ariarathi X - King of Cappadocia

- DBC AL Cap. 66,

- Maybe it's Ariarate X (10) from Cappadocia

- https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariarate_X_di_Cappadocia

Ariobarzane II (2) Eusebius (Roman ally)

- DBC AL Chap. 34, 66,

- King of Cappadocia who reigned for a few years.

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