Victory Storm "Love Hurricane"


date_range Год издания :

foundation Издательство :Tektime S.r.l.s.

person Автор :

workspaces ISBN :9788835407409

child_care Возрастное ограничение : 18

update Дата обновления : 25.08.2020

“What's the problem now?” Lucas immediately got worried as he knew what that small, heart-shaped mouth could hide when it turned still smaller and thinner.


“You're angry,” Lucas could understand since he knew her very well.

“I'm not angry at all!”

“Is it for Jane's fault? I think she is nice, but she isn't the one for me.”

Of all his words, Kira could just hear “nice.”

“So, you like her!”

“I just said she's nice, not that I like her!”

“Well, so just get you next Super Mario's t-shirt from her!” Kira burst out furiously; her mind was hazy and she went out of the room slamming the door.

“Kira!” Lucas called her, upset. Kira had never left him alone in all those years they had spent together, so he was feeling deeply guilty at that moment, as if he was responsible for her reaction.

Kira couldn't understand her own behaviour, but she felt shuttered while her chest was hurting.

When she got to her bedroom, she started crying.

She let herself fall onto the bed, feeling miserable and lost because of her deep emotions.

Someone knocked at the door soon after.

She didn't answer, but the door opened anyway.

Her mother was there.

“Can you tell me what happened, darling? Lucas was crying when he walked away! I hadn't seen hin crying for such a long time...Kira, you too! Are you crying?” Elizabeth immediately got worried, because she wasn't used at all to seeing her daughter shedding tears. Kira had always been very Zen and not very emotional, excepted before some injustice.

“I'm not crying!” she sobbed, her face drenched with tears.

“Kira, darling, what happened to you? Did you and Lucas quarrel?”

“I don't know...I...I don't know what seized me” Kira tried to explain and kept whining. “I gave him the t-shirt we bought at the market and then...he said that he finds Jane nice and I...I...”

“Are you jealous of Jane?” her mother suggested, trying to hold back an amused smile in front of what seemed to be quite a jealousy scene. She had been wondering in the bottom of her heart what that very particular friendship between Kira and Lucas would turn into, when the two of them left puberty to enter teenage. Could her daughter's fondness towards him accept the presence of another girl next to Lucas? Would he ever be able to part from his best friend?

She had gotten more and more certain in the last years that the tie between those two children could never break up and that sooner or later she would find them petting behind the garden hedge.

And now, seeing that her daughter had fallen victim to jealousy and was suffering for her first love pain, she couldn't avoid smiling and feeling pleased with her excellent intuition which had never disappointed her.

“I'm not jealous!” Kira got into a huff.

“So, why are you crying? Tell me the truth, are you falling in love with Lucas?” Elizabeth supposed, pretending to be indifferent to the evident blush on her daughter's pale face.

“No, I'm not! What are you saying, mum?”

“I'm just saying that getting so angry because Lucas likes another girl is very strange... By the way, you've grown up now and it had to happen sooner or later. To him or to you...” she teased her.

“Lucas is mine!” Kira got dejected and started crying her eyes out again. “I'm not going to share him with anybody!”

“Kira,” her mother whispered, getting moved and troubled.

“I don't want to lose him! I love him, mum.”

“I know, sweetheart,” Elizabeth sighed and hugged her daughter to comfort her.

They kept hugging each other for a long time, till the girl stopped crying.

“Was Lucas really crying?” Kira asked after a while.

“Yes, he was. I hadn't seen him crying for ages” her mother told her with sorrow, making her daughter feel terribly guilty. “You should apologize to him.”

“Yes, you're right. I didn't mean to make him cry” she just mumbled as she felt very ashamed of her behaviour.

“What about making banana biscuits with chocolate drops and bringing them to him?” her mother suggested, trying to cheer her up.

“Lucas loves those biscuits!”

Wiping away sadness, Kira and her mother started making a large baking tray full of flower-shaped biscuits. Being busy in making perfect biscuits, Kira forgot her conversation with Lucas and just focused on making peace with him.

The biscuits were almost perfectly baked in the oven one hour later and Kira was really looking forward to taking them out and bringing them immediately to her friend. She couldn't wait clearing her conscience which was weighing on her.

“What a sweet smell of biscuits!” a male voice burst out behind them.

They suddenly turned and saw Kenzo Yoshida's imposing and decorated figure.

“Daddy!” Kira shouted in the seventh heaven and rushed to hug her father. She hadn't seen him for almost a month. Even if it took just an hour by car to get to the base, Kenzo could go back to his family just a few times a month or even less.

“Darling!” Elizabeth followed her, running into her husband's arms. “Why are you already back? You said you wouldn't come home before August.”

“I'm on leave and I've got great news for us all!” the man answered smiling.

“Tell us everything, please.”

“We're moving back to Tokyo!” Kira's father exclaimed.

“What do you mean?” his wife asked puzzled.

“I've understood me, Ely. They have moved me again, they are sending me back to the American Embassy in Tokyo. Kira, are you happy? You're going to see granny again. I'm sure she is looking forward to hugging you again.”

“I don't want to go back to Japan!” his daughter burst out, as soon as she realized what that news meant.

“Kenzo, I've got a job here and I didn't think...”

“Ely, you haven't understood how the matter stands. This is not something negotiable, it's orders from above and you can say thanks to your dear friend Darren Scott,” the man explained in an icy voice.

“What a bast...”

“Don't speak like that in front of the child,” her husband stopped her, as he didn't want his daughter to listen to swearwords.

“I'm not a child any more and I don't want to go back to Tokyo!” Kira meddled again, on the verge of tears.

“I want to leave before the new school term begins. I'm going to share my time between home and the embassy, while you can stay at my mother's, like before. I've already contacted Kira's old school and they have place for her! She will just have to pass an exam and she will be able to attend intermediate school” her father went on carelessly, making his daughter get very anxious: she looked on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

“No, no, no, no, no!” the young girl kept shouting, shutting her ears.

“Kira, you knew we were going to stay here just for four years!” her father tried to make her use her head, grasping her shoulders, but she started squirming and crying desperately.

“No, no, no! I don't want to leave! I want to stay here! In Princeton! With Lucas!”

“I'm sorry, child. But that's impossible!”

“No, I don't want” Kira shouted her heart out, pushing her father violently away, rushing out of the back door and to the garage to take her bike.

Her father's reproaching shouts and her mother's desperate ones were completely useless.

Panting breathlessly and with terror deep inside her heart for what was going on, the girl took her bike and, before her father could get to her, she rushed into the street and started riding it with all her strength: she knew the boy's home was five long kilometers far.

When she got to the Scott family's sumptuous and majestic villa, all the muscles in her legs were burning and she felt pain in her throat because of the strain.

Luckily there was a light wind that day, so each tear which had tried to streak down her face, was almost dry before coming out.

Using the small passage Lucas had made three years before by breaking some part of the fencing, Kira was able to walk stealthily into the villa and ran breathlessly into the house.

She knew that Lucas' father would never allow her in, as it had always happened in those four years, but she could identify the window of her friend's bedroom, so she ran underneath and called him, with the little breath that was left to her.

After shouting Lucas's name seven times, she was shaken by tears and fell on her knees on the gravel, praying that it was just an awful nightmare.

She jumped and suddenly stood up scared when she felt a light touch on her shoulder.

She feared it might be Darren Scott or her own mother, but luckily, as soon as she turned, she could see Lucas's drawn and sad face.

She looked at him, trying to wipe away those irritating tears which made the real word around her flickering.

Lucas had taken the plaster away, so Kira could see his wound among the hair on his eyebrow. However, she was still more shattered by his swollen and red eyes, since she wasn't used to them any more.

She instinctively looked for a handkerchief in her pocket, so she could wipe away his scared air, but she had forgotten everything when she had run away from home.

“Kira,” the boy whispered. He felt devastated when he saw his friend crying. That was something unexpected and it made him feel very bad again.

“Lucas,” Kira burst out, flinging herself into his arms. She held him tight with all her strength, as if she feared the wind could take him away from her.

She felt Lucas's arms returning her hug and completely embracing her.

“I'm sorry, Kira,” the boy mumbled dejected, smothering his words through her long and silky hair.

“Oh, Lucas! Please, forgive me. I don't want to lose you,” Kira sobbed, holding him still tighter.

“Neither do I,” Lucas was shaken.

Kira could hear his friend's heart beating faster and faster, while his breathing turned irregular.

She knew he was crying and that made her broken down.

She had been looking after him for years and she had got to know him, to love him and support him. So at that moment she couldn't believe what she was going to tell him soon after.

“My father has been transferred back to Tokyo. He wants my mother and I to go back to Japan with him,” she could say without parting from Lucas, but he suddenly took a step back, as soon as he realized what she meant.

Kira shivered because of that sudden separation. Then she saw Lucas looking at her with a shattered look.

“I don't want, but...” Kira tried to explain to him.

“So don't do it! Don't go. Don't leave me too. I'm begging you,” Lucas stammered terrified and started shaking. He had already lost his mother and he was going to loose his best friend soon.

Why were all the women he loved going to leave him sooner or later?

“I don't want to leave you alone,” Kira stated seriously, trying to recover a bit of clearness.

“So don't go back to Japan!” Lucas begged her in such a painful voice that it sounded like a stab in Kira's heart.

Her answer slipped out of her lips before she could even think about it.

“All right,” she answered, starting brooding over it to find a solution.

The smile which finally spread on Lucas's face was worthier than a thousand Christmas presents.

“Will you promise?”

Elizabeth usually told her daughter to avoid making promises she couldn't keep, but Kira had no doubts about what was going to happen: she was going to stay in Princeton with Lucas, by hook or by crook.

“I promise” she said, making a cross on her heart.

The happiness rising on Lucas's face became immediately infectious; as they hugged each other once more, Kira swore to herself that she would do anything to stay close to her best friend.

Unfortunately, her mother hooted her car, which was parked outside the estate gate, interrupting them, so Kira had to go back home.

“Put on your plaster again, or you'll get a scar” she worried, brushing her forefinger on his wounded eyebrow. See you tomorrow. At home.”

“Let's have a great Super Mario match, shall we?” Lucas suggested feeling more serene, before his friend went out from the secret passage she had used to get in.

“I'm going to hammer you!” Kira challenged him cheerfully before getting into the car, but as soon as Lucas disappeared from her sight, she felt something breaking inside herself, just in the middle of her chest.

Would she be able to keep her promise to Lucas?

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