ISBN :Возрастное ограничение : 6
Дата обновления : 14.06.2023
(шуму много, а толку мало);
6. (a) great ship asks deep waters;
(большому кораблю большое плавание);
7. great talkers are little doers;
(кто много говорит, тот мало делает);
8. (the) game is not worth the candle;
(игра не стоит свеч).
Hh [eitКѓ]
Whose isВ it?
A: Hi,В Ann.
B: Hello, Ivan. Wow! What is that?
A: It’s a scooter.
B: It is cool! Is it your scooter?
A: No… no, it is not.
B: Whose scooter isВ it?
A: It is my brother’s scooter.
B: What make is this car? Is it aВ new Ford?
A: Yes, it is aВ new Ford.
B: Whose Ford is that?
A: It is my father’s.
scooter – cкутер
It is cool! – круто!
whose – чей
over there – вон там
this – это
that – тот
Tongue twister:
1.AВ happy hippo hopped and hiccupped;
2. How much wood could aВ woodchuck chuckВ if
aВ woodchuck could chuck wood?
Hickory DickoryВ Dock
Hickory, dickery, dock,
The mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struckВ one,
The mouse ran down!
Hickory, dickory, dock.
Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on aВ wall.
Humpty Dumpty had aВ great fall.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again!
Humpty Dumpty was aВ powerful cannon during
the English Civil War (1642—49).
hickory – гикори (дерево c шишками в Севрной Америке)
run up – бежать вверх
struck one – пробили один час
Humpty Dumpty – Шалтай – Болтай
sit (sat) – сидеть
wall – стена
fall – падение
king’s men – королевская рать
put together – собрать
1. handsome is that handsome does;
(о человеке судят не по словам, а по делам);
2. haste makes waste;
(тише едешь – дальше будешь);
3. he laughs best who laughs last;
(хорошо смеется тот, кто смеется последним);
4. He that does not respect is not respected;
(как аукнется так и откликнется);
5. (an) hour inВ the morning is worth two inВ the evening;
(утро вечера мудренее);
6.hunger breaks stone walls;
(голод не тётка).
IiВ [ai]
New apartment.
Ann is on a visit to her friend Rosa. Rosa’s
family moved toВ aВ new apartment.
Rosa: Come on in. This is my room.
Ann: It is cute!
Rosa: There are two armchairs, aВ sofa, and aВ table inВ my room.
Ann: Is there aВ computer inВ your room?
Rosa: Yes, there is. There is aВ TV and aВ computer.
Ann: IВ see. It is aВ kind ofВ digital TV. What is there on the shelf?
Rosa: It is aВ laptop. But there is no aВ charger forВ it.
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