I. Habermann: Introduction – M. Gardiner: The British Reliance on Identity – M. Tönnies: Northern Landscapes and Anti-Thatcherite Positioning British Colour Photography of the 1980s – N. Böhm-Schnitker: There is no such thing as political memory!? The Iron Lady (2011) as ‘psycho-geography’ – F. Hofmeister: A Fatal Attraction? Europe and the Failure of the English Regions – B. Schaff: Killing Fields and Poppy Fields. Towards a Topography of the Western Front in the British Cultural Memory – N. Pleßke: HMY Britannia The Spatial Semantics of the Royal Yacht – Reviews: Wolfram Schmidgen (2013), Exquisite Mixture. The Virtues of Impurity in Early Modern England – Gaby Mahlberg & Dirk Wiemann, eds. (2013), European Contexts for English Republicanism – Gert Hofmann & Snježana Zori??, eds. (2012), Topodynamics of Arrival. Essays on Self and Pilgrimage
date_range Год издания :
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workspaces ISBN :9783826080272
child_care Возрастное ограничение : 0
update Дата обновления : 24.03.2025