ISBN :Возрастное ограничение : 16
Дата обновления : 14.06.2023
tell me. They quite possibly know nothing, and will let usВ go.
Captain Ssen approached
the Lemurians floundering under theВ net.
There was aВ translator with him. Alshi.
The captain gathered his hands inВ aВ salute and bowed.
Mas waho ruben jas! —
he said.
Greetings, Neighbors. —
translated byВ the translator.
Luana and Shea stared at Captain Ssen with wide eyes.
– What language to answer? Luana asked Shea in a whisper.
Speak ours. Translator
knows the Lemurian dialect.
Greetings, sir….
Ssen! – answered without waiting
the end of Alsha’s sentence.
Ssen. – continued Luana. – Than
owe such aВ daring intrusion toВ you?
Alshi translated the words toВ Luan toВ the captain.
Aho movie zhzhino Praba! Yesou
tucci koshine bilbao. – said the captain. And he continued: – Issa boha loa!
Alshi translated:
Friends. Earth is unsafe
aВ place toВ live. We are forced toВ insist on our help. Otherwise you will find death here.
Luanu and Shea again exchanged glances.
What is your name? – Shea turned to
My name is Alshi. she nodded.
Alshi, askВ your
captain, why did he decide that we are going toВ live here?
Alshi translated the question.
The captain said something again and Alshi translated.
Captain Ssen says he knows
about the plight ofВ the most distant planet. And so IВ decided toВ offer help. We flew from Venus. It is not yet inhabited. But it is ideal for races ofВ our type.
Luanu’s eyes widened.
You invite us toВ shareВ with
you Venus? – he was taken aback. Alshi translated. Captain Ssen was indignant at something, and spoke for about ten minutes of earth time.
Finally, Alshi started:
You can getВ dear
guests inВ our new home. We can offer you the whole north, because we know that you are not thermophilic. Every Iarganian knows from childhood that aВ Lemurian is aВ friend. We would be glad toВ see how children ofВ your race are born on our new planet.
Luanu wanted toВ say something. But Shea interruptedВ him.
Tell President IargiВ that
we want OUR planet. And weВ will
continue toВ explore the Earth.
Alshi translated, toВ which Captain Ssen silently nodded and headed back toВ the ship. Alshi bowed toВ the two friends and followed her captain.
When Luana and Shea were finally alone, they freed themselves from the net and looked at each other inВ bewilderment.
Friends? Luana said.В AND
Both Lemurians burst out laughing.
On the farthest planet of the solar system, where the confederation of the Lemurian race was located, life was in full swing. When ordinary Lemurians learned that an expedition to Earth was sent, they began to pack their personal things in a hurry. The Lemurians were confident that a general evacuation would be announced very soon. Children were taken out of schools, transferred to home schooling so that parents did not need to be distracted once again. Sao Pole, the head of the confederation, made an address to the people, right in the main square of the capital – Janabe. Sao Pole said:
Greetings toВ you, greatВ ones
inhabitants of Lemuria! Today has come a great day in the history of our people. Our fellow countrymen have landed on Earth. Their purpose is to analyze the flora and fauna of the Earth. If everything goes as we planned, then after two or three lunar cycles we will be there. All together, in full force! To all our people. I ask you to get ready. Start your camp and pray relentlessly that we will succeed! Twenty-four ships with 10,000 seats have already been built, and the same number will be built. We will evacuate in several flights, on the most distant planet there will be not a single Lemurian left. I promise you! —
The Lemurian people greeted his words with enthusiastic applause. After listening toВ the words ofВ their leader, the Lemurians dispersed toВ their homes and began their preparations.
Work on the ships for the evacuation was inВ full swing. Ten thousand mechanics worked on their production. They were built inВ absolutely all cities ofВ the confederation. InВ the right amount, so that В«everyoneВ» flew away. The reason why the Lemurians had toВ leave their planet inВ aВ hurry was the water that was unfit for drinking and the violation ofВ the oxygen balance ofВ the air. For some time, remoteness from the sun did not affect the quality ofВ drinking water and the composition ofВ oxygen, but over time, when FarFarOut entered aВ different orbit, the planet did not have enough sunlight for the photosynthesis ofВ plants, and therefore the production ofВ oxygen byВ them.
From that moment on, at the emergency Council ofВ the Confederation, its head gave the task toВ scientists toВ study nearby planets for suitability for life. Scientists have proposed several options inВ the Milky Way galaxy and inВ several other neighboring ones, but it was the Earth that looked the most attractive against their background. And then the choice ofВ the head fell on the Earth. It was decided toВ find daredevils who would dare toВ go toВ Earth on aВ small shuttle ship, equip their expedition, and get all samples ofВ flora and fauna from Earth.
The search for daredevils began immediately
the same. AВ general mobilization was announced, and thousands ofВ children who matched physical and mental characteristics began toВ be selected. The selection was tough and combined testing and training. When Shia and Luanu were at the point ofВ combat training, they alone, out ofВ hundreds ofВ trainees at that moment, passed every single test perfectly. Shea was aВ former intelligence warrior and pilot, but retired when alien invasions stopped and Luanu was an excellent athlete. Since high school and at the Academy, he was the best thrower, also excellent archery.
Seeing their results, Sao Pole demanded them toВ him.
He started right off the bat, not letting the guys come toВ their senses.
Friends. You have aВ great
mission! You will have toВ go toВ Earth and collect animal and plant samples for us. As well as samples ofВ water and soil. We must understand whether we can fully exist there, and not only we, but also our children.
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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