Sergey Rostovtsev "How does the Universe work?"

The book presents an alternative view of the structure of our universe:An alternative view of gravity, solar and “relic” radiation.The book is refuted by the “Theory of the Big Bang”, “dark” matter and other things, created for an ad hoc, today’s physics is trying to cover up its lack of understanding of the ongoing processes.

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How does the Universe work?
Sergey Rostovtsev

The book presents an alternative view of the structure of our universe:An alternative view of gravity, solar and “relic” radiation.The book is refuted by the “Theory of the Big Bang”, “dark” matter and other things, created for an ad hoc, today’s physics is trying to cover up its lack of understanding of the ongoing processes.

How does the Universe work?

Sergey Rostovtsev

© Sergey Rostovtsev, 2021

ISBNВ 978-5-0055-0184-4

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

How does the Universe work?

Prophecy or prediction instead ofВ aВ preface

When, inВ 1976, IВ created my model ofВ the Universe, my teacher, Yakov Isaakovich Ostrovsky asked:

– Can you make any prediction based on your model?

– Yes, I can. Distant galaxies will scatter not with deceleration, as those who believe in the Big Bang think, but with acceleration. It is a pity that this won’t be discovered until two hundred years later.

IВ made aВ mistake inВ determining the date. Less than thirty years later, there was no doubt aboutВ it.

But even today IВ can make aВ prediction based on my model ofВ the Universe:

– Distances to the Sun, to the orbits of the Moon, planets of the solar system, as well as distances to all visible stars increase with acceleration. The value of this acceleration depends on the distance to these objects, and it is proportional to acceleration of distant galaxies. Due to the small distances to these objects, and, accordingly, the small values of this acceleration, it has not yet been detected. Of course, we are talking about average distances.

I don’t know when it will be discovered, but this time, my prognosis – prediction – prophecy, will be published.


I hope you kids already know that the Earth is not a tray or dish standing on three whales, turtles, or just standing, like dinner, in front of the grandpa god’s beard.

I’m not sure if you understand this, but you know this for sure.

I hope you know that the firmament that the stars are nailed to is not an actual firmament, and the stars – are the same (basically), as our star the sun.

IВ hope you know this. But many do not know how many and what lives were given for this knowledge.

Giordano Bruno is aВ specific person who was burned, but at least he has aВ name. And how many nameless geniuses were burned, walled up or crucified for this knowledge and other no less interesting things that today seem toВ us the only possible ones.

For this alone, all religions should be forbidden, and all religious figures who resist this ban should be treated as Giordano Bruno was treated.

But inВ this world everything is decided byВ money, and money belongs toВ the churches and the oligarch that unite these churches, and inВ one way or another they still prevent the getting and spreading knowledge about the world.

Fools are easier toВ control.

And if you think that most of today’s mandatory education schools educate you, you are mistaken. They are trying to raise obedient sheep out of you. They tell you what you can learn even without these schools, but they tell you in a way that discourages you from wishing to learn it and from, most importantly – actually learning. And if you don’t believe me, then try to answer the question:

Why don’t they let you get enough sleep before they start teaching you? Maybe when you are sleepy, you are more capable of learning? Why do classes start at eight o’clock instead of ten?

You need toВ take knowledge everywhere: both inВ school and outside the school. You should only count on yourself.

And this is the first thing about the Universe that you should firmly grasp.

TheВ sun

We will begin our consideration ofВ the issue byВ looking at the Sun and its energy. Why? The Sun is the closest particular star toВ us, and the entire Universe is aВ collection ofВ structures consisting ofВ stars and stellar systems. But we will see that all the differences with the official science inВ what IВ am going toВ tell you begin precisely with theВ Sun.

The energy that the Earth receives comes from two sources. From inside the Earth and from the Sun. We will talk about the energy that comes from inside the Earth later, but for now aВ few words about the Sun and about the stars inВ general.

When scientific officials learned what aВ thermonuclear reaction is, they immediately seized on it, like an unreasonable child at aВ toy, and began toВ say that the sun is shining because thermonuclear reactions occur inВ it.

Thermonuclear reactions on stars might be happening, but perhaps not as intensely as it is commonly believed, otherwise the stars would have already either exploded or burnedВ out.

Because aВ thermonuclear reaction is aВ chain reaction.

The main thing that the fans ofВ that the main energy ofВ the sun is thermonuclear opinion rely on, fusion ofВ four protons into aВ helium nucleus is aВ neutrino. As two neutrons decay, two negative antineutrinos should be released. These neutrinos are caught. But just aВ neutron inВ aВ free state decays inВ 880.1В В± 1.1В seconds. The consequences are the same. Negative antineutrino.

It is claimed, that the Sun emits 1.2 · 1034 joules annually. But does this mean that its mass should decrease? M = E/C2 And its composition must change. The amount of helium should increase, and the amount of hydrogen should decrease accordingly. However, it is rather difficult to calculate the exact composition, and even according to the models that are used today, these are very approximate numbers. These observations began not so long ago. In a hundred years, we may be able to ask them to explain whether the composition of the Sun has changed in accordance with the existing theory or not. But we could already notice the decrease in mass today. The fact that certain Ptolemy calculated the orbits of planetary motion. He took part in his research in Alexandria of Egypt in the period 127—151 ah.

The model of the solar system was still not correct, but it would still allow us to correctly calculate the orbits of planets today. And this was so long ago that due to the annual (although small) decrease in solar mass, the orbits of the planets, especially remote ones, would change in a couple of thousand years. They would become large ellipses. This change could prove that the main energy released by the Sun is thermonuclear reactions. But I haven’t seen any such articles.

The main source ofВ the released energy, inВ my opinion, is completely different, and IВ would even say virtual.

But first, let’s turn to a well-known fact.

Electrically charged objects moving relative to us with acceleration emit electromagnetic waves (light – energy).

The sun is electrically charged, and the Earth and everything else, including the entire Universe, revolves around the Sun, if we take the sun as the center of the reference system. And rotation is a movement with acceleration. Speaking in the old-fashioned way – the Earth always «falls» on the Sun and misses.

Rectilinear uniform motion and aВ state ofВ rest are one thing, and any other motion is aВ motion with acceleration.

Remember, what does an electric charge moving past you with acceleration do? It radiates.

This radiation is the main source ofВ energy for stars.

Digression: One ofВ the readers ofВ the first edition ofВ this article asked aВ question.

– And why does no one deal with the energy released by the Sun, as an electrically charged body?

But really, the fact that an electrically charged body moving with acceleration radiates is not aВ secret. The fact that the Sun is electrically charged is also no secret. The fact that the Earth is moving relative toВ the Sun with acceleration or the Sun is moving with acceleration relative toВ the Earth is not aВ secret atВ all.

So what’s the big deal? Why aren’t these calculations available, at least in the public domain?

IВ assume that the reason is inВ the В«Big Bang theoryВ». If you calculate this energy, it may turn out that the age ofВ the Sun exceeds the age ofВ the Universe, according toВ the В«Big Bang theoryВ». And then what will the В«scientistsВ» who have received huge amounts ofВ money for research inВ the framework ofВ this theoryВ do?

Although there is another source ofВ Solar energy, inВ addition toВ possible thermal nuclear reactions and radiation ofВ aВ charge moving with acceleration.

The sun is big. And it doesn’t matter which model we choose, the gravity model or the swell model (discussed below), polytropic process takes place on it. For the sake of familiarity, let’s take the model of gravity. Under the influence of gravity, the gas compresses and releases temperature from the outside (isothermal process) and stores it from the inside (a static process).

How much heat is released byВ the isothermal process inВ the Sun, it seems, is also not yet calculated.

And what happens toВ aВ gas when it gives up its energy when compressed?

It cools down.

On Earth, it is difficult toВ create models ofВ what is happening inВ the Sun. On earth, when hydrogen is liquefied, it is molecular, not atomic, hydrogen that is liquefied. This is where the spin isomers ofВ hydrogen work. The question is whether the spins ofВ the hydrogen atoms inВ the molecule are arranged inВ one direction or inВ opposite directions. How hydrogen will behave at those pressures, when it becomes atomic and will be liquefied under aВ pressure that cannot be reproduced on Earth, we can only build models. The models can be different. It is necessary toВ calculate, and depending on the numbers that can be obtained byВ performing these calculations, it will be possible toВ assume that thermonuclear reactions inВ the Sun do not occur at all, and inside the sun consists ofВ liquid gases at aВ temperature close toВ absolute zero.

I’m not saying that. This should be considered. But the possibility of such a hypothesis is obvious.


And what is temperature inВ General? Why do bodies heat up or cool down?

Temperature – a value that intuitively quantifies the different heat of an object.

Living beings are able toВ perceive the sensations ofВ heat and cold directly with the help ofВ their senses. However, science requires that temperature be measured objectively.

The funny thing is that when scientists try to explain to you where the temperature comes from, they will start telling you about the degree of ionization of matter, more or less collisions of molecules, and other nonsense. The gibberish is very clever and correct, but it doesn’t just tell you why and where the thermal (still – electromagnetic) radiation from this ionization and the number of collisions comes from.

And here everything is very simple. When there is aВ lot ofВ ionization and the molecules relative toВ you change the direction ofВ their movement, the same effect occurs as with solar radiation. Charged objects (and molecules are also objects), moving relative toВ you with acceleration (and when the direction ofВ movement changes as aВ result ofВ collisions, the acceleration increases), begin toВ radiate. Well, IВ assumeВ so.

In a kettle where water is boiled, the movement of molecules is accelerated. The kettle is a small accelerator of molecules. And you have in your Cup – hot tea that will emit in the infrared spectrum-relative to you.

Remember all the time. This radiation is relative.

Objects with respect toВ which the electric charge does not move with acceleration cannot receive its radiation either.

But back toВ theВ Sun.

The sun and particles

Since the Sun radiates relative toВ us, it is radiation, though relatively, but objectively. This radiation knocks out some ofВ the electrons (as lighter particles), which fly toВ the Earth and charge it negatively.

But does the number ofВ electrons change from the point ofВ view ofВ aВ hypothetical observer, relative toВ which, neither the sun nor its molecules do not move with acceleration?

No, it does not change, because relative toВ this observer, the Sun does not emit or knock out aВ certain number ofВ electrons.

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