ISBN :Возрастное ограничение : 12
Дата обновления : 14.06.2023
toВ be conscious; toВ feel special;
toВ set goals, make wishes that will fill your life with happiness and love;
toВ pursue your dream with the help ofВ your own will-power;
toВ discover the sea ofВ infinite riches ofВ the Universe sufficient forВ all;
toВ feel true beauty ofВ your life full ofВ opportunities;
toВ alter your perception ofВ life, people around you and the world inВ general;
toВ understand that nothing is impossible inВ the world, boundaries are set only byВ your own perception!
You really need toВ know all ofВ this! Because you deserve toВ live the life ofВ your dreams! And you are totally entitled toВ it!
Chapter 1
You Are Perfect
My child…
If you ever wonder when this story began… I’d tell you it began right from the moment of your birth.
It happened toВ become aВ true miracle for me and for the whole family.
You became special the moment you took your first breath.
You’ve chosen the best day, just the right spot on the map and the perfect parents for yourself. Your body, appearance, life conditions are the best for you.
Your special star rose on the day ofВ your birth and lit up your newborn body. You are unique and full ofВ light, love, kindness and strength, just like that star.
Everyone has aВ star. Each ofВ us had chosen it long before we were born, but we all forget about it the moment we come toВ this world. Every person has their own mission, their own destiny. Some are talented inВ IT and others are all into creativity, some fulfill their potential as parents and others become skilled turners at their lathes. We all are different!
But each of us is a genius, it cannot be otherwise. Everyone’s gifted, and revealing our talents is our mission.
Time flew by as you grew older. And the older you got, the more questions you asked. The little baby turned into a beautiful girl. Now it’s time to start a journey that will show you the way to your own uniqueness and talents. I’ll do my best to always be there for you and answer all your questions.
Are you ready toВ travel toВ aВ wonderland, where all dreams come true? Would you like toВ know what kind ofВ talents and powers you were born with?
OfВ course, youВ do.
My dear, you have got everything toВ become absolutely happy.
Let the journey begin!
We’re about to visit a gorgeous place. Desolate old pavements and blooming fragrant rosebushes are warmed by the first rays of the rising sun.
A beautiful place in the south of France. So tiny in our great universe…
Welcome! A wonderful, unforgettable, fun day awaits us! We’re about to dive into scents, landscapes and tales of Old Provence.
AВ tiny cozy town named Sault is going toВ be the first stop ofВ our delightful journey.
Take my hand and I’ll show you the beauty and perfection of nature. Time flows by slowly in this marvelous part of the universe. The air is filled with scents of blooming flowers and the sound of distant calling birds. The famous artist Van Gogh worked on his outstanding priceless canvases inspired by the beauty of local nature.
Take a look at the lavender fields! They’re gorgeous! Time seems to come to a sudden standstill while you’re admiring them and suddenly there’s just me and you. Freeze for a second, let the nature whisper to you. What do you hear it say?
– Have the courage to love and accept yourself just as you are.
– You are a miracle.
– You are love and light.
– You have all the potential to be strong and capable of anything.
– A world of kindness and happiness is hidden inside of you.
This fabulous place impresses with its sights, it reminds you ofВ your own genius and perfection.
All the beauty ofВ nature is enclosed within yourself. All you can see here is right inside ofВ you.
There are so many different people in the world! Color of eyes, complexion, length of hair, shape of nose, family welfare – so many criteria for judgment.
But you are not what others think ofВ you! You are so much more than that! Remember this!
Even I do not allow myself to judge you, even though I’m your mother! Never did so. So, don’t let any kind of judgment influence your self-esteem. You can listen to what people say, help them and take care about them, but stick to your own opinion of yourself and about everything around you.
It really doesn’t matter who you are, where you live and what way you choose in life. It doesn’t matter whether “good” or “bad” actions of yours prevail right now.
Understanding yourself, feeling who you are, listening toВ your heart is all that matters.
And you’ll definitely find yourself no matter what way you choose further on. It’s your way, after all, it’s unique, just as you are.
Every single life inВ this world matters, regardless ofВ whom it belongs to: aВ human, an insect or aВ plant. Every being is charged with energy ofВ life and perfection.
Provence lavender is aВ symbol ofВ local history. This unique plant is ofВ impeccable beauty and value. Some admire its beauty, some appreciate the plant for its benefits but few see the perfection ofВ lavender.
Seeing one’s own beauty and perfection might take a whole lifetime. But some people are born feeling perfect.
It’s never too late to learn that you’re special.
You’re love. You’re genius and the best version of yourself.
Love yourself, as you are the true miracle ofВ this universe.
Loving yourself is key. It’s the first step on the way to your dreams. You can afford to have all you wish only if you truly love yourself.
Lack ofВ understanding ofВ your true value leads toВ dashed hopes and disappointment.
And now, while enjoying the stunning views of the Provence, feeling absolutely happy, can you admit you dream of becoming someone absolutely incredible, smart and talented? May be even of changing the world, why not? You have the right to that and here’s why:
– you’re a genius;
– you’re talented;
– you’re unique;
– you’re perfect;
– you’re incredible;
– you’re one of a kind!
Your life is just like aВ canvas. You have got the brush toВ create it, inspired byВ the power ofВ mind! Your mind is the moving force that leads toВ revealing your talents and discovering your genius. It leads toВ your dreams!
Let’s go on and visit beautiful Mont Ventoux with Vaucluse spring located right at its feet. The peak of the mountain reveals an incredible view of Provence. But we should get moving before the sun sets.
Once there was a tree growing on top of Mont Ventoux. It was hideously crooked and small. All the other trees around were tall and beautiful. So the little ugly tree was jealous of them and dreamt of becoming gorgeous one day, too. But it wasn’t meant to happen as its roots were holding it above a deep crack in the mountains, hostile cold wind roving through its branches. The sun warmed it only at the break of dawn and would soon hide behind the cliff rushing to warm the other trees that grew down the slope. The little tree was desperate, it cursed its fate for having no chance of growing into a big and beautiful one.
The crooked path toВ the head ofВ the river Sorgue, hidden among the cliffs, was paved with pale limestone. The water was ofВ aВ peculiar emerald shade. The spring was hidden inside the grotto under the cliff.
Once, at the break of dawn, glancing down at the gorgeous valley the little tree realized that life wasn’t all that bad: the most delightful view was right in front of it! No other tree on the slope could catch even a tiny glimpse of the splendid landscape and the beautiful waterfall cascading down the giant rocks.
The tree simply wouldn’t have survived above the crack without its crooked trunk and the strong branches. The plant was so unique in its grace and its proper place!
This place charms with its extraordinary, almost surreal beauty. The power ofВ nature is impressive! It is still aВ mystery how exactly the water makes its way toВ the source ofВ the river.
According toВ an old legend, aВ fairy nymph is guarding the lake. Every spring she casts seven precious stones out ofВ the rock toВ rise the water inВ the lake.
Every single thing inВ this world is perfect and unique! Trees, lakes, rivers, countless beautiful corners ofВ the great universe!
This means each of us is unique, each of us is the one and only! But everyone is unique in one’s own way.
My sweet girl, it would be wrong toВ consider everyone else toВ be brilliant and neglect your own genius. Why would you want toВ be like someone else and not yourself? Do you feel like others are more talented that youВ are?
Wasting your life comparing yourself with others is so silly!
Let’s go down to the lake to admire the magnificence of nature. The lake is strikingly beautiful, incomparable to any other on earth.
Take aВ look at your reflection inВ its waters.
Now tell me if you know someone else on this planet with a pretty nose exactly like yours, the same expressive eyes you have got and this sweet smile of yours. All of it is very special, isn’t it? Or do you happen to know someone looking exactly like you? I don’t think so.
You are unique and you already deserve all the love.
Say, “I love myself! I love myself so much just because I exist! And I’m very special!”
Always say that toВ yourself! Never forget that! And never doubt aВ word ofВ it.
Imagine that you’re surrounded with love and care right here, at this very moment. You are loved by me and everyone dear to you. You’re absolutely happy, and you deserve the love you are given!
It doesn’t matter what circumstances you are born to and live in now. What really matters is what you think of yourself.
There will always be people who praise you and those who criticize. When you hear different opinions about yourself, you tend to divide your character into “positive” and “negative” traits. It always happens this way. Don’t waste your time struggling against it, proving anything. It doesn’t make any sense anyway.
All you can do is accept the two different ways of perception of you by others. Because that is exactly how it is with everyone! We all have both “light” and “dark” sides. This way of evaluation is quite conventional, of course. Everything in this world possesses its “dark” and “light” sides, these two are inseparable. The most evident examples are day and night, summer and winter, the sun and the moon, warm and cold, and so on. What would our life be without them? They exist as parts of our wonderful world. We shouldn’t divide these pairs because we won’t be able to appreciate the benefits of daylight without the darkness of the night. It’s clear, isn’t it?
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