Вадим Головченко "Concluding"

A number of stories with a conclusion.From the first to the last.Written by the author.His point of view.Every story.

date_range Год издания :

foundation Издательство :Издательские решения

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workspaces ISBN :9785005544117

child_care Возрастное ограничение : 18

update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023

Nearest future. Yes, IВ teach logics, as well. MY favorite

Subject. Hope and despair awaits. OfВ course. The rest doesВ not

Bother me; as such, IВ do not speak off men wiser. Hoping

InВ addition, longing the distance call. My best is always the worst.В My

Motto, speak any altitude and me. The best is kind toВ me, myself

InВ addition,В I.

InВ an event IВ have been speaking ofВ loudly as aВ person ofВ true will,

My favorite was that, the point ofВ not, my not was aВ big

Trouble, though such IВ cannot valiantly judge. At the best,В my

Friend taught me, and at the best, IВ had had been discussed. IВ then hoped

Not toВ be taking toВ the biggest event ofВ my life. IВ was left inВ a

Shining prosperity ofВ my life, as aВ puppet. No one wouldВ ever

Tell how POOL IВ was! Even now ofВ my grand defeatВ I

Never took it too long toВ leave. And this is certainlyВ the

Crassness! IВ then reversed it onto the horse riding ghastly,

Angrily and inadequately stupid. It took me aВ journey toВ arrive

ToВ the place, IВ am safe and comfortable. IВ do not hesitate toВ say

It was my home. The Sweet beloved waited for me toВ see. SheВ was

Vadim Golovchenko

Not aВ Troublesome Story

ByВ Napoleon Bonaparte


PartВ I

ChapterВ I

A judgment’s day

First, she was irrestanebly funny. ToВ what

Humorous is I don’t understand, but for god’s sake she was

Beautiful. She is not an interesting event ofВ my life, thoughВ she


IВ regret IВ have not met her before, IВ though still think

She is funny and entraining. My best view ofВ that. IВ ITU set Say.В I

Love it, and loved her. Exim was not interested much. My beauty

InВ this have taken my entire mind, ofВ all kinds and S0ItsВ of

Delicate thinking IВ was stupidly thought fun. Though greatВ of

Virtue and talent, ofВ the natural S0It, ofВ course. IВ respectВ all

Kinds ofВ humanity and treat them equally. IВ beloved the thought

ChapterВ One

Large American Adventure

Go out darkness

Today IВ woke up inВ nine morning. IВ strongly hadВ ill

AВ head, after yesterdays had aВ drink with friends.В I

Was not inВ itself, since it was reported me, thatВ I

Itself wrong was there, and was aВ not В«that fellowВ»,

Whether that. It was said me aloud oftentimes,В but

You understand, being so drunk as thoughВ will

Begin badly to consider. It was simply «badly» for

Me, and nevertheless and IВ accepted it onВ the

Personal account. InВ fact, who they such, toВ dictate

Me who and what В«goodВ» IВ must be. ThereВ was

One girl, the young is satisfied is my colleagueВ on

An office.

We worked – businesses were herein, on the

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