А. Т. Серков "Verification of M.Faraday's hypothesis on the gravitational power lines"

This electronic edition is based on a Russian-language book with the same title, published in 2015. The book is supplemented with three chapters: Magnetism of and cosmic bodies, The orbital model of a water atoms and On the problem of a unified field theory. The author's text design has been preserved.

date_range Год издания :

foundation Издательство :Издание книг ком

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child_care Возрастное ограничение : 12

update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023

Fig.1. The dependence of the orbital distances r

in the planetary system from squares of integers n

Table 2. The values of the constant k in equation (1) for the planetary system.

Similar calculations were done for the satellite systems of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. In table 3 and Fig.2 shows the data for the satellite systems of Jupiter. The system has 63 satellites. Many rely on close orbits and were therefore combined into groups. For example, in orbits with an average distance 23813в€™108 cm turns 28 satellites. All of them are given one quantum number 29.

In the system of Jupiter are 32 elite orbits, which are comparable with the planetary system, where they are 30. The constancy of the constants k observed satisfactorily for all orbits except the first two quantum numbers 2 and 3. The average value of the constants k = 28,6в€™10

cm with standard deviation of 0.3в€™10

cm excluding the first two orbits, deviations from which are outside the statistical sample. The dependence of the orbital distances in the satellite system of Jupiter is given also in Fig.2.

Graph expressing this dependence was used to determine the values of the quantum numbers n. All experimental points, expressing the satellite or group of satellites with the same orbital distances satisfactorily fit to a straight line, as required by equation (1). Each orbital distance on the ordinate corresponds to the value of n

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