Egor Rybakov "Psysuccess. Selected poems"

We are born with the idea of being happy. In youth, we dream of great achievements and successes. But over time, all this is lost and the colors of life are no longer so saturated and bright. Movements that should bring joy and delight bring only pain and suffering. Reason, which should determine our every new movement, sometimes prevents us from living and developing. In my new collection, I have included my best works dedicated to self-development and self-actualization.

date_range Год издания :

foundation Издательство :Издательские решения

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workspaces ISBN :9785005603661

child_care Возрастное ограничение : 12

update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023

Psysuccess. Selected poems
Egor Rybakov

We are born with the idea of being happy. In youth, we dream of great achievements and successes. But over time, all this is lost and the colors of life are no longer so saturated and bright. Movements that should bring joy and delight bring only pain and suffering. Reason, which should determine our every new movement, sometimes prevents us from living and developing. In my new collection, I have included my best works dedicated to self-development and self-actualization.


Selected poems

Egor Rybakov

© Egor Rybakov, 2022

ISBNВ 978-5-0056-0366-1

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

PsysuccessВ 34

Huge effort and constant training,

They will show the way, fill the desire and strength,

You can do everything without stopping

And toВ realize all the ideas and impulses ofВ the soul.

And may it seem impossible toВ you,

Only those who are prepared can create

Be bold and free inВ your thoughts

If you wish, you can master everything inВ an instant.

And every day you increase theВ load

OfВ course looking back at skill and health,

Do not be lazy and do not let despondency,

Delight will cover, like the coolness ofВ theВ sea.

And soon you will be surprised at the new, fresh forces,

ToВ your excellent mood and decisions,

From now on, the victor’s blood flows in your veins,

And you will become different: we adore and love.

PsysuccessВ 10

Don’t be afraid to do things

Find obstacles on yourВ way

Do not make concessions toВ your fate,

You will always be ahead ofВ life.

And set yourself at least small goals

Achieve forever, alwaysВ move

Get yourself out ofВ bed more often

And again aВ bright star will callВ you.

And do not be lazy, dare you constantly,

Your eternal fatigue will leave your body,

And you will wake up early inВ the morning,

Joy will soon fill your soul.

Fight and you will achieve exactly what youВ want

You get toВ know the world, you learn aВ lot about yourself,

Precious love will warm the heart

And you will begin toВ move contrary toВ fate.

The day will come, all worries will disappear

Your sorrow will go away and an eternal migraine,

And you will see happy roads ahead,

And light will become aВ cure for problems.

Fear the lies so close to the truth…

InВ the flow ofВ time and people

We live unpretentiously

And we quickly get tired ofВ ideas,

And we move slowly.

When everyone lies and promises

How toВ live, mother, tellВ me?

Friends instantly disappear

We are tired ofВ thisВ lie.

And many will probably think

If embellished, is it aВ sin,

So your opinion is veryВ bad,

Rather put aВ ban onВ it.

Lies break your families

How toВ live when the trust is gone?

As if poison irrigates the lands,

With the loss ofВ faith, family warmth will leave.

Lies break your friendship

Your friend is now aВ stranger toВ you,

And the heart will immediately plunge into the cold,

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