Danny Osipenko "The mystery of wolf’s cliff"

“The mystery of wolf’s cliff”, a new novel by Danny Osipenko, a reader favorite, is a great example of the fantasy genre. In this work unseen duels. And here the main character makes a choice between nobility and treachery.

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update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023

The mystery of wolf’s cliff
Danny Osipenko

“The mystery of wolf’s cliff”, a new novel by Danny Osipenko, a reader favorite, is a great example of the fantasy genre. In this work unseen duels. And here the main character makes a choice between nobility and treachery.

The mystery of wolf’s cliff

Danny Osipenko

© Danny Osipenko, 2022

ISBNВ 978-5-0056-1869-6

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


Large drops ofВ aВ rain persistently knocked on colored glass ofВ stained-glass windows and, breaking, slowly rolled down down, leaving indistinct marks. Black thunderclouds faced with each other, is squeezed bubbling. Occasionally the darkness ofВ the evening sky was cut byВ bright flash ofВ aВ violet-silvery lightning, and was immediately dissolved among shapeless outlines ofВ the storm clouds blackened everywhere. The booming peal ofВ aВ thunder for aВ second muffled rain knock, but, having scattered byВ hardly audible splinters ofВ an echo, slowly abated, without having left aВ mark.

The huge empty hall ofВ the temple was lit with the only candle -unquenchable icon lamp located on an altar. AВ close formation ofВ benches for parishioners cast the long shadows dancing inВ dim light ofВ an icon lamp. The thunderstorm continued toВ storm outside ofВ the temple, but inВ it there was an unusual silence.

Having inclined the head over the turned yellow, old pages ofВ the book and slowly moving lips, the hunched old man inВ aВ cassock repeated aВ prayer inВ thousand time. The storm amplified. Having timidly looked back toВ huge glass ofВ aВ stained-glass window, the Holy Father crossed, having seen the lightning which sparkled suddenly.

The silence was suddenly broken byВ loud and persistent knock ofВ the door hammer. The Holy Father took an icon lamp and, having gone down toВ the hall, hasty steps went toВ doors.

The statues which were located inВ superficial niches almost under the ceiling as if performed with each reflection ofВ aВ lightning forward, being painted inВ whitish-blue shades. Strict, ascetic faces cast them not tranquility, and it is rather an alarm therefore the Holy Father, remaining toВ spend the night inВ the temple, tried not toВ look at them, going deep into aВ prayer inВ which only saw aВ pacification and composure.

The next peal ofВ aВ thunder which was followed at once byВ several bright flashes ofВ lightnings was heard. The Holy Father lifted aВ heavy latch and slightly slightly opened aВ door.

Outside the temple aВ solid wall water flew from the sky, washing out the clay road and baring small stones. Heavy water flows rolled down aВ tile roof ofВ the temple and, being late for several moments inВ semicircular trenches, with loud murmur flew down down drains.

– The Holy Father, I can confess? – the gruffish, but at the same time thick bassy voice was heard.

InВ the next flash ofВ aВ lightning the priest saw the highlighted figure which is wrapped up inВ aВ dark long raincoat. Drops ofВ aВ rain flew down on aВ hood and shreds ofВ the confused gray hair which were beaten out from under it. The Holy Father stood aside aВ little, allowing the person into the temple and when the stranger entered, looked around and closed aВ door, having lowered aВ latch.

– What brought you into such bad weather? – the priest asked quietly.

– I need to confess … – the entered old man answered, throwing back the wet-through hood one hand back, and still holding another bent on a breast under a raincoat.

The priest specified toВ the guest towards an altar forward. Having established an icon lamp on the former place, the priest prayed and, having turned an eye on the stranger, nodded meaning that it is ready toВ listen on what the old man slightly frowned the dense become gray eyebrows and twisted lips inВ aВ grin.

The thunderstorm storming around muffled the most part ofВ the words pronounced byВ the old man who is kneeling toВ an altar but than further it moved ahead inВ the confession, especially scared was aВ look ofВ the priest. Neither it is alive, nor is dead, there was it, squeezing both hands the cross hanging on aВ neck not inВ forces toВ move.

The old man finished with the voice which weakened from aВ long monologue and, having become straight, turned the embittered eye on the priest who it is per second lit up air signs ofВ the cross. The stranger cast away toВ aВ raincoat floor aside, having bared the blood-stained breast and was wrinkled not from disgust, not from pain. Having extended forward aВ hand which still disappeared under aВ raincoat, it was slowly inclined forward, being kneeling, and inВ the next second was pushed toВ the floor. His fingers were powerlessly unclenched, having released fallen with hardly audible slap toВ aВ floor bleeding profusely, still warm heart.

The Holy Father started back back on several steps, with horror looking at the crimson spot spreading from the dead.

Suddenly the huge black clot separated from the dead old man and soared up, rushing about on the temple. It hit inВ stained-glass windows, was turned, looking for an exit. Having rushed aside, the priest fell and, clinging hands and legs toВ aВ floor, spread toВ an altar from where already managed toВ depart.

The shadow scurried about on the temple, flying about statues and hitting inВ stained-glass windows. Here it fell toВ the floor and, having found aВ door, began toВ fight convulsively inВ it. Suddenly the clot for aВ second stood absolutely unmoving. The Holy Father leafed through pages ofВ the huge book, squinting inВ the twilight ofВ the temple and trying toВ make out uneven letters ofВ the hand-written text. Suddenly joy ofВ aВ find lit up his face. Quickly moving lips, he began toВ read. The shadow at aВ door was developed and slowly went on pass between benches toВ an altar. The priest began toВ read quicker. Its shivering voice from hardly audible whisper already almost passed toВ shout. The shadow came nearer. AВ second more and it appeared at the altar, but the priest finished and now aВ broad gesture removed aВ cross inВ air.

The doors ofВ the temple were sharply opened. The priest moved back back. The shadow rushed toВ aВ door, as if something attracted. The Holy Father took aВ closer look and inВ the next reflection ofВ aВ lightning could distinguish the small casket standing on the doorstep ofВ the temple.

The shadow concerned aВ casket and inВ aВ moment was hidden inВ it. The small chest cover with loud click slammed, and suddenly everything abated.

Slow steps the priest went toВ the doors shaken here and there byВ strong wind gusts. The thunderstorm began toВ decline. The slanting rain only occasionally threw the ringing drops on aВ temple threshold, the thunder abated, only lightnings continued toВ light with violet glow the darkВ sky.

The Holy Father sat down before aВ casket and touched it byВ aВ hand, but immediately started back back, having burned. The casket slowly rose inВ air, radiating soft whitish shine and smoothly floated toВ an altar, having rounded the priest sitting on aВ floor. Having stood inВ aВ small niche, it is unknown for what the provided architect, the casket with aВ stone gnash was developed byВ aВ front part toВ an exit. Whitish blinking disappeared.

Having crossed once again and having whispered a prayer, the priest rose and immediately again stood on the place. In the strip of light reaching from an entrance for an altar something flew. As if having been delighted, the Holy Father ran out on the street and, madly looking around, looked for in the dark the flown creation…

With a powerful rustle it fell by the earth in several meters ahead. Having shuddered, the priest took several steps forward and gave him a hand…

ChapterВ 1.

The clay footpath curled between speakers ofВ boulders and powerful roots ofВ trees there and here. Winding among crooked rough trunks, the path slowly flew down downhill. Clinging toВ the seminude branches covered with the turned yellow foliage on aВ footpath the young girl slid down. Her hair poured from light brown toВ fiery red flickered inВ beams setting the sun. Having reached aВ shady tree near which the footpath sharply turned on the left, the girl for aВ second stood and deeply sighed, fascinated byВ beauty ofВ the surrounding nature. Having embraced hands aВ thick warm trunk, it slightly bent forward, inspecting the panorama which opened beforeВ it.

To the horizon the high and low, Rocky and roundish Mountains extended. The wood covering them already put on in autumn furniture, playing all paints of orange-golden shades: from citreous to scarlet and ochre, with easy impregnations reddish and cherry and brown. Below, at the foot of mountains where waves of flat hills faced, several dozen which were lop-sided from time, the turned black lodges were scattered. Huge fields spread around the village as if bald spots on the head of the sleeping giant – the primogenitor of peaked mountains which tops were covered with snow caps. Opposite to the hill from which the girl went down the sharp, Rocky Mountains with the blackened eye-sockets of the caves scattered on a steep slope rose.

Slightly farther on the left, on aВ slope ofВ the towering over the village, woody mountain, the majestic temple topped with the sharp spires piercing the sky was located. The temple was abandoned many years ago, with departure ofВ the priest from the village, but still kept the primitive beauty. The thick stone walls which were slightly showered from East side where the base ofВ the temple acted from the slope which is washed away for hundreds ofВ years byВ rains, were decorated with the reliefs which are cut out on aВ stone and harmonious columns inВ all height ofВ the building. Sharp lancet windows squinted with careful suspiciousness looked at rare guests.

Damp and cool autumn evening softly fell byВ this picturesque valley, decking it warm colors. Dim beams setting the sun did not give enough heat any more. Cold wind blew, and yellow leaves broken byВ it from native branches were turned inВ air for aВ long time, slowly falling down. It was necessary toВ hurry not toВ remain toВ spend the night on the street after all gate inВ the village are locked for the night.

The sharp movement having picked up aВ hem ofВ aВ long checkered skirt, the girl slipped down aВ footpath. The soft leather shoes altered byВ her grandmother with hardly audible rustle slid on the soft soil, reserving superficial long strips.

Having gone down toВ the foot ofВ the mountain, the girl looked back and, having distinguished under the yellow-orange arch ofВ the wood only aВ withered grass, brownish islands looking out from under aВ dense layer ofВ the fallen-down foliage and helplessly groundless roots ofВ trees which acted over the showered sandy-argillaceous slope, broke and ran towards the lop-sided lodges.

hiding among the shadows cast byВ trees which were going among fields toВ small golden islands the girl reached the village, sideways jumped through the low wattle fence which quietly creaked near at hand and immediately, having sat down on knees, stood, listening. Ahead not clear movement seemed. The girl tensely blinked the eyes.

The huge fluffy dog darted off and rushed towards toВ the girl, breaking fragile branches ofВ an undersized bush which filled the lower tier ofВ the small forest grow zarostk hiding the village from eyes ofВ the foreign observer examining the village from the hill. The girl wanted toВ jump and rush away, but the dog already soared up inВ aВ jump. The long whitish and cream wool which rolled up inВ dirty lumps on aВ belly dangled here and there at each movement ofВ aВ dog.

The huge animal pushed the girl toВ the ground, having pressed down toВ aВ wet grass the huge paws. Warm, damp and rough language joyfully concerned toВ the face skin soiled inВ road dust and dirt. From warm, dense dog wool smelled ofВ mustiness, the crude earth and fresh meat.

– Tomasz, faugh! Stop to lick me! – the girl exclaimed, trying to escape from dog paws.

The dog receded on several steps backwards, hopping on the place and wagging aВ short fluffy tail. The girl rose from the earth, shook off aВ woolen skirt and tightened more tightly aВ belt on which the warm shawl thrown shoulders and crossed byВ the ends on aВ waist was picked up. Having sat down, the girl opened the small rag bag hanging at it on aВ shoulder and got the small piece ofВ bread which remained off the road. The dog licked lips and, having inclined the huge shaggy head forward, timidly came nearer.

The girl stretched toВ aВ dog aВ piece ofВ bread, having started fingers inВ dense wool on aВ dog nape. The gray crumbs ofВ bread showered on the earth immediately razmokat, merging with aВ grass.

The girl rose and, having clicked aВ dog, ran through aВ coppice, protecting aВ face hands from biting blows ofВ branches. AВ dog, having opened aВ mouth and with the tongue hanging out from which saliva dripped, followed the hostess, clumsily breaking dry branches.

On the huge field located to the right of the village the herd of sheep seemed. The girl for a second stood, peering. Here, at last, she could distinguish the shepherd – the gray-haired old man who is wrapped up in a sheepskin vest from under which once bright red shirt which is broken off on a collar looked out.

– Hi, Miloš! – loudly the girl shouted, having waved here and there is high over the head.

The old man some time absent-mindedly looked around, trying toВ find eyes shouting, then, at last, noticed the girl standing near the road through aВ coppice.

– Hi, Ilina! You already… – cried out the old man slightly shivering, but still thick and pleasant deep voice.

But the girl did not hear it any more. With aВ force having pulled hard on aВ heavy shutter, it opened the wooden gate separating the village from surrounding it water.

Here in the village enclosed with a high paling the strong log houses connected to the yards and sheds were located. The girl slipped to one of narrow streets laid in a narrow gleam between houses. Here even on sunny days the twilight reigned – high houses did not pass light in tiny back streets.

Having left several houses behind, the girl curtailed toВ the right and inВ aВ few minutes it appeared at aВ fence ofВ the old two-storeyed lodge standing aВ little alone. Having run aВ hand over aВ native gate, she sighed. Yes, these houses built byВ her great-grandfathers were built for ages.

Having called up aВ dog, the girl pushed aВ hand inВ aВ narrow crack near aВ gate. The latch clicked. Having opened aВ door, Ilina waited until the dog steps into the familiar narrow footpath conducting toВ the house and will reach the doghouse under aВ porch, then closed aВ door, having thrown with aВ heavy iron hook aВ gate loop, and passed after aВ dog.

Tomasz, having half leaned out ofВ the doghouse inВ which there was not enough place for his huge body, clamped the powerful paws aВ dirty brain bone and with visible pleasure tried toВ get toВ the core ofВ it toВ reach at last delicious marrow. Having climbed creaking steps, the girl several times punched at aВ door and, expecting until it is let inВ the house, looked back. On aВ small kitchen garden two obstrizhenny lambs imposingly walked about, and on aВ low small fence near the shed the sheep skin removed obviously, since morning was dried. Fat black flies aВ swarm flew up from aВ skin when the crow attracted with aВ smell ofВ blood clapped the black-gray wings too close.

The girl with astonishment raised eyebrows, looking at aВ skin.

– Ilina! – was distributed suddenly from the opened door.

The girl did not manage toВ come round as something heavy hung at her on aВ neck and began toВ pull down.

– More carefully, more carefully, Taleyta! The sister off the road … – the dryish low voice was distributed from the house.

Ilina was carefully released from embraces ofВ average height ofВ the thin girl with long black as aВ resin, the hair braided toВ the thick spit. Having departed on couple ofВ steps, she from legs toВ the head inspected the sister and again rushed toВ it, strong embracing. Girls loudly laughed loudly, being turned on the place and pulling each other clothes. At last, having got over that Ilina again ofВ house, both slowly dispersed inВ the parties. Ilina took aВ step toВ darkness ofВ the house and is constrained bowed. The gray-haired woman inВ aВ heavy bluish dress stood, having put hands on aВ breast and smiling.

– Hello, grandmother, – Ilina told, entering the house.

– How are you? How did reach? Lost weight … – the old woman whispered, – You sold? Was enough…

– I sold everything that was, – Ilina told, having smiled, and having bent, got a small rag purse from a bag and stretched it to the old woman.

The woman opened aВ purse and counted money. Taleyta curiously listened attentively toВ aВ conversation, blinking big brown eyes.

– But here…

– Yes, it is more, than had to be, – Ilina confirmed.

– From where? – the old woman asked.

– I bypassed the mountain – strongly washed out the road, and there was not to pass – and came across the swamp. And there on each hummock of a cranberry – multitudes! – Ilina began to tell, drawing in air the swamp and hummocks with a cranberry, – Yes such berries large – about nut the size!

Taleyta loudly grinned, and the old woman only slightly smiled to such story by the granddaughter. But Ilina still remembered the huge red berries sourish on taste which she ate throughout all road to the city, and then sold the remains on a market…

– All right, change clothes also for dinner, – the grandmother ordered.

– Did you pin up a ram? – asked Ilin, – What for?

On it the old woman only turned back and darted a meaningful glance at the girl. Ilina understood that money which she brought from the city last time already ended, and the old woman had to borrow from Grigor again…

Ilina, having frowned, climbed aВ shaky ladder on the second floor and, having thrown off from itself the dress covered with aВ layer ofВ the dried-up clay, put it near aВ shawl on aВ bed then she changed clothes and went down.

Taleyta already sat at a small wooden table in a small room where the food was cooked, and giggled. Red-haired Ilina joyfully sighed, having inspected a kitchenette. At once to the left of the entrance aperture drawn by the curtain which became thinner from time there was a rectangular table with five chairs which are moved up closely to it – three for owners and two for guests, bouquets of dried herbs from which made tea, all also hung over a table, extending sweetish and spicy aroma, on the right – the brownish furnace put from clay bricks. Having looked at the furnace, Ilina sighed again – the bricks crumbling places would need to be replaced long ago, but whether it is worth thinking of it when money is hardly enough for food.

Ilina removed one ofВ chairs and sat down directly opposite toВ aВ small window from which toВ the room dim light flew. The old woman lit aВ splinter and put it on aВ table inВ aВ small clay pot. Ilina looked at the oranzhevaty circle ofВ light rejected on aВ ceiling byВ the burning splinter.

– You are welcome to all we have, – the old woman told, putting before granddaughters on a table two bowls with mutton soup, – there is no bread yet…

– How many did you borrow, the grandmother? – suddenly Ilina asked.

– It does not matter, – the woman responded.

– Has! – the girl exclaimed, having sharply jumped because of a table, – I need to know as far as we can postpone a wedding…

– And it here at what? – Taleyta asked, and her cheeks slightly reddened.

– I do not wish that my sister … – Ilina choking with nervousness, – I… I will not give her to this old man!

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