Danny Osipenko "The Black Book of Souls"

If you want to know what hell is, what it looks like, and what awaits you, then you are welcome. This is a new book by Danny Osipenko, which will tell you the terrible secrets…

date_range Год издания :

foundation Издательство :Издательские решения

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workspaces ISBN :9785005618788

child_care Возрастное ограничение : 18

update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023

Having learned that IВ am aВ virgin, the adventurer lit up the idea toВ immediately turn me into the real man. And toВ make it, according toВ her, followed on the deck inВ the rain and wind, during aВ storm that both ofВ us remembered these moments forever.

IВ tremblingly inВ soul agreed. Who could oppose toВ aВ pressure ofВ the charming beauty?

Soon we settled on aВ rostrum where we immediately undressed and carried out aВ reckless plan.

Hardly IВ comprehended aВ word meaning the man as inВ aВ board the crazy wave struck, and IВ appeared inВ the middle ofВ the storming ocean. Without sandals and trousers. InВ only one next-to-skin silk shirt.

Fortunately, together with me overboard washed away aВ keg thanks toВ which IВ held on till morning ofВ the next day when IВ was noticed byВ fishermen.

They demanded toВ give all valuable toВ gratitude for rescue or toВ jump back inВ water.

IВ left aВ gold ring ofВ the scientist, silver earrings ofВ the university and aВ shirt instead ofВ which IВ received aВ rag toВ tie on hips. It was succeeded toВ keep only the sign ofВ the calligrapher after IВ proved that the feather bronze and is only covered with aВ thin layer ofВ silver.

InВ the evening ofВ the same day IВ inВ one loincloth was landed inВ port ofВ the city ofВ the Comprehensive insurance located on Lush island that inВ the western part ofВ the Archipelago ofВ Thousands ofВ Islands.

At the beginning IВ thought that IВ will not be gone and IВ will be able easily toВ support myself the skill, and also toВ find out more about chasteners, but very quickly my opinion changed and now IВ stood on the market suffering from hunger and fear toВ appear toВ be sold inВ slavery.

Four blows ofВ aВ gong meaning that there came midday rangВ out.

IВ hissed for rage on own nonsense. It was necessary toВ move off inВ searches ofВ the shelter half an hour ago, but hunger forced toВ forget about care, and the danger toВ appear byВ galleys over me hung.

Every instant was on the account, and IВ rushed off toВ the next gate, inВ hope that policemen though will aВ little be late. According toВ city ragamuffins, it quite often happened at local peace officers because ofВ addiction toВ aВ merop, incredibly strong home brew which was served inВ the next tavern. Certainly policemen drank free ofВ charge and inВ all usedВ it.

«Though they would be taken before porosyachy squeal today and did not reach,» – I dreamed, maneuvring in crowd that anybody not to face and, thus, not to lose precious moments.

Alas gods did not hear my prayers. Soon IВ toВ the horror made out two policemen who leaned against aВ shutter ofВ gate and short copies stopped the visitors ofВ the market wishing toВ leave for examination. Two couples more moved toВ the opposite directions and checked all counter.

Everyone lashit inВ the childhood received aВ magic bracelet which confirmed his nationality and which did not leave all life. On lack ofВ similar ornament which could not be forged the guards found visitors at once, and nobody managed toВ hide inВ crowd. Also it was necessary or toВ buy freedom for one day or toВ go toВ slavery.

IВ was developed and rushed off toВ opposite gate though the hope was scanty, but what IВ needed toВ do?

Very quickly IВ made sure that IВ was late again. This exit from the market square was blocked more reliably than aВ throat ofВ aВ wine bottle byВ aВ corn stopper.

IВ stopped, greedy swallowing ofВ air, and tried toВ think what toВ do?

Through gate not toВ break, policemen though tipsy, but know business and local with pleasure will help toВ catch the stranger as here call all visitors. ToВ hide inВ broad daylight inВ the market will not leave. The local rags with pleasure will give out for aВ reward. ToВ get over through the wall surrounding the market, inВ two human growth, it is necessary toВ be the spiderman, but not the clerk.

IВ grabbed with the shivering hand aВ medallion. Really IВ should sellВ it?

ToВ leave the sign ofВ the top skills which IВ received inВ eighteen years, having become the youngest master ofВ aВ calligraphy inВ the history ofВ the university, it seemed inconceivable. But how still toВ escape from slavery?

The feeling was such as if IВ intended toВ sell the past, aВ part ofВ the soul, and inside as if everything stood and became empty.

With the eyes full ofВ tears IВ removed aВ medallion and started turning the head, finding the dealer inВ jewelry. But instead ofВ the jeweler saw the cart with barrels which just stopped at the wall. Gods heard my prayers!

IВ immediately got aВ medallion and rushed forward, hoping toВ jump inВ no time aВ wall, but could not make toВ aВ step.

Thick hairy fingers aВ grip ofВ steel seized my shoulder.


IВ moved toВ run, but could not escape and byВ inertia was developed.

Faced me low, but strong, the man, with aВ cold glance ofВ the murderer and aВ jaw ofВ aВ bulldog. The stranger crookedly grinned several moments, perhaps, enjoying my confusion, and then unexpectedly squeaky asked:

– Do you want to Shrat?

– To me at first to eat, – I blurted out, having been taken aback from a similar question.

The interlocutor blinked one eye, inclined the head sideways and filtered:

– And I what I sprashivat? To Shrat, I speak, you want?

The stomach responded painful spasms, and IВ vigorously began toВ nod, confirming for fidelity with words:

– Yes, yes. Of course. Very much I want.

– Then went. At me for you put esht.

The big guy squeezed my elbow aВ grip ofВ steel and dragged through crowd toВ gate, explaining on theВ run:

– Shonut me goshpodin the Pin. I am a person uvashayemy and spravedlivy. You to a napravd it is so dexterous to Ashley to peep you wave as hvashtat – you will be at me as Scheer in the mashl. Both food, and binge, and a lodging for the night, and girls, a vsha will be. Do the main thing that a shkasha, and to a sprosh – cheshtno answer.

He became silent for an instant as if he thought, and then continued:

– You, for example, how klinut?

– Lance, – I answered, without seeing the reasons to hide.

– Well, Lansh. Sheychas we will approach gate and I will talk highway lyagavy. You not vmeshivayshya, be silent. Got that?

– Of course. But why you call policemen lyagavy?

– Therefore that lyagavy they and esht lyagavy. But only in a muzzle so do not speak to them – will bungle. Got that?

IВ nodded, with aВ shiver inВ soul observing as four observers come nearer, suffering from aВ heat inВ aВ leather armor.

Perhaps IВ inВ vain trusted inВ the stranger whose face did not command respect at all. But unless IВ had an exit?

Though, as well as any novice, IВ passed self-defense lessons inВ the monastery, but without special diligence and toВ escape from aВ grip ofВ steel ofВ hands ofВ the Pin, without drawing general attention, IВ had no slightest opportunity. Besides there were no strong reasons not toВ trust the stranger, it is not excluded toВ him my services are really necessary.

However the easiest way toВ bring me from the market was toВ hand me aВ copper coin that IВ could pay policemen. The pin ofВ it did not make, and IВ begged toВ gods that it was not the bastard who wants toВ hand over me toВ guards for aВ reward.

But inВ aВ moment IВ straightened out myself. It is impossible toВ think badly ofВ the person only because he lashit. All ofВ them cannot be bastards?

The hairy finger ofВ the policeman roughly stuck me into aВ stomach, the swelled-up physiognomy dokhnut the reek ofВ alcohol.

– Hand!

IВ stretched forward the left brush on which certainly there was no trace ofВ the allowing press also.

– Pay! – the chubby palm revealed before me.

I licked the dried-up lips and translated a look on the satellite which immediately peeped, taking the observer’s hand aside:

– This is my slave.

IВ shuddered and opened aВ mouth toВ be indignant, but the Pin hardly considerably winked at me, having squeezed aВ hand slightly stronger, and IВ kept silent. The cunning can doВ it?

The policeman raised eyebrows, slightly led the head and muttered:

– And where collar?

– Did not ushpet to put on. Just bought this freeloader.

– Pokazh bill of sale.

– So the document is just corrected.

The defender ofВ law and order crookedly grinned and stretched toВ the Pin aВ dirty palm:

– Violation. Pay a penalty or you will go to cold, and your slave will ring out on galleys.

– So I speak, the bill of sale is shoshtryapat just about, – my employer became stubborn.

– Violation! – the policeman growled, lifting peak which tip rested against a breast of my satellite. Other policemen directed weapon to us too.

– Shkolko? – my satellite was given.

– Silver.

– Yes well, what the hell for! – the Pin moved. – Shovest have!

– Resistance to the authorities?! – the observer bellowed suddenly, splashing saliva.

Seeing that the situation is heated IВ outright strukhnut: suddenly yes my satellite has no money for aВ penalty?

The imagination obligingly painted a picture seen once: emaciated oarsmen, sitting up to ankles in own excrements, overstraining, pull very heavy oars, on the backs covered with blood whips the supervisor’s scourge. Cold tentacles of despair squeezed heart.

But here inВ aВ hand ofВ the policeman there was aВ silver coin, and observers moved further, having splashed me on aВ hand the press and having strictly punished slaves without collar and the bill ofВ sale on the city from now on not toВ drive.

– Thanks, – I blurted out, feeling sincere gratitude to the person who saved me from an unenviable fate.

Now on my hand the press which guaranteed one more day ofВ free life flaunted, without need toВ run away and hide.

It turned out, IВ absolutely inВ vain doubted the employer and now was ready toВ fail with shame. It is impossible toВ think ofВ the stranger badly only because he lashit. For certain among them there are many kind and decent people, and the bastards who were coming across toВ me still can be an exception. Also IВ faced them because ofВ bad luck which pursues me since the beginning ofВ aВ travel.

InВ response toВ my gratitude the Pin sighed and muttered:

– Yes what there. We are, izveshtno, the people generous yes sympathetic. In a trouble of the good person not broshy. – and, angrily having spitted out, added: – Do you Vit what bastards-lyagavye create? Wanted to shekonomit copper coin, so heated on sherebryany… Have you ever seen anything like it for a trifle to tear up such penalty? And to shalovatsya uselessly. You will go to a shotnik so also lashes you will receive.

– Maybe it was worth giving me a copper coin for otkupny? – I sounded a recent thought.

My satellite only hemmed:

– Look razmechtalshya! The pocket is wider than Dersha. We, lashita, from time immemorial, the people trustful and proshtodushny, and therefore vshyaky easy riders, oshobenno from voshtochny oshtrov, strive to obshulit ours eternally. But we such podlosht know long ago and therefore to anyone proshto so we do not trust. You dokash of a shperv that the person doshtoyny – then another story will be. And that I will give you a coin, and you to the lane and remember as called. Highway of what I to trust you dolshen?

– But I did not deceive in anything you, – I answered it is lost.

– How much to me the nobility, – the Pin blinked the eyes. – You shkazat that good pishar, I believed and even sherebryany on you did not play pranks. Also promised to feed, and did not see your work. Suddenly you shulik also write as a ram with a hoof?

– No, mister Shtyr, I really the calligrapher of the top skills what tells this medallion in the form of a bird’s feather about. Believe, you will not be disappointed with my work and I promise you that I will work everything the money spent for me to the last copper coin.

– Good of an eshla so, – my employer smiled. – Let’s go to a tavern. There you to me shvy ishkushtvo also pokasht and sing at the same time.

– You will not be disappointed, – I murmured, swallowing of saliva which filled a mouth at a mention of food.

Before eyes immediately there was aВ dish with the fried pig covered with aВ crisp inВ hot sweet-sour sauce. My nose felt aВ heavy scent ofВ juicy pork, language and the sky taste ofВ gentle fat meat.

The stomach responded painful spasms, and IВ strained all will driving away aВ persuasive image, but is alas ineffectual.

Aromas ofВ food began toВ tease me for dozens ofВ steps from aВ tavern. And, hardly IВ crossed aВ threshold, struck with such force that the head began toВ spin, the mouth was overflowed with saliva, inВ aВ stomach loudly zaburchat, and knees were turnedВ in.

– You fix, Lansh, – the Pin hemmed, seating me at the next table and added: – You Sid, and I poyesht yes to drink a sprasha.

With these words my satellite went toВ aВ traktirny rack.

IВ did not begin toВ monitor its negotiations with the bearded fat man, and lowered aВ look and began toВ meditate on aВ mantra Chorus toВ distract from thoughts ofВ food. And though, instead ofВ the lowest rune shining gold before eyes the fried pig steadily appeared, IВ continued attempts, my satellite did not returnВ yet.

– Obed Shkoro will be. For now pokashi shvy mashtershtvo. Whether shrya hvashtat, – the big guy squeaked, stretching me the sheet of cheap parchment, blackened a goose quill and a bubble.

Completely different IВ wanted toВ be engaged, but this person saved me from guards inВ the market, was going toВ feed and offered work. Therefore IВ decided toВ show everything what it is capable of. And not only from appreciation, but also inВ hope toВ get hold ofВ money. And inВ similar cases it is important toВ make aВ good impression at once.

IВ moved up parchment, dipped aВ feather inВ ink and asked:

– What to write?

The pin for an instant thought, and then offered:

– Write a tavern nashvaniye: Shareny Shrimp.

IВ nodded and earned byВ aВ feather.

Ink was the cheapest ofВ davleny berries ofВ aВ chernushka, the parchment wrinkled and uneven, with traces ofВ roughly remote text, aВ feather absolutely unsuitable for the thin letter. But, IВ did not pay attention toВ it and soon showed toВ the Pin the required text written byВ eighteen fonts known toВ me.

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