Natasha Dol "Mermaid Silena’s adventures. Fairy tales"

Time passed, Silena grew up and after school she entered the Maritime Pacific University at the research department «Human Impact on the Marine Environment». She liked this topic very much, and the story of shipwrecks was told by a very interesting catfish with a big gray mustache, and this catfish was a witness to none of these wrecks. Therefore, she especially adored this subject. Som and his students visited one sunken ship.

date_range Год издания :

foundation Издательство :Издательские решения

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workspaces ISBN :9785005630827

child_care Возрастное ограничение : 12

update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023

Mermaid Silena’s adventures. Fairy tales
Natalia Kozlova

Natasha Dol

Galina Dol

Time passed, Silena grew up and after school she entered the Maritime Pacific University at the research department В«Human Impact on the Marine EnvironmentВ». She liked this topic very much, and the story of shipwrecks was told by a very interesting catfish with a big gray mustache, and this catfish was a witness to none of these wrecks. Therefore, she especially adored this subject. Som and his students visited one sunken ship.

Mermaid Silena’s adventures

Fairy tales

Natasha Dol

Galina Dol

Natalia Kozlova

Translator Natasha Dol

© Natasha Dol, 2022

© Galina Dol, 2022

© Natalia Kozlova, 2022

© Natasha Dol, translation, 2022

ISBNВ 978-5-0056-3082-7

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Mermaid and Witch

InВ the very blue-blue deep sea, somewhere inВ the ocean, at the very bottom, where the human footprint did not penetrate, among the small uninhabited islands, at an immeasurable depth, there lived the princess mermaid Silena with her dad and mom inВ their underwater kingdom. And there were palaces ofВ pearls ofВ indescribable beauty, coral parks and gardens, between which they scurried, flocks ofВ the most beautiful fish, sea creatures walked, colliding with other marine exotic animals, where mermaid children rode with laughter on carousels ofВ sea horses. Starfish were dazzling and shimmering with bright colors. And all this beauty was completed byВ majestic thousand-year-old algae, swaying on the waves and letting inВ diffused sunlight. Pranksters swimming beetles occasionally disturbed the calm tranquility ofВ the underwater kingdom, and at night, mirror fish illuminated the streets with their polished sides.

Not far from the palace stood a three-story coral school, where the little mermaid studied. The first floor was pink, the second was red, and the top floor was made of dead white coral, where high school students studied. In this school, noble pikes and salmon were taught and they were ruled by a big blue shark, a mischievous but fair aunt. One-eyed flounder was in charge of the locker room and constantly watched from under the quiet, as if someone didn’t steal someone else’s coat. The mermaids giggled over her that she did not have time with her one side to keep track of all the pranks of the little pranksters.

The most respected and intelligent teacher, almost the only one who was respected byВ all the students, was the elderly singer Mary, who taught them toВ sing opera serinade. And her favorite student was Princess Silena, whose voice was simply mesmerizing with its subtlety and penetration into the soul, which is why many classmates envied her and plotted against her. InВ addition, she was more beautiful than all ofВ them, even her sisters and girlfriends.

Our little mermaid was a very affectionate and talented girl, with a kind heart, unquestioningly obeying her parents. Her father, the water king, loved her very much, spoiled her and even adored her, but her beautiful mother was cold to her daughter. She didn’t treat her badly, but she wasn’t particularly fond of her either. And from early childhood, the little mermaid did not see attention and care from her.

The princess was already inВ high school, but she did not like toВ swim toВ school, because her peers envied her beauty and intelligence, and how they could over bullied her, showered her with ridicule and did not want toВ be friends with her, after all, they were also princesses and marquises. And there was aВ reason toВ envy her: silk long golden curls that fell toВ her heels, languid emerald eyes with aВ hypnotizing look, which her girlfriends feared and envied at the same time, and her eyes simply put the boys into aВ stupor. Her smooth graceful movements and her gentle iridescent voice sent goosebumps through the body.

Envy sometimes reached the point that the little mermaid was punished and put inВ aВ corner for pampering and for things that she did not do: inВ aВ lesson at aВ teacher, behind her back, secretly, the students threw small shells and pebbles, and when aВ strict madam turned gloomily, at the poor the little mermaid was pointed byВ the finger.

But our little mermaid silently endured everything patiently and did not even complain toВ her parents. And now the princess was tired ofВ sitting at school and enduring injustice, which she often began toВ skip classes. And she did not tell anyone inВ the water kingdom what was happening toВ her. She swims all day long with fish, and inВ the evening she sails home. She lived inВ her inner world. Wherever she has not been and has seen aВ lot ofВ outlandish things. But even here her pursuers did not let up. Not only at lessons and breaks, but also after lessons, they tried toВ catch up with her and pull her braids, but Silena swam faster everyone and no one could catch up with her. Only during the lessons she was vulnerable, and outside ofВ school their attempts almost always culminated inВ failure. It irritated them even more.

And then one day, fleeing another persecution, she swam so far away that she did not notice how she found herself too far from familiar places and penetrated into the territory ofВ the black-black pool ofВ aВ distant enchanted black kingdom, where the evil witch lived, whom everyone was so afraid of, that did not even dare and close approach her domain.

The little mermaid is so entangled inВ sticky nets placed instead ofВ aВ fence. And the more she tried toВ get out ofВ them, the more entangled she became. Thick cobwebs tightly entangled her body and, like aВ fish inВ nets, she wept inВ despair and began toВ call for help. And what did she see? AВ terrible witch swam up toВ her, all black, and huge fangs stuck out behind thick lips, and tangled hair developed angrily inВ dark waves. The little mermaid heard the most terrible things about her from grandmothers and nannies, what aВ Baba Yaga she is, an evil and strong sorceress. She spares no one. If someone falls into her clutches, she will not let anyone go and will not spare. But strangely, the mermaid was not afraid ofВ her and stopped crying: the old woman is like an old woman, well, aВ little ugly, but not everyone can be beautiful.

– No, – thought Silena, – she is not the same as she was described to me.

And the witch, grabbing her byВ the hand, dragged the mermaid into the very depths ofВ her gloomy palace. And even the strange light ofВ the burning torches was black, as if smoking the air. But oddly enough, the little mermaid could see inВ this mist. And black the gleams on the wall seemed toВ be telling her something.

The witch was already preparing toВ lay down and tear the girl toВ pieces on her glossy black round table with her sharp claws, as sharp as sharpened knives. She was already preparing toВ release her claws inВ order toВ snatch the girl from the nets and scratch her, but suddenly looked intoВ her

emerald eyes and the hand itself trembled and hovered over her. Something is wrong.

The witch was furious and screamed:

– Who are you?! Why did you come here?! – even greater indignation seized the witch, that she was simply shaking with anger at herself: – I don’t spare anyone, why can’t I kill you?! I do not understand!

And she threw it away from her, swept her off the table with her hard, dirty scales, tail.

The Little Mermaid lay on the floor, rubbing her bruised spots. The witch gritted her teeth, looking sideways at her, and barked:

– Okay, live… stay with me for now. I’ll think until morning and decide what to do with you.

She slammed the heavy door and locked the little mermaid alone. All night she had aВ strange mermaid smell under her nose. Having calmed down aВ little and thought, she began toВ understand that it was this strange-familiar smell that stopped her hand raised above the victim.

It seemed as if her heart softened. And she recalled how, aВ few minutes ago, she carefully released the mermaid from the nets and kept moving her nose, saying:

– I smell a familiar scent.

Now the witch tossed about the bed inВ thought:

– Where did I feel it, why does it seem familiar to me? – she wondered, biting her lips and moving her eyes, as if looking for an answer in the dark corners covered with cobwebs.

InВ the meantime, the little mermaid unraveled and pulled off the stinking, all smelling ofВ mud, net and began toВ slowly, leisurely examine the dark room with aВ faint reflection ofВ rare flickering torches. Black reflections ofВ fish skeletons played inВ the window, gloomy eels flickered back and forth, and other trophies obtained byВ this terrible witch hung on the walls. And Silena thought toВ herself:

– How sloppy this witch is, and there is no one to clean up here. I looked around again: it would be necessary to clean up here. In the corner stood a witch’s kelp broom. And in the hands of the little mermaid the broom danced.

After removing a bunch of excess debris, the girl wiped the sweat from her forehead and smiled contentedly: it’s better that way.

All night the witch sat without aВ wink ofВ eyes and puzzled over what was happening, but did not decide what toВ do with the mermaid. She flung open the door feverishly, and, floating into the room, was struck byВ the unusual order ofВ her room. The cobwebs inВ the corners disappeared and nothing superfluous interfered with its swimming.

The witch was pleasantly surprised: it even became more convenient. And when she glanced at the mermaid, she said:

– I don’t know what will happen next, but for now I leave you and do not allow you to swim outside of my kingdom. And now it’s time to go around my domain. Every morning I make a tour of my kingdom.

Follow me and listen carefully toВ everything IВ say.

And the witch swam forward, showing the girl huge black coral gardens, between which floats the same gloomy black octopuses, which, looking at the stranger, bared their mouths, bristled their tentacles, wanting toВ suck and burn her. The little mermaid deftly glided between the witch and the octopuses and dodged these enemies. After her, they let out their blue-black bile. And the sea serpents also hissed and grinned, and the witch hissed back at them:

– This is my ward, do not dare to touch her without my knowledge and permission.

And, grabbing the girl by the hand, she dragged her into her black, terrible palace, and many offended fish remained behind, snapping their teeth and straightening to bite off the little mermaid’s tail for this. But the witch threatened her finger and they retreated. Black octopuses moved their tentacles and created a terrible sight, but the mermaid was not afraid of them. The witch dragged her along and said:

– And now I’ll show you my most hidden magical place. I’m also a witch, for your information.

And the little mermaid only had time toВ think toВ herself:

– And I already guessed about it. This is something I know well.

And so, sailing toВ the huge black, half-blown glossy

the lotus, on the sides ofВ which stood huge, heavily growling moray eels with wide-open mouths, with aВ grin ofВ sharp teeth inВ three rows, the witch revived.

– Now is the time when my lotus blossoms and we can go inside.

Once inside, swimming after the witch, the little mermaid was amazed. ByВ the edges ofВ the round bottomless room, lined with black iridescent pearls, shimmered with aВ spinning, huge diamond.

– This is the focus of my power. I liked you and I will not eat you, I will teach you witchcraft. You can turn into anyone you want, even into a person, and stay with me. You will become my successor, because I feel in you some kind of native force, a powerful attraction. I can’t let you go. I will send a seahorse with the news to your father that in a month I will let you go.

– Well, let it be your way, – said the little mermaid. – Only I want to see the king-father at least occasionally.

But the witch shook her head:

– I have a secret that I will reveal to you. I cannot leave my domain. There is another unknown force that does not allow me to leave my kingdom. And then you will be my guide. Now I can’t let you go. I’ll let you go later, but I won’t promise anything now. Not right now. Every day I will teach you my various magical wisdom and at the end of the path I will give you a magical scepter, and all your desires will come true while it is in your hands. I will teach you to read witch books.

And the witch continued, pointing toВ aВ huge translucent stone:

– This diamond can show the past and the future.

– What about the real one?

– What do you really need? – she yelled.

– Daddy is probably worried about me, isn’t he?” I didn’t come home yesterday.

– I told you I can’t let you go now. I will send the seahorse as a messenger. Your time will come.

– I’m very worried about my dad, – Silena almost whimpered.

The witch grunted and dragged her byВ the hand toВ the diamond, waved her tail and the diamond sparkled with aВ grayish light. And the little mermaid saw her father. He worried about her, gathered his retinue inВ search ofВ her. Everyone inВ the kingdom was alarmed.

– Oh, what calf tenderness, – the witch barked. – You looked, your father is alive and well, and that’s enough for you!

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