Наталья Рябова "Mate in 1 move"

This book is a checkmate in 1 move. It uses various motives: a checkmate on the last line, a checkmate using a pin and a double check. For coaches and a wide range of chess fans.

date_range Год издания :

foundation Издательство :Издательские решения

person Автор :

workspaces ISBN :9785005934635

child_care Возрастное ограничение : 6

update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023

Mate inВ 1В move
Наталья Рябова

This book is a checkmate in 1 move. It uses various motives: a checkmate on the last line, a checkmate using a pin and a double check. For coaches and a wide range of chess fans.

Mate inВ 1В move

Наталья Рябова

© Наталья Рябова, 2022

ISBNВ 978-5-0059-3463-5

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


As you know, the goal of the game of chess is to checkmate the opponent’s king. Therefore, the ability to quickly and correctly find a mating move is very important for a chess player of any level. The value of such a skill increases especially in the conditions of rapid or blitz games, where it is important to quickly make the right decisions. Your attention is invited to a collection of tasks for a checkmate in 1 move. It is recommended to solve them without placing the pieces on the board, in writing. The correctness of the solutions can be checked in the «Answers» section. Checkmate problems are presented on various topics: a mate on the last line, a checkmate using a pin or using a double check. Despite the simplicity of these tasks, their solution will benefit chess players of any level of play.




3.В Rf8#

4.В Rb8#

5.В Rh8#

6.В Rg7#

7.В Ra8#

8.В Rb7#

9.В Ra1#



12. Rdg7#

13. R1b6#

14. Ra8#

15. Rh7#

16. Rf8#

17. Rf7#

18. Rc7#

19. Rh7#

20. Ra8#

21. Re5#

22. Ra7#

23. Rc5#

24. Rh5#

25. Rc8#

26. ..Rd1#



29.В  Re8#



32. Rh8#

33. Rd8#

34. Rd8#

35. Rh8#

36. Re8#

37. Ra6#

38. Rf6#

39. Ra8#

40. Rc4#

41. Rg5#

42. Rf8#

43. Re8#

44. Rh5#

45. Rf3#

46. Rf8#

47.В  Ra8#

48. Bb5#

49. Bd6#

50. Re8#

51. Ra5#


53. Nf6#

54. Rc7#

55. fg#

56. ..Rg3#

57. Nb6#

58. Ng3#

59. Ng6#

60. Nf7#

61. Nf7#

62. Nc7#

63. Nd6# or Nf6#

64. Nf6#

65. Nh6#

66. Nd6#

67. Nf7#

68. .Nd3#

69.В  Ne7#

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