ISBN :Возрастное ограничение : 16
Дата обновления : 14.06.2023
What would be closer toВ you.
And feel inВ theirВ arms
You live though.
– However, my dear, in life there is no me.
IВ live inВ dreams inВ love withВ you.
Finding aВ living, you loveВ her,
How will you be happy toВ dateВ me?!
IВ believe you willВ come
Come back toВ life.
You will lead me away into the world ofВ myth
And sing live songs.
– I, my dear, will not come to life.
IВ will come toВ you inВ my dreams.
What are you striving for, there IВ go?
What inВ life should not come true!
How IВ love the pigtail hair newness.
With aВ splash ofВ the sea comparable eyes.
InВ the foam ofВ the waves, IВ recognize turquoise,
InВ the play ofВ light rays.
Everything is beautiful inВ you.
Proud toВ become.
And when you turn your face toВ me,
With the “request” the best for me to be.
But spite because fate gaveВ me
Stupid role toВ play this life.
For the smallest offense, on the “block” chasing,
They only execute…
After all, lucky, there are some.
Average, so be it, others.
Still others fight heroesВ akin
And leaves, beating, the sick.
That’s the way the whole world is alive.
That successful scroll more often.
All are pop up Hero,
The one that beats for happiness…
Girl’s eyes
Two pools were looking atВ me,
As the sky gave blue.
And then rays went down,
Capturing sparkles.
And already eyes with sparkling light.
Warmth and beauty discovered.
So, inВ the spring with greetings,
IВ gave aВ smile toВ your eyes.
Hung branches maple,
Burns like heat, foliage.
And arises beforeВ me,
Drops the rain slender ringing.
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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