Юлия Сергеевна Усова ""


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update Дата обновления : 16.07.2023


Phinnemore D. The treaty of Lisbon. Origins and negotiation. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. 317 p.


O’Neil M. The Politics of the European Integration. N-Y: Routledge, 1996. 338 p.


Moravcsik A. The Choice for Europe: Social Purpose and State Power from Messina to Maastricht. London: Routledge, 1998. 515 p.


European Integrations Theory // ed. A. Wiener, T. Diez. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. 346 p.


Moravcsik A. The Choice for Europe: Social Purpose and State Power from Messina to Maastricht. London: Routledge, 1998. 515 p.


European integration from Rome to Berlin: 1957 – 2007 // ed. Julio Baquero Cruz, Carlos Closa Montero. Bruxelles: P.I.A. – Peter Lang S. A., 2009. 286 p.


European Union Enlargement // ed. Neill Nugent. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. 328 p.


Cowley Ph., Garry J. The British Conservative Party and Europe: The Choosing of John Major // British Journal of Political Science – Volume 28 – Issue 03 – July 1998, 473-499 P.; Hix S., Noury A., Roland G. Power to the Parties: Cohesion and Competition in the European Parliament, 1979-2001 // British Journal of Political Science – Volume 35 – Issue 02 – April 2005, 209-234 P.; Neunreither K. The European Union in Nice: A Minimalist Approach to a Historic Challenge // Government and Opposition – Volume 36 – Issue 02 – April 2001, 184-208 P.; Teaside A. L. The Politics of the 1999 European Elections // Government and Opposition – Volume 34 – Issue 04 – October 1999, 435-455 P.; Turner J. The British Conservative Party in the Twentieth Century: from Beginning to End? // Contemporary European History – Volume 8 – Issue 02 – July 1999, 275-287 P.; Usherwood S. Opposition to the European Union in the UK: The Dilemma of Public Opinion and Party Management // Government and Opposition – Volume 37 – Issue 02 – April 2002, 211-230 P.;


House of Commons. Parliamentary Debates. London: Hansard, 1990. 30.10.1990, Vol. 178, Col. 869 – 892.


House of Commons. Parliamentary Debates. London: Hansard, 1990. 30.10.1990, Vol. 178, Col. 870.


House of Commons. Parliamentary Debates. London: Hansard, 1990. 07.03.1990, Vol. 168, Col. 52.


House of Commons. Parliamentary Debates. London: Hansard, 1990. 06.12.1990, Vol. 182, Col. 475 – 553.

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