ISBN :Возрастное ограничение : 12
Дата обновления : 19.04.2024
«d rather… —
It’s time… —
If … —
7 Kudjo can see only one option now- he’ll follow the bats alone.
«d rather… —
It’s time… —
If … —
8 Luna doesn’t want to let him go without her.
«d rather… —
It’s time… —
If … —
9 Finally, Kudjo has made up his mind to go there on his own.
«d rather… —
It’s time… —
If … —
Fill the gaps in the story with missing words:
Kudjo said ***** to Luna and gestured for the bats to start flying. They flew up immediately and moved very slowly and so low that nearly parted Kudjo’s hair. It looked uncanny. A cloud of ***** and a running ***** under the screen of night. Kudjo had been following the bats for ***** minutes when suddenly he felt somebody else running behind him. He stopped, turned around and sighed with relief. It was Luna. She got scared stiff when she was ***** alone and decided that she would be safer with Kudjo in the middle of nowhere than running alone to her *****.
Kudjo felt relieved of a great weight to see Luna. If she had run on her own to her parents’ house, he’d have worried a lot.
The cloud of bats was circling around impatiently over their *****. Their screeching sounds were getting louder and louder and their ***** were fluttering faster and faster. The dogs realised that they were very ***** to the place the bats wanted them to see. The bats were gesturing for them «It’s high time we continued». Kudjo and Luna yipped with agreement and ***** after the cloud of bats.
(to be continued)
Find and correct 17 mistakes in the sentences:
1 Ten minutes later they ran to a weird place. If they wouldn’t have seen it with their own eyes they wouldn’t believed that such a place could be so close to their country house.
2 It looked as if spring didn’t come there yet. They could still see snow here while everywhere around the trees and grass are turning green.
3 Suddenly the dogs felt that something changed. Luna and Kudjo turned around and didn’t see any bats. They vanished into thin air.
4 Kudjo and Luna turned out to be in the middle of nowhere without any help and support. If they wouldn’t have believed the bats, they would have already came home.
5 What would you done if you had been them? Would you had tried to find the way home or would you continued exploring the place?
6 Of course, Luna would rather Kudjo find the way back home, but Kudjo thinks it’s about time they find the answers to all their questions in this particular place.
7 They checked every stone, every bush and every tree, but hadn’t found anything special.
8 They couldn’t understand why the bats wanted them to come here.
9 If the bats can speak Doggish or Kudjo and Luna can speak Battish, everything would be much simpler.
Choose the correct option:
1 It’s high time they ***** back home.
a come
b came
c would come
2 Luna’s parents would rather Luna and Kudjo ***** at home now.
a were
b are
c would be
3 They ***** more worried if they ***** where Luna is now.
a will be / know
b would be / would know
c would be / knew
4 Luna would rather ***** at home in her bed now, But not in this weird place.
a be
b would be
c is
5 If they ***** those bats, ***** them, they ***** this night in their warm and soft beds.
a wouldn’t have believed / wouldn’t have followed / had spent
b hadn’t believed / hadn’t followed / would have spent
c didn’t believe / didn’t follow / would spend
6 Luna started whimpering and Kudjo decided to go back home. But he didn’t remember the way they ***** here.
a had come
b came
c have come
7 If he ***** the bats but had run on his own, he would definitely ***** the way here.
a wouldn’t have followed / had remembered
b hadn’t followed / remembered
c hadn’t followed / have remembered
8 While Kudjo ***** to find the way back, Luna ***** and running around him.
a had been trying / had been still whining
b was trying / was still whining
c tried / was still whining
9 Suddenly she ***** whining and started digging out something very fast.
a stopped
b had stopped
c would stop
Translate the story:
Куджо подбежал к ней и увидел, что она раскапывает какой-то небольшой холмик, покрытый зеленой травой и желтыми цветочками мать-и-мачехи. Это было так удивительно видеть кусочек весны посреди зимы. Странно, почему они раньше не заметили этот бугорок? Если было бы светлее, когда они прибежали на это место, они бы, наверное, его сразу увидели. Давно было бы им пора вернуться домой и они не стали терять время на раздумья и оба принялись раскапывать этот холмик. Если он отличается так сильно от всего этого места, значит, там что-то есть особенное. Что-то, что привело их сюда. Что-то, что летучие мыши хотели, чтобы они нашли.
Луна вдруг взвизгнула, потому что ее лапа наткнулась на что-то твердое и теплое. Она расчистила это место получше и собаки увидели квадратную кожаную коробку, которая, действительно, была очень теплой на ощупь. Как только Луна положила на нее свою лапу, коробка медленно открылась сама. Внутри ничего не было. Только какая-то квадратная выемка на самом дне. Куджо и Луна вздохнули разочарованно, закрыли коробку и побежали домой со всех лап. Самое странное было то, что сейчас они четко знали, куда бежать и где их дом. Им давно бы уже пора сидеть дома и получать нагоняй от родителей Луны.
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