ISBN :Возрастное ограничение : 18
Дата обновления : 10.03.2025
R. Sapolsky, "Stress and the Brain: Individual Variability and the Inverted-U," Nature Neuroscience 25 (2015): 1344.
Влияние стресса и гормонов стресса на миндалину: J. Rosenkranz, E. Venheim & M. Padival, "Chronic Stress Causes Amygdala Hyperexcitability in Rodents," Biological Psychiatry 67 (2010): 1128; S. Duvarci & D. Pare, "Glucocorticoids Enhance the Excitability of Principal Basolateral Amygdala Neurons," Journal of Neuroscience 27 (2007) 4482; A. Kavushansky & G. Richter-Levin, "Effects of Stress and Corticosterone on Activity and Plasticity in the Amygdala," Journal of Neuroscience Research 84 (2006): 1580; P. Rodriguez Manzanares et al., "Previous Stress Facilitates Fear Memory, Attenuates GABAergic Inhibition, and Increases Synaptic Plasticity in the Rat Basolateral Amygdala," Journal of Neuroscience 25 (2005): 8725.
Влияние стресса и гормонов стресса на взаимодействие между миндалиной и гиппокампом: A. Kavushansky et al., "Activity and Plasticity in the CA1, the Dentate Gyrus, and the Amygdala Following Controllable Versus Uncontrollable Water Stress," Hippocampus 16 (2006): 35; H. Lakshminarasimhan & S. Chattarji, "Stress Leads to Contrasting Effects on the Levels of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor in the Hippocampus and Amygdala," Public Library of Science One 7 (2012): e30481; S. Ghosh, T. Laxmi & S. Chattarji, "Functional Connectivity from the Amygdala to the Hippocampus Grows Stronger after Stress," Journal of Neuroscience 33 (2013): 7234.
Влияние стресса и гормонов стресса на поведение: S. Preston et al., "Effects of Anticipatory Stress on Decision-Making in a Gambling Task," Behavioral Neuroscience 121 (2007): 257; P. Putman et al., "Exogenous Cortisol Acutely Influences Motivated Decision Making in Healthy Young Men," Psychopharmacology 208 (2010): 257; P. Putman, E. Hermans & J. van Honk, "Cortisol Administration Acutely Reduces Threat-Selective Spatial Attention in Healthy Young Men," Physiology and Behavior 99 (2010): 294; K. Starcke et al., "Anticipatory Stress Influences Decision Making under Explicit Risk Conditions," Behavioral Neuroscience 122 (2008): 1352.
Половые различия и эффекты стресса/гормонов стресса: R. van den Bos, M. Harteveld & H. Stoop, "Stress and Decision-Making in Humans: Performance Is Related to Cortisol Reactivity, Albeit Differently in Men and Women," Psychoneuroendocrinology 34 (2009): 1449; N. Lighthall, M. Mather & M. Gorlick, "Acute Stress Increases Sex Differences in Risk Seeking in the Balloon Analogue Risk Task," Public Library of Science One 4 (2009): e6002; N. Lighthall et al., "Gender Differences in Reward-Related Decision Processing under Stress," Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 7 (2012): 476.
Влияние стресса и гормонов стресса на агрессию: D. Hayden-Hixson & C. Ferris, "Steroid-Specific Regulation of Agonistic Responding in the Anterior Hypothalamus of Male Hamsters," Physiology and Behavior 50 (1991): 793; A. Poole & P. Brain, "Effects of Adrenalectomy and Treatments with ACTH and Glucocorticoids on Isolation-Induced Aggressive Behavior in Male Albino Mice," Progress in Brain Research 41 (1974): 465; E. Mikics, B. Barsy & J. Haller, "The Effect of Glucocorticoids on Aggressiveness in Established Colonies of Rats," Psychoneuroendocrinology 32 (2007): 160; R. B?hnke et al., "Exogenous Cortisol Enhances Aggressive Behavior in Females, but Not in Males," Psychoneuroendocrinology 35 (2010): 1034; K. Bertsch et al., "Exogenous Cortisol Facilitates Responses to Social Threat under High Provocation," Hormones and Behavior 59 (2011): 428.
Влияние стресса и гормонов стресса на принятие решений морального характера: K. Starcke, C. Polzer & O. Wolf, "Does Everyday Stress Alter Moral Decision-Making?," Psychoneuroendocrinology 36 (2011): 210; F. Youssef, K. Dookeeram & V. Basdeo, "Stress Alters Personal Moral Decision Making," Psychoneuroendocrinology 37 (2012): 491.
Больше по этой теме в книге Р. Сапольски «Биология добра и зла», в главе 4.
К сноске: Большая история (повторного) открытия нейрогенеза у взрослых, см.: M. Specter, "How the Songs of Canaries Upset a Fundamental Principle of Science," New Yorker, July 23, 2001.
Поведенческие следствия нейрогенеза у взрослых: G. Kempermann, "What Is Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis Good For?," Frontiers of Neuroscience 16 (2022), doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2022.852680; Y. Li, Y. Luo & Z. Chen, "Hypothalamic Modulation of Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis in Mice Confers Activity-Dependent Regulation of Memory and Anxiety-Like Behavior," Nature Neuroscience 25 (2022): 630; D. Seib et al., "Hippocampal Neurogenesis Promotes Preference for Future Rewards," Molecular Psychiatry 26 (2021): 6317; C. Anacker et al., "Hippocampal Neurogenesis Confers Stress Resilience by Inhibiting the Ventral Dentate Gyrus," Nature 559 (2018): 98.
Кроме всего прочего, опыт влияет еще и на рождение тех самых, менее бросающихся в глаза, глиальных клеток в мозге взрослых людей: A. Delgado et al., "Release of Stem Cells from Quiescence Reveals Gliogenic Domains in the Adult Mouse Brain," Science 372 (2021): 1205.
Дискуссия о том, в какой степени происходит нейрогенез у взрослых людей: S. Sorrells et al., "Human Hippocampal Neurogenesis Drops Sharply in Children to Undetectable Levels in Adults," Nature 555 (2018): 377. Противоположное мнение: M. Baldrini et al., "Human Hippocampal Neurogenesis Persists throughout Aging," Cell Stem Cell 22 (2018): 589. Статья с аналогичной точкой зрения: G. Kempermann, F. Gage & L. Aigner, "Human Neurogenesis: Evidence and Remaining Questions," Cell Stem Cell 23 (2018): 25. Голос в пользу революционеров: S. Ranade, "Single-Nucleus Sequencing Finds No Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis in Humans," Nature Neuroscience 25 (2022): 2.
R. Hamilton et al., "Alexia for Braille Following Filateral Occipital Stroke in an Early Blind Woman," Neuroreport 11 (2000): 237; E. Striem-Amit et al., "Reading with Sounds: Sensory Substitution Selectively Activates the Visual Word Form Area in the Blind," Neuron 76 (2012): 640; A. Pascual-Leone, "Reorganization of Cortical Motor Outputs in the Acquisition of New Motor Skills," in Recent Advances in Clinical Neurophysiology, ed. J. Kinura & H. Shibasaki (Elsevier Science, 1996), pp. 304–8.
S. Rodrigues, J. LeDoux & R. Sapolsky, "The Influence of Stress Hormones on Fear Circuitry," Annual Review of Neuroscience 32 (2009): 289.
Общий обзор см.: B. Leuner and E. Gould, "Structural Plasticity and Hippocampal Function," Annual Review of Psychology 61 (2010): 111.
Влияние стресса на структуру гиппокампа: A. Magarinos & B. McEwen, "Stress-Induced Atrophy of Apical Dendrites of Hippocampal CA3c Neurons: Involvement of Glucocorticoid Secretion and Excitatory Amino Acid Receptors," Neuroscience 69 (1995): 89; A. Magarinos et al., "Chronic Psychosocial Stress Causes Apical Dendritic Atrophy of Hippocampal CA3 Pyramidal Neurons in Subordinate Tree Shrews," Journal of Neuroscience 16 (1996): 3534; B. Eadie, V. Redila & B. Christie, "Voluntary Exercise Alters the Cytoarchitecture of the Adult Dentate Gyrus by Increasing Cellular Proliferation, Dendritic Complexity, and Spine Density," Journal of Comparative Neurology 486 (2005): 39; A. Vyas et al., "Chronic Stress Induces Contrasting Patterns of Dendritic Remodeling in Hippocampal and Amygdaloid Neurons," Journal of Neuroscience 22 (2002): 6810.
Нейропластичность, имеющая отношение к депрессии: P. Videbach & B. Revnkilde, "Hippocampal Volume and Depression: A Meta-analysis of MRI Studies," American Journal of Psychiatry 161 (2004): 1957; L. Gerritsen et al., "Childhood Maltreatment Modifies the Relationship of Depression with Hippocampal Volume," Psychological Medicine 45 (2015): 3517.
Влияние физической активности и сенсорной стимуляции на нейропластичность: J. Firth et al., "Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Hippocampal Volume in Humans: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis," Neuroimage 166 (2018): 230; G. Clemenson, W. Deng & F. Gage, "Environmental Enrichment and Neurogenesis: From Mice to Humans," Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 4 (2015): 56.
Эстроген и нейропластичность: B. McEwen, "Estrogen Actions throughout the Brain," Recent Progress in Hormone Research 57 (2002): 357; N. Lisofsky et al., "Hippocampal Volume and Functional Connectivity Changes during the Female Menstrual Cycle," Neuroimage 118 (2015): 154; K. Albert et al., "Estrogen Enhances Hippocampal Gray-Matter Volume in Young and Older Postmenopausal Women: A Prospective Dose-Response Study," Neurobiology of Aging 56 (2017): 1.
N. Brebe et al., "Pair-Bonding, Fatherhood, and the Role of Testosterone: A Meta-analytic Review," Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 98 (2019): 221; Y. Ulrich-Lai et al., "Chronic Stress Induces Adrenal Hyperplasia and Hypertrophy in a Subregion-Specific Manner," American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism 291 (2006): E965.
J. Foster, "Modulating Brain Function with Microbiota," Science 376 (2022): 936; J. Cryan & S. Mazmanian, "Microbiota-Brain Axis: Context and Causality," Science 376 (2022): 938. Также см.: C. Chu et al., "The Microbiota Regulate Neuronal Function and Fear Extinction Learning," Nature 574 (2019): 543. Отличный пример того, как события предыдущих недель или месяцев безотчетно меняют поведение, см.: S. Mousa, "Building Social Cohesion between Christians and Muslims through Soccer in Post-ISIS Iraq," Science 369 (2020): 866. В целях эксперимента футбольные команды одной из лиг были составлены либо исключительно из игроков-христиан, либо из игроков двух разных религий (при этом сами игроки не знали, что так было задумано в рамках исследования). Проведя игровой сезон в компании мусульман, игроки-христиане проявляли гораздо больше симпатии к своим мусульманским товарищам по команде, не меняя при этом явно выраженного отношения к мусульманам.
Больше по этой теме в книге Р. Сапольски «Биология добра и зла», в главе 5.
A. Caballero, R. Granbeerg & K. Tseng, "Mechanisms Contributing to Prefrontal Cortex Maturation during Adolescence," Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 70 (2016): 4; K. Delevich et al., "Coming of Age in the Frontal Cortex: The Role of Puberty in Cortical Maturation," Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 118 (2021): 64. Хроническое нарушение сна у мышей-подростков изменяет работу дофаминовой системы вознаграждения во взрослой жизни, и не в лучшую сторону; другими словами, наши мамы были правы, когда призывали нас не поддаваться подростковой тяге не спать по ночам: W. Bian et al., "Adolescent Sleep Shapes Social Novelty Preference in Mice," Nature Neuroscience 25 (2022): 912.
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