ISBN :Возрастное ограничение : 18
Дата обновления : 14.06.2023
The Night was. The Prairie night was. There was Riverside campfire. The nightly bird flies as soon as must the name. Owl howls amid the lakes calm breathing at night. It seems that hear the realm ofВ sleep so white. AВ Wild prairie owl slowly drags the prey. And now brightens the morning awoke it was early day. The Morning was mist over river aВ boy dragged the anchor. And fish was slowly, inВ circles are float, are the splash at dawn its marker. AВ fisherman on the boat floated, He throw done the lure. Ah! The long-awaited prey already has been near aВ boat, the nets aВ fisherman was with aВ triumphant cry lets toВ removes aВ fish with aВ hook. He carries aВ fish inВ the boat, toВ show his friends almost He is aВ dashing young man and his carp is handsome inВ aВ dance.
The moon over the patch
The Moon over the patch ofВ Light
floated inВ the calm Sky there
and stopped inВ black night,
Creates the silver toВ spilt inВ Sea meter.
The bird talks were inВ the silent
The birds talk is inВ the silent.
Snow covered forests and fields.
The January ofВ wintersВ lend
Dressed up within clothesВ his.
The wondrous blonds Whether
Dissolves her shuttersВ land
And creates up on all the windows It isВ bell
The painted frost it rids.
The White snow fallen on the ground
And covered all IВ so on the fields.
We descend from the hill boldly meets
And strip from the sled behinds.
AВ frost was blowing for strong cooling hands
It rids the nose and my cheeks.
The Merry winter is circling, is laughing as outdoors.
AВ white Blizzard flew again the train toВ works.
InВ the starry sky, the moon is rising
With the magic dreams.
This is the radiant country,
This is the first tale as aВ winter real-ship.
The wind is scooped up snow,
ToВ piling snows on the threshold
And toВ the fairy-townВ tale
Was waking up inВ this snow.
There were having
On the bushes aВ lot ofВ snowy clothes as aВ wall.
AВ mischievousВ snow
Was closed all ofВ bridges.
White-winged SylphsВ were
Pick up aВ fabulous arrow
And here soundВ was,
As like is aВ longest song for people.
The sky eternalВ way
Lumps ofВ aВ snowВ were
On the tree branches trades aВ white.
AВ Father Frost makes silvery trees
So was quickly today per night.
First hoar lied per night
On the Way toВ all fields.
But winter will not always
And We will meet.
The life nature faded nowВ it.
It will rise at the right time quick.
The sky’s eternal Way is
Always leads us byВ the hand aВ week.
The mountain’s man, once day,
Abandoned hisВ cave
And went, toВ look theВ Way,
Where sway the flying breeze aВ moveВ has.
Light spilt dark fetters within,
The lunar wintry coast,
That you’re maybe a lost.
Man, inВ loads cavil space
Forgot, with this, the griefs.
He went out inВ Stars World,
Which is very busy lot forgot?
The flying singly sounds
Where it is snowmen
Was warmed his around.
Why creates the snowfall
Why does creates the June the snowfall?
Maybe does it the silvery moon’s flowers?
And maybe does it the cloud over the garden
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