C. Zueva "The poetry of spring"

This one is the diary of notebook ones by the self- study room’s table Catherine Zueva international The poetry of spring.

date_range Год издания :

foundation Издательство :Издательские решения

person Автор :

workspaces ISBN :9785005382764

child_care Возрастное ограничение : 18

update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023

Descends from the celestial heights.

And maybe does it ofВ falling starsВ rain

Was scattered over the greenest fields?

The shine is ofВ the flying silvery Snowman

Eclipsed the sparkle ofВ every-days.


The flower lover

The slope shrouded at the shaggy grass.

The water was riding white.

Into the heavy, nasty times,

InВ silence, IВ remember Your sight.

Do not toВ search me do YouВ not.

IВ want toВ always be inВ the shade.

I’m, like the flower waterfall’s,

Which someone picked up toВ air.


Some flowers are growing in the mountains, that bloom in summer and winter times. I’m sure, it is a lot of lonely dinosauro-prime, the them crowd, are going to the mine.

And I’m watching as tired waves, when you were listening the wind’s talk. I might have to look to your image again. I might have to together bird’s flocks’ mud.


IВ watch the movement inВ theВ sky

IВ watch the movement inВ the sky. This is the storm blew toВ the face. AВ wind carries old centuries time forever, toВ the skies space.

Already aВ white snow did fall on the hills inВ the copse fluffy snows are on every branch and the light shine inВ every home.


The grandmother

Only then colours are filled the day, when I see you – my Grandmother Anne.

When you’re with me, for all my Way, in the winter, flowers blooming a man.

Your eyes are full ofВ the goodness, which is given toВ just yourВ one.

As the Moon aВ rise inВ the darkness, so is your gentle brown eyes are shine.

Your eyes are lovely gentle glowing, incise the eternal love are moving.


The bright sun is inВ the winter

The bright Sun is inВ the winter.

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