Edouard Pervushkin "The Principles of Health. Introduction. October 2018"

Dear friends!I would like to share my happiness with you! My first book on health is finally out. In simple words I explain a scientific approach to recovery! Otherwise you can be treated endlessly, wasting time, nerves, energy and finances…We will analyze obvious questions and receive specific answers.

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The Principles ofВ Health. Introduction. OctoberВ 2018
Edouard Pervushkin

Dear friends!I would like to share my happiness with you! My first book on health is finally out. In simple words I explain a scientific approach to recovery! Otherwise you can be treated endlessly, wasting time, nerves, energy and finances…We will analyze obvious questions and receive specific answers.

Edouard Pervushkin

The Principles ofВ Health. Introduction. OctoberВ 2018

© Edouard Pervushkin, 2021

ISBNВ 978-5-0053-1682-0

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Pervushkin Edouard Sergeevich

The Principles ofВ Health. Introduction

Dedicated to those who have already understood that to create a happy life you have to take responsibility for every moment of your life…

В В В В Dear Friends!

InВ my healing practice IВ often see that people are confused and intimidated byВ conflicting information about health.

IВ decided toВ make things clear and explain well-known information about diseases, symptoms and health.

This book contains aВ simple explanation ofВ physiology and neurophysiology for better understanding the essence ofВ body processes. If this information seems too basic toВ someone, you can turn toВ scientific sources and enjoy the academic language.

Dear friends!

I would like to share my happiness with you! My first book on health is finally out. In simple words I explain a scientific approach to recovery! Otherwise you can be treated endlessly, wasting time, nerves, energy and finances…

We will analyze obvious questions and receive specific answers. From this book you will learn:

– what is health;

– why sensations are so important;

– we recall a role of the neurophysiological chain STRESS – BRAIN – PHYSIOLOGY – SYMPTOM;

– why symptoms and inflammation are good;

– why germs are our friends;

– what is a health matrix;

– what are the principles of health;

– why doctor’s personality is important;

– how to build the strategy and tactics of recovery;

– how symptoms and Love related to each other;

– why osteopathy is effective;

– what is necessary for residency training of osteopaths;

– what is the meaning of a STRESS-BRAIN link and personal work;

– how fast health will come;

– what to think about antibiotics;

– what to think about homeopathy;

– what are effects of information;

– the significance of the patient’s personal Strength;

– how knowledge of principles works in a specific situation;

– the roles of partners in the family and how to build a happy relationship in a couple.

The principles ofВ health

Health is aВ simple matter because it is specific. For high quality treatment it is absolutely necessary toВ understand this specificity. IВ like one definition ofВ health: it is aВ feeling ofВ physical and mental well-being. If aВ knee or lower back hurts, but according toВ the results ofВ aВ medical examination everything is fine, hardly anyone would say that this person is healthy. If the physical condition is good, but the person is stressed (for example, troubles at work, aВ quarrel with aВ friend, etc.), this is hardly looks like aВ good state ofВ health.

So feelings are the most accurate indicator. Feelings are very important. Only they can tell us what is good for us and what is not. Whether it’s food, clothing, other people or life circumstances, only feelings keep us in touch with reality. Imagine you put your hand into boiling water. Pain as a symptom reports a problem. Then you can do something to rectify the situation. If there is no pain, your hand will suffer severe damage and, possibly, die with the owner. The same approach applies to the virtual «boiling water», which lives solely in thought.

I often meet people who are divided from their feelings, that is, from reality. Sometimes people are so «in the head» (immersed in the mental, in thoughts), so stressed, so not in contact with themselves, that they don’t feel even the basic needs of thirst and hunger.

Some people may not drink water at all! Some even believe that tea, juice or beverages fill the need for water. This is not true! Our body perceives as food everything that has flavor, color or smell. Physiologists say that the need for water for an adult is about 3—4 liters per day. Remember, up to 60% of the human adult body is water! Water plays an important role in life of an organism. What kind of health can we talk about if one of its most important components is missing?!

Some people have lunch only because it’s time for lunch, not because they need it. Some can’t even feel what they would like to eat. But these feelings directly indicate the needs of the body in specific substances!

What to say about more subtle feelings? These feelings can be considered as a direct dialogue with the world! You don’t need to learn it, we already know how. You should only listen to yourself and then no one will confuse you and convince that white is black. You just need to stop fussing, to abate the Ego (a frightened intellect, crammed with the experience of the past, which exists only in the head), to trust your true Self (someday I will write in detail what I know about layers of information) and discover beauty, simplicity and complexity of the World! The more subtle are the sensations, the more surprising will be the findings…

Then you may be be surprised that some people say you are too much inВ the clouds. Those are people whose mind is more limited than yours and they certainly soaring inВ fantasies. You may be surprised at what you see. Sometimes it can hurt, sometimes it can delight with irreality and subtle interrelations. It is unlikely that you would want toВ turn aВ blind eye, like your advisers do, toВ the constant colds ofВ your child or toВ your husband who has an affair, preferring toВ assume that everything is fine.

They look like elementary school students who have become familiar with four rules ofВ arithmetic and now feel themselves like В«kingsВ». Sometimes they В«feelВ» it so much that are ready toВ give advice toВ high school students on solving algebra problems.

It may look ridiculous. For example, parents of a child with autism claim that there is no stressful atmosphere in the family, but during a difficult work with the child they asked each other three times to leave the office. But if everything is fine – as we remember, it’s all about feelings – then there is nothing to change. Impossible to convince persons who think that everything is OK. You can only highlight a problem and, perhaps, they will pay attention to it. Maybe they’ll even think, observe, feel, analyze. Perhaps someday they’ll feel dissatisfaction with the existing order of things or decide to change something. Until then, they may complain of pain in the knee, a tumor in the intestines, an ill child, unfortunate family or financial relationships, but won’t change anything in their life, looking for a magic pill. And when suffering will become unbearable, they’ll seek the Path to happiness. All above emphasizes that to have a symptom is good, that it points to an area where the person deviated from the Path.

Therefore, it is important to remember that before any business there should be a plan. Initially we plan something, then take some actions and get an appropriate result (PLAN – ACTION – RESULT). It doesn’t matter if a plan is conscious or unconscious. Epigenetics claim that in the conscious state we spend 1—4% of our lifetime, the rest is in the unconscious. Sprained ankle, cancer in the liver, constipation, road accident – all of it is a result of the actualization of your plan.

There is an expression, «All diseases come from nerves.» Neurophysiology vividly confirms this. The STRESS – NERVOUS SYSTEM – PHYSIOLOGY – SYMPTOM chain is known to everyone.

Stress for a person is a purely individual situation. You certainly noticed that different people relate to the same situation in completely different ways, sometimes in the opposite way. The problem is not in the situation, but in people’s feelings about it, with what colors they paint the situation.

This indwelling in the situation has an extremely practical meaning. Depending on feelings presented in the conflict, a specific area of the brain will be damaged. Dr. Hamer researched these connections on head MRI and created «a scientific table of new medicine» (as he called it). This table surprisingly repeats and complements the information we see in traditional Chinese medicine texts on metaphysics of diseases. For example, several people were fired: one will experience devaluation («I don’t feel valuable»), damage to the cerebral relay in the white matter of the brain and impaired locomotor system; another may experience a loss of his or her territory with damage to the cerebral relay in the gray matter of the right hemisphere and to the arteries of the heart. Someone may feel shame which triggers the development of melanoma, and someone might say: «Oh, I dreamed for a long time to try new things!» and there will be no problems.

In addition, in biology there is no question of time. It doesn’t matter if the tragedy occurred 3 days ago, 3 years ago, 33 years ago or even in the life of the grandfather (transgenerational conflicts can last through generations). Ask the person: «What happened on June 26, 1997?» And she’ll say: «Nothing special, it was summer.» But if a tragedy occurred in her life, she’ll say: «It was morning, pink curtains moving on the window, we quarreled with my husband, he slapped me in the face. Even now, after 19 years, I feel my left cheek burn.» A conflict continues to live in the system.

The brain sends aВ signal toВ the nervous, vascular, endocrine and other systems ofВ the body how toВ work inВ new conditions. Physiology is changing, adapting toВ new requirements. Simplifying physiological processes, we can say: it is aВ blood supply disturbance. Anyone knows that if there is aВ normal flow ofВ arterial blood and outflow ofВ venous blood and lymphatic fluid, normal metabolic processes occur, and there is no room for diseases.

Pathological processes develop when physiology is overloaded with stress and tensions, which cause disturbances inВ the brain and blood circulation. Symptoms appear. AВ symptom (whether it is aВ body temperature rising, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, pain inВ the abdomen or inВ the right foot, tumor inВ the liver, decreased hemoglobin) reports on aВ physiological disturbance, damage toВ aВ specific area ofВ the brain (or several areas inВ case ofВ several symptoms) and specific stress. Even if it is aВ burn or aВ fracture, what may seem like an accident is an unknown pattern.

OfВ course, it is necessary toВ understand the phases ofВ the disease. Dr.В Hamer calls them the В«coldВ» and В«hotВ» phases. InВ the parlance ofВ neurophysiology, it is an activity ofВ the sympathetic division ofВ the autonomic nervous system (sympathicotonia) and the parasympathetic division ofВ the ANS (vagotonia). Anyone, even without medical education, understands that when you run away from the bear there will be one kind ofВ reactions inВ the body, and after that, inВ the safety ofВ aВ cave, completely different ones.

Knowing the phases of the disease makes it clear why inflammation is good. Inflammation means a beginning of the recovery, an influx of fluids into the damaged area, including arterial blood. Therefore, we feel pain, see redness of the area, edema, swelling, increased local and general body temperature, impaired segment function (it is necessary to immobilize the area for healing). Let’s say, an athlete ran more than usual and got stress: his legs hurt and increase in volume, it hurts to move, muscle palpation is painful. It all means a recovery process with inflammation. Or a hand fell into boiling water – stress; then a hand swells – recovery is in progress. Or someone got into a situation that «smells bad», and nasal congestion appears (as when you get into a smoke-filled room, a protective reaction arises, nasal congestion). Or a person wants to slow down the development of the situation and gets arthritis of the knee joints. Inflammation always goes with the participation of microbes.

There are problems in understanding the role of microbes. It is believed that microbes are unhealthy for people. But let’s think about it… We have quite a lot of cells in our body, about 50 trillion. But microbes are 10 times more. It’s clear that we coexist, helping each other. The immune system controls their activity. The activity of the immune system, like any other, is under control of the nervous system. Microbes live inside us and around us in myriads.

Some people say: «I have a weak immune system, so I often catch a cold.» Let’s think about this common phrase… and look around. People with a weak immune system don’t get sick, they die, for example, from AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). Therefore, when we see symptoms of infection, it means that the nervous and immune systems are working hard. When they work in the normal mode, we feel good. When microbes are active it is important to understand their role. First of all, remember what medical students read in their textbooks on microbiology: for development of microbes there should be a suitable environment (conditions) in the body. But microbes don’t form this suitable environment.

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