Almaz Braev "Maidan in Asia. Kazakhs and Arabs"

Maidan in Asia resembles a nomad campaign. The same motives. It is only interesting why the Maidan of the Kazakhs was ten years behind the Maidan of the Arabs – the same nomadic Sunnis. Kazakhs have rebuilt themselves perfectly, they have learned everything, according to the level of professional and scientific, they could quite arrogantly look at “backward Africa”. Such a rapid restructuring could happen precisely from stress. Is the high reflection of the Kazakhs the reason?

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Maidan inВ Asia. Kazakhs and Arabs
Almaz Braev

Maidan in Asia resembles a nomad campaign. The same motives. It is only interesting why the Maidan of the Kazakhs was ten years behind the Maidan of the Arabs – the same nomadic Sunnis. Kazakhs have rebuilt themselves perfectly, they have learned everything, according to the level of professional and scientific, they could quite arrogantly look at “backward Africa”. Such a rapid restructuring could happen precisely from stress. Is the high reflection of the Kazakhs the reason?

Maidan inВ Asia

Kazakhs and Arabs

Almaz Braev

© Almaz Braev, 2022

ISBNВ 978-5-0056-8309-0

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


Why is there no orange revolution in Russia and Kazakhstan, or at least no excitement? Many people have asked this question.

The Arabs had revolutions. There have been several coups inВ Kyrgyzstan. There are several revolutions inВ Ukraine. But inВ Russia, Kazakhstan does not. Autocrat Nazarbayev ruled the state the most after the collapse ofВ the USSR. Few people noticed that Russia and Kazakhstan used toВ be part ofВ the Golden Horde. And what kind ofВ democracy can there be inВ the Horde?

That was the simplest answer. It’s the Horde! «You don’t have the spirit. But we are great!» – So concluded the Ukrainian poetess in the famous «We will never be brothers» regarding Russian conservatism.

And inВ January 2022, unrest occurred inВ Kazakhstan. The performance began inВ the constantly restless west for the Kazakhs. Officials have raised prices for liquefied natural gas. And it caused outrage among the people. Although, they say that the price ofВ gas is just aВ trigger ofВ accumulated Kazakh problems during the permanent rule ofВ the same ruler.

In the Maghreb, the Arabs had exactly the same situation. People are tired of the permanent rule of local dictators. Ben Ali, Gaddafi, Mubarak, Boumediene, Assad, and so on. Mubarak ruled for thirty years, Gaddafi ruled for forty years. The Assad clan rules Syria almost indefinitely. The same problem is everywhere in Asia – nepotism, and tribalism.

How do the Kazakhs differ from the Arabs ofВ the Maghreb? And why were they ten years behind the Arabs? This book gives the answer. What are the Kazakhs similar toВ the Arabs and what is the difference?

ChapterВ 1

Don’t trust the nomads. On the example of the Arab Spring

В«Privilege is the greatest enemy ofВ law.В»

Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

Since 2010, the Arab world has been gripped by the "Arab Spring" – a series of anti-government protests, uprisings, armed uprisings. All Arab countries have moved to one degree or another.  Why are the Arabs themselves, and not Iranians or Turks or even Azerbaijanis?

Because the Maghreb countries are located closer to Europe.

If you don't look at the map, you can see that the Mediterranean Sea separates the Arabs and Europe. Indeed, the Mediterranean Sea and nothing else. But isn't Turkey and Europe separated by some narrow straits of the Bosporus and the Dardanelles? Why did the Turks behave quietly when the Arabs were rioting in their countries? Maybe someone, some prophet, appealed to the Arabs with appeals? Even if George Soros had changed into an Arab toga at that time and tied a kufiya on his head, no one would have looked in the direction of such a strange "Arab". Besides, Soros is not a speaker, but a financier. He is the patron –  in the interpretation of the liberals, of his activities. In fact, the sponsor of orange coups around the world.

But even this monster of orangeism was powerless. His money has nothing to do with it. To create the conditions of the Arab Spring, he would need decades of special training. The modest possibilities of a short human life would not allow Soros to even dream that the Arabs were his disciples.

However, what happened.

And the Arabs have strengthened the world camp of democracy with their speeches. At least, they just ideologically contributed to this stereotype: all autocracies will not be saved from democracy. All dictators are waiting for an inglorious end, like the massacre of Libyan opposition fighters over Muammar Gaddafi. The Arab Spring has strengthened the forces of the Orangists all over the world. Following the Arabs, Venezuela, Ukraine, and Cuba became agitated. The Arabs especially strongly strengthened the forces of the Ukrainian nationalists. Here in Ukraine, Soros and other bankers, close by blood, had a decent base for a coup. Here Soros would not even need to change into Ukrainian embroidery. His foundations have supported the right people "in the name of democracy" for many years.

But where is democracy, and where are the Arabs!

Yes, indeed.

The Arabs, even after a series of modernizations, where the monarchies themselves carried out industrialization and Cultural Revolution in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century, did not stop there. The Arabs were impressed by Abdel Nasser's anti-colonial revolution in Egypt. The Cultural Revolution and enlightenment contributed to the performance of Arab officers. It wasВ  the people who carried out coups. The Arab officers did it. In fact, all coups and elite perestroika are anti-feudal and anti-colonial actions. European colonialists controlled the Arabs through the feudal elite. After the collapse of the British, French and Turkish empires, the Europeans cut the borders of the Arabs according to the ruler. Stop!

So there were no formal borders between the Arab feudal states?

Naturally. All these states appeared on the map with the collapse of colonial empires. And before the collapse, historical tribal lands existed. But it was the informal knowledge of feudal elites about hereditary property. Within the empire, regions, one might say satrapies, were preserved. But the puppet monarchs ruled there. Therefore, Arab officers, many of them studied at military academies in the West, asked themselves the question: "Why did we study? What were we trained for?" They were trained for the colonial administration as Arab urbanization progressed. But they went even further. They declared independence.

To somehow distinguish the fate of the Arabs from the Turks and Iranians, you need to understand: since 2010, the chain reaction of Arab coups is associated with the general psychology of Sunni nomads.

The sudden Arab epiphany is associated with the processes of urbanization and Arab socialism.

The Arab movement "for democracy" is associated with the reforms of the Socialist officers. The Arab officers looked at the USSR and repeated as best they could. "As they could" because tribal tribalism was not outlived, tribal tribalism is a very tenacious thing. Tribal tribalism and the informal influence of the feudal elite to them need to add a strong factor of Muslim radicalism. Muslims do not need the godless communism of Lenin-Stalin. Muslims have their own religious socialism. Therefore, the officers could not proclaim the "dictatorship of the proletariat." They wouldn't be understood. Another socialist, Hitler, was very popular in the Arab world.В  It harmonizes with the "role of the individual in history" under the guise of mahdi is, in fact, banal chiefdom. Therefore, Gaddafi could not build anything except his own Jamahiriya, for example.В  В Nasser was distinguished by his oratory. But this did not save him from the Muslim Brotherhood.

So. The monarchs sent the children of Bedouin nomads to study military affairs. They learned and overthrew the monarchs. All Arab history from the late 50s of the 20th century to 2010 is the rule of the military. Or civil administrations of the Western type. But Arab democracy is a fiction. Just a showcase. Officers and clerics stood behind the decorative presidents.В  The best manager for all former nomads is the autocrat leader. And how he calls himself, maybe a president by the Western standard, maybe a prophet, so that it is clear to Muslims -this is his personal business. The most important thing is that leadership and dictatorship do not disappear anywhere, but return in a new form and with a new name. That's why the most conservative in this world are nomads. And in 2010, it was the nomads who rebelled.

Is it time for nomads?

Maybe. But when nomads perform, never look for democracy.

Nomads mimic well, adapt to different natural backgrounds. Democracy is nature in the nomads’ view. But they won’t tell anyone.

ChapterВ 2

The Sun of the Nomads

In chemistry, there is a concept of catalysts. These substances are added to the mixture so that a quick reaction occurs. The former nomads of the Maghreb might have seemed like radicals to someone in 2010. If you look at natural nomads in general, they don’t care. They are not interested in any idea. In this sense, all nomads, including former nomads who grazed cattle or drove camels in the last generation, are great conservatives. They look more at the sun and the weather, they are interested in comfort for livestock, if I may say so because economic well-being has depended on cattle alone for a thousand years. Cattle are the fate of nomads. If there will be more cattle, there will be more authority. This means that the nomads will have many children, and no neighboring tribe will dare to attack.

But what kind of cattle are we talking about? All the nomads of the world have been exposed to urbanization for half a century. In Egypt in 2011, something happened the population was outraged by the rule of the progressive president Mubarek. This is despite the fact that Egypt’s economy was almost the best due to the tourism business and thanks to the income from the Suez Canal. A fifth of the population remained to live in rural areas, these people have been farming for five thousand years. But it is these people who hunt crocodiles and start nurseries. The population of Egypt has grown by seventy million, that is, it has tripled in number. This is the highest increase among African countries in those years. That’s what Nasser’s action and the nationalization of the Suez Canal means! Huge revenues went to the state treasury. No sun and astronomy are needed to have high wheat yields. The tides of the Nile also moved to tenth place although the entire population of Egypt has depended on this great river for a thousand years. It was at the expense of this population that radical urbanization took place. But the Suez Canal became the main sun of Egypt. The Suez Canal became that new sun and wind that interested all the nomads before and after. Stop! What kind of nomads can there be in Egypt? Aren’t the Arabs nomads? The indigenous population of Egypt is Copts, now they make up several percent of the total population. What does it mean? Does this mean that nomads will remain nomads, even if they have been sitting in one place for several centuries?

Was there an orange uprising in Iran in 2010? No, it wasn’t. Because the Persians were not nomads. Were there Maydans in Central Asia? In Central Asia? No, it wasn’t. Cotton is harvested in Central Asia. Highlanders live in Afghanistan. (Mountaineers also live in Kyrgyzstan, but they are sharply urbanized, so there have been several coups. Afghans can be said to be non – urbanized mountaineers therefore, they are not interested in human rights. Only in Kazakhstan, in January 2022, there was an orange demonstration against the autocratic regime. But why is it so late? Why not simultaneously with the Arabs? After all, Arabs and Kazakhs are Sunni nomads).

In 1937, there were 80 million people in Japan. In 2010, 110 million. In 1956, 25 million Egyptians lived in Egypt. Now there are more than 100 million. What happened to the Egyptians? What has replaced the hot desert sun for them? As I said, revenues from the Suez Canal dramatically increased the birth rate. The Suez Canal is the sun of Egypt at that time! Any improvement in conditions immediately increases the capacity of life. Why are traditional peoples born and live? They want to live! All the traditional peoples (the Zerefs in Revkon) have a huge life force. Because all the traditional peoples lived in extreme conditions. In order to survive, they had to fight for a thousand years: with nature, then with hunger, with aggressive neighbors, that is, also with mediated nature, because the man of the enemy tribe lived in exactly the same conditions. Those who have more population, especially nomads, are physically stronger. (That is, it turns out: do the Zerefs still live in the Middle Ages? Yes, in the subconscious, the Zerefs live in the Middle Ages. At the level of reflexes, they are forced by tradition to live «according to the precepts of their ancestors.» All Zerefs have a cult of ancestors and old people. Sometimes it’s good. Sometimes it looks bad.) Any change in conditions towards comfort and the traditional population literally gushes with population growth. And why do such peoples gush with children? To defeat the neighbors and take away their territory. This is medieval informal law, the right of the strong. In modern conditions, no one will allow aggressive Zerefs to attack their neighbors. Although local conflicts arise in different places, just for the same reason of overpopulation. Today, Asia and Africa are showing tremendous population growth. Then these people migrate to Europe and America. Not all of them, this is a certain rural contingent who has no place among his people or tribe, because all the places are already occupied.

ChapterВ 3

Madness before theВ war

War is the main occupation of the tribal world. (Don’t take to them word for peace and friendliness, especially today, when all the Zerefs of the world are under the anesthesia of democracy. The Zerefs are not Democrats at all. When there is a lot of food on the table, a plentiful feast, you can brag about anything and fraternize. But the crisis should always come. Warlike genes immediately wake up at that time. And then the brother is looking for a blood brother to take goods away from other people).

Which is interesting.

All peoples at the stage ofВ tribal division are small inВ number before the arrival ofВ various В«colonizersВ». This white men just brought innovations, thereby increasing the capacity ofВ life toВ the local clans.

And now let’s think about why. A hint is: that they are still proud and belligerent. After being captured by the colonizers, tribal peoples begin to multiply in number because all the so-called civilizers bring the same catalysts. But which ones? There are good and bad catalysts. First the bad ones, then the good ones: if the civilizers practice different kinds of genocide, for example, racial genocide. At first, it may be bad, as in the African colonies (but today the positive aspects of colonization of Africa are also visible paradoxically) If the Zerefs are of course able to learn new skills. If they are not capable, and in addition, if the culturtragers are Protestant Calvinists, then nothing would help the tribal peoples. The mismatch of poles and potentials leads at first to deplorable results, even to genocide, as happened with the American Indians.

Modern financial fascists have learned to use so-called nationalism, or even more precisely, the local emancipation of such peoples. They see that such peoples like to show off. They like to dominate, to be the elite. And who doesn’t want to be an elite? When all the benefits bring you. When any autocrat turns into a local dictator, it is precise to show because the Zerefs have no semitones: either you are at the top, or you are at the bottom, and there is no one in the middle. If a catalyst is added to such reflexes, then all such people will simply go crazy. All people will start shouting about some kind of democracy, which they have never seen with all their ancestors combined because all Zerefs want to be at the top according to the laws of traditional reflection. (Here they like to talk about primitive democracy and confuse this primitive democracy when everything was decided at the tribal council during the war with neighbors, and trade democracy, when all the ancestors of traders traded. These are two different democracies. For primitive democracy, war is needed, any force majeure, for commercial democracy, income and profit is needed). It means: that whoever fought for a thousand years will fight for another thousand years with a democratic frenzy. Thus, every Zeref will destroy his people in order to climb over the corpses to the top of power. The more insignificant the candidate, the less time he needs to be happy at the top, even five minutes is enough. And the democratic catalyst is just pouring this very thought into the crowd – you all are a person! Everyone can. It means everyone can be president. And what is needed for this? You need to lie, then trade in the interests of the people in order to breathe fame for five minutes, and maybe money. More like money. All Zerefs are violent radicals. So the lies will be the wildest and most cynical here.

ToВ understand this process, the term flotagia appeared inВ revcon (aВ neologism from flotation and Refag. Refags are people with market reflection).

InВ the first stage, financial fascists support the young nation-states, whose young or conditionally young elite begins toВ squeeze out cultural former soviet intelligentsia so as they not toВ interfere with what is called democratic reforms (byВ injecting aВ catalyst ofВ egoism into their heads). At the same time, leaving only their В«savagesВ» inВ power. This is reforms or whatever else, but the crisis ofВ governance and the ideological desert are creeping up imperceptibly, but surely.

In the second stage, when enough has taken place through the gentle squeezing of rivals to forget about them, the ruling elite begins to remember, but also insist on obsolete anachronisms. The old history of the Middle Ages is ascending to the skies by local academics. That’s what the bourgeoisie and local people want in the end. These are just the laws of an old, obsolete law that has reanimated market catalysts. This means that in addition to the generic revival, antiquity generic mores should also be revived with some adjustment to the market and the world’s fascist financiers. Basically, it’s just the parliament building and similar structures, which are just large rooms where some people (parliamentarians) just sit and vote. With the revival of the law of old, all its new participants will use the words freedom and democracy by the fashion (this is just for fashion and for importance, catalysts unleash the language in one direction). There will also be a stock exchange next to the monumental administrative buildings. These fashionable words will not interfere with the resurgent tribal arrogance and belligerence. But to attack an invisible enemy, preparation is needed (while the catalyst excites)

Flotagia is aВ process when any action inВ the name ofВ local nationalism leads toВ aВ deterioration ofВ both nationalism itself and the conditions ofВ existence ofВ the traditional population. It is enough toВ look at the countries where nationalism has already been revived and is supported byВ financial fascists. Nationalism is such aВ zugzwang for regimes that at the first stage everything seems toВ be fine, everyone is pleased, but then every move ofВ nationalism will be against the local rulers themselves. Every blow toВ the cultural traitors and heroes ofВ the imperial and colonial past, like the same demolition ofВ monuments, will revive militancy and make these peoples modern tribes because the main occupation ofВ aВ tribal hunter is war. The world government also needs it, because it allows it toВ restrain the growth ofВ the population ofВ the cultural periphery.

Flotagia is the replacement ofВ principles with petty egoisms ofВ most ofВ the provincials, who did not know these very principles and did not have time toВ understand what it is. There are no principles, there is no choice ofВ means, there is aВ mad passion, aВ crazy passion toВ be like Europeans. But this imitation is ofВ course mechanical and material inВ the beginning. Everyone wants toВ get rich quickly byВ imitating the elite

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