ISBN :Возрастное ограничение : 12
Дата обновления : 14.06.2023
IВ would like toВ share my impressions ofВ the work inВ the manner ofВ XP. InВ comparison with RUP (or any other methodology with fixing stage results with the help ofВ aВ requirements specification or design project, etc.), XP gives you the sense ofВ uncertainty and anarchy inВ the beginning ofВ the project. Business requirements and architecture change so quickly that after sitting aВ couple ofВ days at home you may not recognize the structure ofВ the basic classes (even if you have created them byВ yourself). At once you begin toВ be aware ofВ the XP postulate concerning 40-hour workweek without overtime work. What for you should toil at aВ module up toВ 10В p.m. that you will not need tomorrow?
InВ the middle the architecture becomes stabilize and the end ofВ the project is characterized byВ the confidence. No requirements change ofВ aВ customer seems toВ be terrible. During continuous modifying architecture has toВ be processed accordingly all the changes toВ be implemented with the maximum simplicity. Programmers take aВ role ofВ users working with aВ program design created byВ them. If they detect aВ flaw it is difficult toВ make changes inВ the system inВ the process ofВ development and he may suffer some troubles. As aВ result, the design improves forcedly, and the system undergoes any change inВ business requirements.
There is no aВ product supporting this methodology. And it is likely toВ be the most important benefit. Indeed, you will not consider aВ text editor or source safe tool as aВ XP-product.
5.3. SADT- Structured Analysis and Design Technique
It is known as aВ creation ofВ the company SofTech or as aВ functional variant inВ aВ government version (IDEF0). It has been employing since 1973В inВ different branches ofВ activity such as business, industry, defense, communication and design planning. Diagrams within the IDEF0 standard take undoubted benefits for functional system modeling. However, the approach toВ provide system modules as boxes with input, output and control data reveals only high-level structure peculiarities ofВ the system
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