V. Speys "Philosophy of Love"

Philosophy of Love, It is;The sunset was running in a wavy, slow river.Through its yellow light streamed.Your image is golden…

date_range Год издания :

foundation Издательство :Издательские решения

person Автор :

workspaces ISBN :9785005942005

child_care Возрастное ограничение : 16

update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023

Sometimes we boast with childish pride:

– A hundred years to him! And it will be a hundred to stand!

But aВ pile ofВ firewood suddenly appeared.

— And where is the poplar?! – Children do not understand.

Early Autumn

Amber spilled over the foliage,

The trunks ofВ the oak forests are blacker.

Transparent air. InВ theВ blue

The forest appears, and the distance is more visible.

And the yellow leaf trembles inВ the branches.

A gray crown, freezing’s birds.

Crown ofВ trees covered frost.

Will warm, when spring comes.

The call sign with the name Romantic

The girl with beautiful eyes.

Looks from the depths ofВ worlds.

Searches inВ the ofВ aВ call sign at night,

Ray ofВ his at the name Romantic.

There inВ the conglomerates, the placers ofВ galaxies,

Where is this Earth there?

AВ call sign named Romantic,

Radio wave bears call…

He lives there with blue eyes,

What looks toВ the height with hope?

InВ search ofВ aВ constellation, inВ the evenings,

Sends you Earthly silence.

The smell ofВ honey herbs spring,

Light wind – kiss,

The leaves of the Earth’s forests in autumn,

And aВ wreath ofВ rainy summer jets.


Like a rare fairy tale, “Olessya!”

Sounds above the river, “Olessya!”

And inВ the sounds ofВ the mysterious forest

IВ hear the name, Olessya.

InВ the singing brook is given.

And aВ song pours over the lake.

Over green grass and foliage:

“… Stay, stay with me…”

“… Olessya, Olessya, Olessya,

You look like violets of the forest …”

AВ bottomless resinous river

Hair waterfallВ veil

Falls on girlish shoulders,

Coquettish bang splashes

And covers his forehead withВ him.

“… Stay, stay with me…”

IВ hear inВ the sounds ofВ spring

And the birds are spread byВ singing:

“… Olessya, Olessya, Olessya.

Like a fairy tale, like a miracle, like a song …”

ToВ climb aВ frosty strand

AВ frosty strand

Early Autumn gray.

Memories, lake surface,

Spring comes up toВ me.

IВ look into her blueВ eyes

On aВ colorful wreath ofВ hair.

Nightingales see nights

Among the interwoven heavy braids.

And whitens frosty strand

Memory ofВ the night, farewell toВ that.

Floating above the dark surface

InВ the hair, gray strands.


IВ love those drunk nights,

What is inhale with the aroma ofВ silence.

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