Artur Zadikyan "Rembrandt code"

Investigating a secret enterprise is not a simple matter. Especially if the person involved in the case is a scientist – the author of a revolutionary method of deciphering thoughts, cloning, rapid maturation of the body, and… downloading digitized memory into it. Doesn't he walk among us? Society, like any living organism, needs immunity – protection – a barrier against pests. Zaslon JSC provides such protection. However, just as the immune system of the body consists of "soldiers", fighting mercilessly with the enemies of the organism, so the immune system of the society depends on "fighters of the invisible front", performing their secret mission. We have no control over providence and chance, so we do not know what the secret of our mission is.Rembrandt created his clone. Did he succeed in transferring his consciousness into it?Someone who is hard to understand, but impossible to forget.

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– In the course of the investigation, consultants and participants in the case in general, even unwittingly, become aware of some of the information in the case, despite the secrecy of the investigation. I can tell you, – I added thoughtfully, which sounded somewhat fatal . – You only have to sign a non-disclosure agreement… and you become a person of interest in the case.

– You've surprised me once again. I have been on the case for a long time without even knowing about your investigation. Isn't that right?

I looked at the interlocutor , expressing goodwill with a slight smile, slightly raising my shoulders and slightly spreading my hands, while opening my palms. The gesture and facial expressions made it clear – there was no way without it.

– In the foreign intelligence material a certain type, through whom information from your regime enterprise was transmitted or leaked, we don't know exactly yet, is listed under this data.

– Hmm. And what did he report? who's his accomplice here?

– I can't tell you what he said. I can only give you a general idea… – I was quiet for a moment, thinking about what I could tell him without compromising security, because he, like everyone else, was still a suspect . – My materials are related to the work of your suddenly deceased employee, which makes the event doubly suspicious.

– Uh, I said something's not right. I'll do my best.

Chapter 5: Hello brain

…The next person I met with about the issues I was interested in was the head of the cyber security service of ZASLON JSC. In my file cabinet, I identified him as "Mr. citizen A ntivirus". A man of medium height, about fifty years old, he looked like Charlie Chaplin, the image known from his famous movies.

Here I must make one more one small digression in order to remind you once again what level of technology is in your use and what the intelligence services may have in relation to it. As an example, I will cite the already known to you story with present to the U.S. Ambassador . And story is as follows: on August 4, 1945, a delegation of Soviet pioneers presented U.S. Ambassador Averell Harriman with a gift – a wooden image of the Great Seal of the United States. The ambassador hung the gift on the wall in his office at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, not realizing that an endovibrator was built inside.

With the help of an endovibrator, Soviet secret services bugged the residence of the US ambassador – "Spaso House" – located in a historic mansion in Moscow for seven years. During this time, four ambassadors were replaced, the interior of the office was changed more than once, but the wooden Great Seal invariably remained the main decoration.

The endovibrator was discovered by accident in 1951 when a radio operator at the British Embassy, which is located in Moscow 700 meters from the U.S. Embassy, scanning the airwaves, heard English-speaking speech. Engineer Don Bailey, sent to check, was unable to find the "bug," suspecting that the Soviet secret services had turned off the device at that point. The endovibrator was finally discovered only in 1952, when the room was checked once again during the change of ambassador.

Ask me why I'm mentioning this. T of the level of technology that I have had to work with, and sometimes be a tester, part developer, is of such a high order that will cause you to distrust . For example, you have a cell phone, but you don't know all of its functions. I often use it as an example, because it is always with you, even more – it has become a part of your body ( accordingly, its micro version, implanted in your body and integrated into your nervous and cognitive system, will be welcomed; in other words, for many employees of ZASLON JSC it is already a necessary attribute of life and work). It entered our life very quickly. Imagine, even before your eyes the changes in the capabilities of technology are so rapid that some would have seemed to you a fantasy even years twenty years ago. What is there twenty, you do not have time to study the existing technologies, and not secret, civilian, as others appear. E if you as a child were told about the possibilities of your cell phone, because with it you can do what was once the dream of spies, just fantastic technology, – you would count … yes no, you would not, the time period matters. … you would not believe, and many of the programs capabilities would not understand . For example, a person who was born at the time of the birth of mobile communication and lived about a hundred years, not that would have s seemed fantastic in his childhood possibilities of technology to his old age, no, he simply, as I said, would not understand what we are talking about. And the rate of such transformations – changes in the capability of technology – will increase algebraically. Now I hope it will be easier for you to imagine the near future, when your mobile with all the technical tricks that are and will be become the size of a small pea, will be implanted directly into your brain, and it will begin to be powered by your body heat.

It is e surprising, of course, that it is possible to spy on people with the help of a cell phone . The remote activation of cameras and microphones is no surprise to anyone. And it is done almost officially, almost all the time. You even notice the strange appearance of advertising offers, not set in the search for services and goods, but just mentioned in the conversation. In you talk on the cell phone about something, and then you have contextual advertising on this topic. Even when the smartphone is off, it sends a signal to its base station. Many people try to change their address, their online data, with this stay anonymous. Now imagine yourself not on this side of the network, but inside it. In all your actions, whether it is sending emails, calls, searching for information, geolocation and so on, – all e is as if connected by a thread, which is seen by the programs that provide these opportunities. Accordingly, those on the other side of the network, who have access to the servers that connect all your locations to each other, see these connections and actions. And it's not a secret. Therefore, it is impossible to hide.

Why am I saying the truths that are already practically for everyone? B you have certainly heard this statement : B og knows your every thought and thought. Have you heard it? Now materialize B og. E that statement has taken on a different meaning, hasn't it? Here- here. If you are not schizophrenic, if you believe in B yep, then you must believe in peculiar system administrators in images of angels and cherubs of such a server as your brain. Now let's imagine these "system administrators" in the reality of our world as people who have the ability to read your mind. Difficult? Improbable? Go back a couple lines higher in and read about the belief in the possibilities of technology. After all, back then it was amazing and fantastic, but now what I said ( again, it matters what time you are reading these lines; in oz perhaps already access to human thoughts has become commonplace), is not only not new, but already old . In the general context of the narrative – I am talking about the everyday life of my activity, and in particular – about the process around the activity of our main character.

Many politicians nowadays, business people or just paranoid people try not to use cell phones: they are afraid of surveillance . However, they still use communication – with a regular phone or through their couriers. And couriers, of course, have cell phones, which they use to give out orders coming from their boss. Inside, that is, on the other side of you, inside the server, let's say , this whole spectacle is seen role by role. You may not use a cell phone, but they see the buzzing around your "hive" those who periodically contact your employees, controlled organizations, and just family and friends. They do not see you, although can turn on the cameras on the devices of your employees, your couriers, trusted persons and use them to listen directly conversation with you, see you including, as well as all e what is going on around . You may not use the Internet, but if you are not a hermit and have some activity, – they all e still see the consequences of your contacts, actions.

This is roughly like tracking in space. For example, you can use the light from a star to determine its e chemical composition, but the star may be millions of light years away; while even traveling at the speed of light, you will not reach it in the lifetime of human civilization . Perhaps this star is already dead, and light e still e coming to us . And perhaps in thousands of years the same study will be done again on Earth, this light will have changed so much that we will be able to determine completely different data . Perhaps there will be life on this star, or rather on a planet near it , will go and send a radio signal at the speed of light . When it comes to cosmic distances, even the speed of light and radio waves (300 thousand km/s) is not very fast. A civilization could form, for example, in a neighboring galaxy (2.5 million light years away), send us a signal, and when it reaches us, either we are gone or they . There can be another curiosity: when information about them will reach us , when we will process it , understand what we are talking about, understand their life, peculiarities of civilization, send them greetings from us – they will be gone, and we will not even know about it. Then again e and again e we will receive signals from them, send answers, as if we will negotiate with the nonexistent civilization. It is like an audio or video recording of a deceased person : he is not there, but on the recording he is there. That's how it is, to osmosis. It's huge. For our concepts its values of distance and time have quite a different meaning. I say this for to make you understand what concepts can be operated by beings who live forever. And you think it is impossible? I have to send you back again to our astonishment about technical evolution within the time cycle of our life. Just imagine the changes that will occur in the next thousand years. What's a thousand, already brain cloning, hypnotic or neurolinguistic, is nothing new. And in secret laboratory, which is the subject of this book, has already reached the level of recording directly into the brain information as in technical gadgets.

Now for the next step. I mentioned cell phones not for nothing, not for a red word, and about the level of technology too. In terms of technical capabilities mobile and phone- then can not be called, it is a portable computer actually, combines voice recorder, video camera, camera, mobile bank and a lot of other things. Now imagine it in that pea I mentioned above. Imagine, with all these functions, it is sewn into your brain, connected yen with your nervous system, with the help of it you can do all the functions you did with your cell phone. So you don't even have to watch TV anymore. You can close your eyes and watch movies in your brain, listen to music, communicate with your thoughts, give orders , know everything about your body. Exactly all e, because what is happening in your body, first of all knows your central nervous system, "reports" everything to the "commander" – the brain. And what is reflected, for example, in the analysis of urine, blood or so on, are already consequences and additional factors. It is like determining the composition of a star by spectral analysis of its light, the presence of planets in orbit and, perhaps, the presence of biological life. First of all, the brain reacts to everything e, it controls everything e and knows everything e. It is enough to connect to the brain – and you can learn everything e about your body. After all, when you give blood , for example, it is examined to find out what is inside. And who controls all this e? Who controls, for example, the level of sugar , which organ needs what nutrients from the liver to carry, which portion to distribute to each organ, which part of the blood needs to be cleaned in the kidneys and so on? M osg. E sli to speak figuratively , blood tests or urine – is when you catch a spy and interrogate what's going on at headquarters. And when you connect to the brain – this, by the same type of comparison , means that you took classified material directly from headquarters, got into the computer where the classified information is stored, and read everything e from there.

Why am I saying this? In that secret system, in which I was active, and certainly in that secret organization, with which our story is connected, everyone was implanted with a microchip, which simultaneously allowed to know everything about their organism, to communicate with each other by means of thoughts, that is silently, to communicate with the computer and all technical devices, which had this communication system, to be in the system W i-F i and Bluetooth for ordinary mobile devices, and of course – security services. Management structures already monitor all and know everything that is going on in the heads of citizens, but in organizations like "ZASLON"… Well you know what I mean.

Chapter 6: A telepath at will.

– … The case began when one of the agents died. Well, he's not really dead. I told you, I was investigating anomalous events. Particularly those about which there are not unsubstantiated claims, but well-documented evidence, with a psychiatrist's resolution on the main character of the event. In our research center we have collected such people, about whom from the outside we can say – crazy. Most claim to have been possessed by someone, some spirit, aliens. Many of them have been on other planets, almost universally. but many of them. They claim to have died and been resurrected. And the main – they were periodically stolen by aliens. Well, that sort of thing…

To say I was confused and surprised by all of this is misdirecting my reaction to what I heard. I involuntarily embarrassed myself. More because of the awkwardness of giving away my irony. But my facial expressions gave me away. True, I never could tell whether the man understood it as a smirk or as surprise; there was no response. Perhaps I had a bias toward him. The interlocutor, although he was in charge of security, positioned himself not so much as a representative of the power cohort, but as a scientific adept. When I looked at him with understanding of his "report", what he said began to be taken more seriously but again left in the dark – was he joking, was he testing me or…?

It' s nothing, – continued the interlocutor, – it seemed to me, I'm not the first to whom he tells these dubious cases… some people claimed all sorts of strange things, which then began to be confirmed experimentally in fact.

I tried to listen to him without showing even a twitch of facial muscles. Understood as an absolute fantasy, and not the healthiest one at that, he couldn't have substantiated such a thing. Then what? Had to come to an understanding in the process.

– One of the participants of the experiment talked about knowing the coordinates of a planet that has the same life as on Earth. He described the region of space where it is located and named the coordinates. The thing is that no one had studied this area of space, at first, of course, everyone took his statement with a smile. It was e before he was in the center. He wrote to all authorities, to ufological societies, even to the presidents of space powers sent video message . In the end he got so annoyed … took into account his academic degree, titles, and so – little … that in the process of space mission with the help of telescopes, directly space telescope "James Webb", it was decided to redirect him to this area. After preliminary results, which were in favor of his claims, listened to the area with radio telescopes at one of the test sites of the concern "ZASLON". By the way, test site was located on the back side of the Moon.

My surprise was accompanied by an ironic smile.

– P I understand your skepticism, but if the moon rovers were working there officially, why can't we do experiments unofficially . And what do you think?

– And what do I think?

– You think everything matched his version.

– Exactly, that's exactly what I thought… or think, I don't know, – cheerfully I replied, to make clear my healthy skepticism, which coincided with the tone of the interlocutor , and to hint about my intention to conduct the dialog not as a protocol.

– So, I hasten to surprise you, – also moving to a more friendly manner, continued the man, – he wasn't just talking about this location.

No matter how hard I tried to hide my surprise, my smile gave me away all the same.

– I, and not only, also had such a reaction, and is not clear – to what and whom.

– What and who?

– According to these coordinates they determined the star, near which was the cause of variable radiation, which spoke about the presence of a planet there, and with an increased amount of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon.

– Ah, that's what it turns out to be. And, of course, that already spoke of the possible existence of biological life on this planet. That's genius.

– We too had an ironic smile at first. And in the end, having determined the temperature of the planet, which was within the habitable zone, the ironic smile was replaced by a thoughtful contemplation.

– Hmmm, well, of course, all the research findings are kept confidential, under the cover of… let -let me guess… top secret?

– Or else .

– All right, I almost believe it. So what are our brothers saying?

In this manner of dialog I wanted to remind about the reason of my interest, which led me to him, and not to listen to some assumptions, predictions of either a madman, or a genius, or a soothsayer.

The guardian of cyber space pressed his lips together and began to resemble a duck, after a short pause asked a question that apparently was bugging him:

– Are brothers?

My sigh and a glance at the ceiling spoke for themselves. After understanding glances at each other the interlocutor continued:

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