Возрастное ограничение : 16
Дата обновления : 14.03.2024
– Good evening, the brother – sounded absolutely humiliating, despite a good-natured smile, a greeting.
And immediately departed to a face several oglushalok at once.
And regained consciousness already here, with the cracking head and with peacefully snuffling curly near by.
Situation – decent words you will also not retell!
CHAPTER 3. Let's get acquainted?
– Do you have a head as, does not hurt?
Dai still sat, having wrapped in a blanket, and to it had no time for to think of the sore head. Strained much more pressing problems. To put on, for example. To clean teeth. To visit a bathroom, eventually!
And then – to understand that happened why instead of memory a black hole where brought it and how from here to be chosen.
– Hurts – answered gloomy. – From questions. Leave, and? I want to put on.
The man left immediately, and earned by it a couple of pluses. Because if it is honest, its too close presence strained. Not that the scarecrow, but caused healthy concerns. But, looking at the door closed behind it, Dai decided that, perhaps, not so everything is terrible.
Clothes in a case it appeared not so not "fully", and it is very poor. And absolutely anything on its taste. Sports trousers on an elastic band, t-shirts, light jackets windbreakers. And, above all – why it has to use something others instead of the dress?! It is unpleasant … Though new all, it seems. Linen and socks and without anything is "similar" – in factory packing. And rubber slippers without heel, probably, that it was simpler to guess the size. It what turns out, to her sandals too the end came? Dai sadly lowered a view of naked legs and began to select trousers for the size. And what to do? But it it did not add good mood.
Toothbrushes and towels were new too, and on it good ended. Because almost sterile purity of tiny kitchen extended also to empty cases, and to the switched-off fridge. Food crumbs!
– I do not know who brought me here and why, but I do not want to remain here – resolutely declared Dai, having understood that it is possible not to hope for a breakfast and coffee. It is a pity that nobody heard, and from a talk "with itself" ever and nothing changed for the better yet. And Dai went to look for the … Whom? Security guard? Companion in misfortune? It would be quite good to find out.
Long it was not necessary to look for: that sat on the top step of a low porch. Turned back on the opened door, slapped a palm with itself nearby:
– Sit down. Let's talk.
Did not begin to break Dai. Cela on a step, extended legs in slippers and asked:
– How will we get out? On classes it is necessary to me. And I want to eat. And in general …
The look opened wonderful from here – for vacationers. On the right and at the left – wooden lodges with porches, the blossoming beds, a swing, tables with shops directly on the street. Slightly farther – the sports ground surrounded with the blossoming acacias, summer movie theater, a scene. And further away in gleams between trees desperately blue sea is seen.
Beauty! But not when you need to be absolutely not here.
– And you do not want to deal with those who threw us here?
– And I can? – skeptically asked Dai.
– Who knows – the man philosophically answered. – You what in general you are able to do? Tell about yourself.
– I am able to do nothing – did not estimate Dai's question. Still what was not enough – to spread all the opportunities to the stranger from whom you do not know what to wait for! Which, maybe, here also brought you! For some unknown, but for certain the bad purposes.
– You do not trust – that hemmed. – Good fellow.
Kept silent as if waited that she will tell something. But what she could tell? "Yes, I do not trust"? What for?
Would like to trust Dai. Wanted this man to appear on its party. Because differently it definitely has no hope – to understand that occurs, to get out of this unclear and unpleasant situation. But to trust blindly – it is silly, and to make sure that he does not lie … as? The only way available to it – a clairvoyance gift, but if it came by order of! When it is necessary, but not when will take in head … and, the main thing, not it will take in head, and to whether the highest forces, whether the most this gift. The tutor Halbord assured that sooner or later the gift will be able to bridle Dai, but meanwhile it was only necessary to dream of control over it.
And the annoying – most often she saw what, at all! Concerned to her in any way in any way neither the gift, nor much more predictable fortune-telling to which Dei had a talent too could tell about its own future.
– Gayar – having been tired to wait, probably, so far she though will tell something, he told the name. – We will be familiar.
Dai turned the head, with some work having come off contemplation of acacias and the sea behind them. Caught a stare of dark eyes. Again envied fluffy eyelashes. To answer or not? On the one hand, there is nothing terrible in telling the name. With another – whatever one may do, but when you call someone by name and you allow to call by name yourself, it brings together. And to approach, even here so, in words, it was frightening.
And with the third – somehow it is necessary to call each other until they got stuck here together?
– Dai – she reluctantly responded.
– Do you study?
Well, she told: "on classes it is necessary".
– I study. For truancies I will definitely not be praised. Why we cannot just go and look for some transport? And it is even better than the closest police officers?
– Because I know the one who deafened me. To take away to devils and to throw without supervision – not its style. Ne-et, all this – it widely led a hand – strong locked cage. All exits are blocked, all communication lines are cut off, and that we woke up, already for certain reported. So will be soon.
– And what from you it is necessary to this mysterious villain? From us. It who?
"From us" … Sounded strange. Seemingly incorrectly: well what "we" if they never in eyes of each other saw before? What between them the general, except today's morning? Gayar knew the thief, so he was wanted to be kidnapped, truly? Could not present Dai that it suddenly too was necessary for someone. What for? To whom can it be interesting? The correct answer – to anybody.
But for some reason it here.
– R-rodstvennichek – Gayar spat out. – Former.
– I do not understand why to your former relative I? – did not stand Dai. Though actually there was a wish to ask why former. But such question could be … awkward? Or even worse. It is better not to stick a nose in others family squabbles. – By the way, and you to it what for?
The last question came suddenly, jumped on language, passing a brain, is unexpected for her. Just thought: unless business prior to others family squabbles has to be it? But for some reason suddenly tore a fever as if the handful of ice was thrust for a collar. Alarm. Fear. Wild, absolute confidence that Gayar is waited by fast troubles, and it – here it, with him nearby and to step aside it will not turn out.
Damned gift! But … really for the first time in life she received the hint from destiny not about someone others, and about own future?
CHAPTER 4. Warm related meeting
"Why to your relative I?" – the curly asked. Dai. Beautiful name. That to answer it, Gayar did not know. Why the girl was taken with him at the same time – as clear as day. He on hands carried her. A conclusion not just arises, and naprygivat and thrashes on a head. But how to tell it to it? Will imagine still, who knows, some nonsense.
Therefore Gayar used cunning – answered the second question as if the first and was not.
– Most it is interesting for what devil I suddenly was necessary. Nothing, will be – will explain.
Actually almost for certain knew – why. Indeed, what could be necessary for the brother applying for inheritance and domination, from very long time ago left family? But not to tell the foreign girl all family graters and troubles.
Dai became silent, clasped itself with hands.
– Froze?
– No.
– Then are you ok? – having asked, having kept silent. Too sharply it was closed. Normally spoke, and suddenly …
– It is disturbing – answered it is slightly heard. – Something unpleasant happens.
– Unpleasant – Gayar agreed. Though itself would be expressed much more strong. Did not want to frighten her only. That is to frighten even more. And so shivers.
Kept silent. Gayar habitually traced a situation, looked Dai afar, whether at the sea, whether at all in anywhere. But, surprising business, noticed the person going to them kind of not earlier, than Gayar. Started, whispered:
– … All right!
– I see – Gayar responded, having recorded a look of the unfamiliar guy. – You are able to put boards?
– What boards?
– From damnations. If the meeting goes not in the peaceful course, will be able to be covered?
She falteringly sighed.
– I do not know., It seems, I am able, but … At lessons, you understand?
– I understand – Gayar groped her hand. Ice fingers. Worries much stronger, than shows. – It is good what you understand.
– What?
– A difference – he hemmed. – Under a hand do not climb, find to yourself the shelter and, slightly that, hide. Understood?
– D-da …
– Inhale, exhale, smile.
– What for?!
– Not to be afraid – with a smile he answered and got up.
The guy stopped in five or six steps from them. Gayar frankly, defiantly considered him. From legs to the head. From the crushed running shoes and inexpensive baggy trousers to the jammed collar of a plaid shirt and long ago not a short-haired shaggy hair, chestnut in reddishness. The wide simple person with a scattering of freckles, gray eyes, red eyebrows … an impression poor. Here only, most likely, this impression was carefully and thoughtfully created. Just for those cases when it is necessary to belittle an image of family.
Gayar nodded this thought and asked:
– From where did you such undertake?
– From where undertook, there not any more – the messenger defiantly answered. – The boss invites you to a breakfast. You and girl.
– Conduct, time invites – Gayar offered a hand Dai. – Let's go.
The breakfast waited in the office building – there, as it turned out, occupied a part of the first floor small, on ten tables, cafe. "Boss" waited, sitting at a distant table at a window, and, hardly they entered, rose towards.
– Guy, is glad you to see.
– How many we did not see each other and the nachert we met. For all of you – Gayar.
– As you will tell. And here I will not take offense if you call me as before, Kai. If you please, present me to the charming companion.
Gayar looked askance on Dai. That, having noticed his look, for a moment lowered eyelashes. On cheeks the flush flashed: whether "charming" confused her, whether it seemed a jeer. Though the t-shirt, white in covering, and a graphitic-gray men's windbreaker quite to it went. At least, created interesting contrast. Moreover in combination with a lovely face and the dismissed golden curls.
Gayar caught himself on what frankly stares, mentally imposed with all words and translated a view of Kai.
– Kayler Otrelio. I do not know as far as to your services – grinned. And, having hesitated, presented the girl: – Dai.
– Just Dai? – Kai interrogatively raised eyebrows. – Do you have reasons to hide her surname?
– I do not know her surname itself. We, you see got acquainted with my charming companion practically just. Minutes for ten to the invitation to a breakfast.
– That is you …
– I took out the victim closer to "ambulance" – is sharper, than gathered, Gayar explained. – And not that you thought what you there to yourself imagined.
– In that case – Kai made a helpless gesture – I apologize, but will not wind off a time ago. However now, I see, everything is not so bad? The doctor is not necessary any more? Dai?
– It is not necessary – that rocked the head. Also added, having kept silent: – He will not save me from a heap of truancies. I now on classes have to sit, generally.
– What to do. Meanwhile I invite you to sit down with us and to have breakfast, and further … we will look?
– Let's look? – with cool politeness asked again Dai. – On what?
But Kai did not begin to specify. Instead pointed to a table:
– I ask you. Coffee, toasts, paste. If you want something else, only tell.
Seated. Kept silent.
There, at "Drive", had no time for to look narrowly and note changes, but now … After all, more than ten years did not see.
Kai Zamaterel. To a stupor it became similar to the grandfather. The same sharp lines, a mask of not broken through tranquility on a face and the concealed threat in a look. Also blew from it not as empty irascibility as in days of old, and thoroughness and shattering force. "And the fit successor turned out" – the thought which for some reason sounded by a dedovy voice flashed. "Well and it is fine, and I then what for?" – he objected this thought. And, not to fall finally into the most stupid dispute with itself and with own as the same grandfather used to say, "internal demons", asked sharply:
– Why I was necessary for you? Give to business.
– Without prefaces? All right. Come back to family, Guy.
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