Vivek Date "The Swan Song"

A swan gracefully soared past the Vindhyas, bearing a message of love. Then began an odyssey of two impassioned lovers. They first met each other through the musings and rumors of the fabled peerless lovers.A Swayamvara was the fated stage for their first union. In presence of every king and lord who gave up their knightly vows and sheathed their swords. There was peace on earth and the news of it spread to the very realms of paradise – the abode of divinity – as the holy dwellers of heaven grew suspicious of a peaceful mankind. Intrigued, they peered down upon the Earth with their ethereal gaze, catching a fleeting glimpse of the legendary princess.Enchanted by her beauty and enthralled by the prospect of eternal companionship, they chose to descend into the mortal realm partake in the Swayamvara trial. As the gods of the good and the evil began their descent, a valiant lover bathed in righteous radiance hopped onto his trusted steed and strode toward the same trail.

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update Дата обновления : 12.06.2024

A missing piece, destined for your presence.

With joy in my heart, I flew to the North,

Over hills and rivers, carrying hope's worth.

In these orchids, I glimpsed your love filled stride,

Longing for Damayanti, your Love, your Guide.

Into your hands, I landed, completing the puzzle,

For the union of the peerless, let the world's blessings drizzle.

I shall be your messenger to the southern lands,

Carrying your praises in my flight's commands.

To the gardens of princes, swiftly I'll soar,

And sing to her the words she's been longing for.

Oh, the world shall rejoice, in harmonious delight,

When the peerless unite."

The swan pleaded to the bewildered prince in a human tongue. Nal remained unaffected by the miracle of a talking swan, as she uttered the words he had longed to hear. He set the messenger of love free and returned to his blissful thoughts, filled with love and optimism. With a smile and a sigh of relief, he immersed himself once again in the thoughts of love, his mind brimming with delight. For he knew, deep in his heart, the swan’s song was just a start.

The swan zoomed past the mountains, leaving a trail of love filled melody as it reached the farmlands of the southern king. It flew into the capital, heading towards the palace where the princess resided. From a window, the swan could see a brilliant radiant glow that obscured most of its surroundings. As the swan flew closer, it caught sight of Damayanti who stood in her balcony gazing at the Northern skies. She adorned jasmine in her hair, captivating the universe within her grasp. Her eyes were filled with love and excitement, as if she had been eagerly awaiting the swan's arrival at the window. With a gentle landing on the window pane next to the princess, the swan approached and whispered in her ear.

"The King in the North, as you well know,

Exceeds his description, his love for you only grows.

Enamoured, he roams the fields with lovesick desire,

His heart filled with your image, a burning fire.

In his eyes, in the air he breathes, you reside,

He yearns for your presence, in his every thought.

For he loves you deeply, as you love him too,

If the peerless unite, love's reign will imbue.

In this union, our world shall find solace and grace,

As love conquers all, in its warm embrace."

The swan whispered in her ear, uttering the words she had longed to hear. And then, with a graceful departure, it flew away into the sunset, setting off an odyssey of trials, tribulations, and love.

That night, the moon and the stars refused to show up. That night, Damayanti wandered through the gardens, fields, orchids, and streets, adorned with a blissful smile, blushing and radiating with a captivating glow. Her beauty illuminated the dark sky, spreading its radiance as far as the eye could see. Occasionally, a falling star would greet the enamored princess. Perhaps Mother Nature was indulging herself in the celebrations.

Nal & Damayanti continued to live their lives with renewed excitement, always attentive to the signs of auspicious omens.

Trial Of the Champions

Earth's most beautiful woman had surrendered her innermost soul to her love for her king. Damayanti yearned for love through countless cycles of days and nights, succumbing to sighs of despair. Wrapped in misery and solitude, she withdrew from her friends and maids, forsaking the luxuries and necessities of life. Every waking moment was spent gazing towards the northern skies, even in the darkness that obscured her vision. And as she slipped into a shallow slumber, her closed eyelids concealed eyes that were fixated on the northern star.

Her maidens and friends grew increasingly worried and felt helpless, unable to bear witness to their princess's suffering. The news of Damayanti's distress eventually reached the royal corridors of her father, the aging Southern King. Consumed by concern for his beloved daughter, the king sought advice from his counsel, ministers, sages, and saints.

"My dear girl will soon come of age, yet her distress lingers. What can bring her solace?" – the noble king inquired, his heart weighed down by worry.

After careful deliberation, the wise counsel presented a solution born out of their understanding of Damayanti's longings. "Your daughter is a paragon of virtue, and she yearns for a worthy companion, her true king. She’s a girl and would be a Woman soon. We suggest hosting a Swayamvara

, a grand tournament where eligible kings from all corners of the earth will compete for the highest reward this universe could offer – Damyanti’s companionship. Princess Damayanti will be the supreme judge of her suitors, and it will be only her decision to choose her champion. She will decide the feats and she will set up the charts. The Princess shall become Queen to the only King that she desires" they proposed, their voices brimming with confidence.

4 – Swayamvara is the type of marriage where a woman presents the suitors with challenging tasks and chooses the champion of the trial as her husband

The king's face lit up with hope and delight as he wholeheartedly embraced the idea. A beautiful glow of fatherly love for his beloved daughter sparkled from his optimistic eyes. He summoned his ambassadors and envoys, entrusting them with the crucial task of delivering individual invitations to the lords and kings in all ten directions, cordially inviting them to participate in the grand Swayamvara.

A spectacle unfolds, behold the invitation,

To a grand tournament, where hearts seek elevation.

In this cosmic theater, all are cordially invited,

For the highest reward, to the only champion.

The princess Damayanti, a vision of beauty unmatched,

Shall grace the arena, where destinies are dispatched.

Amidst the valiant and bold, she shall find,

Her champion, a king, in whom her love is enshrined.

Come forth, noble souls, with courage and might,

Gather beneath the moon's enchanting light.

For in this grand affair, fate's hand shall sway,

As hearts entwine in love's mystical ballet.

Esteemed guests, prepare for this grand display,

Where love's power shall guide each warrior's way.

In this tournament, hearts shall be tested true,

And the chosen King, by Queen Damayanti, shall be true.

Soon as the invitations began being read out in the royal courts across the vast lands, swords and arrows found solace, as battles gave way to a greater quest. The barracks became deserted and some were turning into theaters of art and music. The kings, adorned in regal attire, prepared for a grand trial of love, where riches and treasures awaited those worthy. Each ruler, in haste, readied their caravans, laden with opulence and their hearts with a supreme desire. A queue formed, leading to the majestic walls where the princess eagerly awaited her most eligible suitor.

Love-struck and elated, Nal embraced the invitation for the Swayamvara. No carts filled with gold or gems accompanied him, for the priceless treasure within his heart surpassed all earthly riches. Like a radiant star, his love illuminated the fateful morning as he embarked gallantly towards the realm of the southern king. With each stride of his trusty steed, Nal drew nearer to the gates of his destined encounter, where his fateful union awaits.

Meanwhile, in the realms beyond mortal men and materials, a messenger proclaimed the news with resounding voice to his audience of 4 celestial lords:

“There’s Peace on Earth!

They’ve given up their swords

Quarrels don’t matter much

When that Lady is looking for her Lord.

The mighty Kings assemble with their great armies

Not of swords and lances but of tributes and wits

lined outside her palace, their egos ceased

to fight a battle, to win the highest reward there is

In this battle,

There is no death and destruction

There’s Peace on Earth

Damayanti is the reason”

Amidst the celestial planes, Lord Indra, the king among gods, brandishing thunderstorms and a playful reputation

, deployed his omnipotence to steal a glimpse of this enigmatic princess. Just by the message that was relayed, the 4 Celestial Lords were enamoured and after a short glimpse at her sight, they were lovestruck and held a very strong desire. Their minds aflame with attraction and curiosity, they indulged themselves in the admiration of the beautiful princess. The quartet soon decided to descended from the heavens, and mingle among mortals, eager to compete for the reward so exquisite and opulent, even for their kind. Arriving at the crossroads, the final turn before the gates of their destiny, the four prepared for the grand event.

5 – Implying from several tales of Indra from Mahabharat

Meanwhile, bathed in the resplendent hues of the bright morning sun, Nal approached the same crossroads. In the distance, a shimmer of golden light caught his attention, captivating his weary gaze. Guided by curiosity, he ventured closer, drawn to the radiant source. As he neared, four ethereal silhouettes materialized from the luminous brilliance. Recognizing their distinctive features, the prince humbly bowed, his hands folded in reverence, and greeted the familiar beings with his honest and heartfelt words,

"I stand before you as your devoted servant. How may I serve you?

Your presence evokes a sense of divinity.

There is an aura of mystique surrounding you, an energy unlike any other.

Your feet seem to transcend earthly bounds, as if floating above the ground.

Your attire exudes a celestial essence, as if woven from the fabric of the heavens.

Your complexion remains immaculate, untouched by any blemish or flaw.

And atop your heads, radiant crowns of golden luminescence adorn you.

Please tell me, who are you? Are you the Guardians of Life,

Or perhaps the kings of the legends lost in the tapestry of time?"

Nal inquired with humble devotion. Pleased by the prince's eulogy, the higher beings introduced themselves briefly, saying,

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