Vivek Date "The Swan Song"

A swan gracefully soared past the Vindhyas, bearing a message of love. Then began an odyssey of two impassioned lovers. They first met each other through the musings and rumors of the fabled peerless lovers.A Swayamvara was the fated stage for their first union. In presence of every king and lord who gave up their knightly vows and sheathed their swords. There was peace on earth and the news of it spread to the very realms of paradise – the abode of divinity – as the holy dwellers of heaven grew suspicious of a peaceful mankind. Intrigued, they peered down upon the Earth with their ethereal gaze, catching a fleeting glimpse of the legendary princess.Enchanted by her beauty and enthralled by the prospect of eternal companionship, they chose to descend into the mortal realm partake in the Swayamvara trial. As the gods of the good and the evil began their descent, a valiant lover bathed in righteous radiance hopped onto his trusted steed and strode toward the same trail.

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update Дата обновления : 12.06.2024

"We are the Four lords. The Paradise is our abode.

We caught a glimpse of the princess.

Since that moment itself, she has won us over

We have surrendered to her.

And descended to the earth.

We shall challenge every king and every lord

to win the heart of the only woman we desire.

I am Indra, the ruler of the Paradise,

and these are my friends preside over the realms of

Fire, Wind and Life .

Be our messenger; be our voice.

Send our words of love to the Queen of our hearts

Tell her she may happily choose any one of us four.

We all desire only her.

She can test us as she pleases.

No mortal could match our feats."

As Indra's words reverberated through the air, Nal’s spirit shattered like a delicate glass vase being crushed by a Himalayan peak, each shard piercing through the next. His very essence fragmented into innumerable, insignificant pieces, torn apart by the weight of his disbelief. He began to speak in a trembling voice a plead for mercy,

"I beg you as your devotee,

spare me from this torment,

this incomprehensible transgression.

My heart belongs solely to Damayanti;

In my thoughts, I have wed only her.

My love is untainted, as you surely comprehend.

I beg you as your devotee,

spare me from this torment,

do not compel me to betray my unwavering devotion

My heart belongs solely to Damayanti"

Yet, amidst his words, he recognized the undeniable truth, for honesty had always guided his righteous existence, flowing through him like the currents of a steadfast river. In the face of righteousness, the power of love dimmed. Nal was reminded of the first words he had spoken to the four celestial lords. "I stand before you as your devoted servant. How may I serve you?”. Truth, his mightiest sword along the path of righteousness, prevailed in every word that he spoke. He took a few moments to gather his wits and senses. Though his mind remained numb and his vision obscured, he humbly accepted to the divine decree.

"But how may I deliver your message amidst the watchful gaze of men and the keen senses of the creatures guarding the queen?" – inquired Nal, standing before the towering divine lords. No sooner had the words escaped the lips of the desolate lover than Lord Indra produced a crystal vial containing a shimmering silver elixir.

"You are blessed with our divine favor. Consume this potion, and you shall remain unseen until you desire to be seen" – he proclaimed, extending the boon to the shattered prince, who wept inconsolably not in his tears but in the shreds of his innermost soul. "Bring us tidings from the princess. We await eagerly. Our presence shall be nearby, We’ll show up as soon as you desire to meet us" concluded the Thunder King, bidding farewell as the Nal embarked on his divine duty along his righteous path.

As he approached Damayanti’s palace, he gulped the potion and within moments could see his shadow disappear. The light seemingly passed through his body as he could see the grass beneath through his stretched-out palm. He stealthily entered the palace unnoticed. He stood beneath the magnificent arch that adorned the entrance to Damayanti’s chamber. Delicate curtains in shades of white and indigo gracefully adorned the intricately carved sandalwood frame, while the ceiling of the halls seemingly reached for the heavens. To his left, a beautiful wooden bed adorned with fluffy, pristine white clouds beckoned, and to his right, an angelic figure sat by the window. Damayanti, the epitome of boundless grace, occupied the seat near the window, her gaze fixed upon the long queue of lords and kings gathered outside the royal coliseum. It was as if she sought the king who resided within the depths of her heart among that crowd.

Like a radiant pearl resting upon a vibrant seabed, amidst enchanting ferns and mythical mermaids, Damayanti occupied a seat meticulously carved from a single teak tree. Draped in a celestial green garment that cascaded gracefully along her slender form, she emanated a serenity that would make the seas envious and a charm that would bring delight to Mother Nature herself.

Surrounded by maidens adorned in hues of red and white, Damayanti resembled an everblooming flower nestled amidst a heavenly orchard. Jasmine blossoms adorned her hair, and a gentle smile graced her lips. The perfect harmony of these elements captivated the love-stricken prince, compelling him to suppress his ardent passion and contain the overwhelming love that surged within him. Yet, with each passing moment, his love flourished, multiplying a thousandfold. The mere sight of his beloved, his one and only Queen, brought him an unparalleled joy. Ultimately, love triumphed, and the prince yearned to reveal himself, desiring to be seen by Damayanti.

As Prince Nal appeared before the surprised maidens, their eyes widened in awe, captivated by his striking presence. Meanwhile, Damayanti turned around, her gaze meeting his in an instant. In that profound connection, a peculiar sensation stirred within her. Goosebumps danced along her skin, and her smile broadened, mirroring the joy that erupted within her heart, pulsating with newfound vitality.

With the grace of a flowing river, she glided toward the mysterious stranger, her steps guided by an invisible force. Her eyes delved deep into his, as if peering into the very essence of her soul's companion – the home where she would reside for the rest of her life. In that moment, Damayanti recognized her champion, destined king. Their union became an unspoken truth, interwoven by the threads of love and destiny. She began to tease her lover, for she knew the answer to each of her questions

"Who are you? The most beautiful one!

Who are you? Who has awakened all of my love?

You're no thief, nor a foolish spy.

The stern mandate of the king won't let you in unseen.

Who are you? Speak the words to your queen, the most beautiful one"

Damayanti inquired with a smile, eagerly awaiting the words she had longed to hear. The two peerless stood in front of each other, waiting to begin the life of love they’ve been longing for.

"I am the messenger, blessed by a divine boon.

Four Celestial Lords sent their message.

Lord Indra and the Keepers of Life, Wind and Fire

They have surrendered themselves to your choice.

They will be in competition among the others

You are all they desire to possess.

You are free to judge them as you please.

No mortal could match their feats"

Nal, in his words displayed every element of an honest soul. Although his eyes could barely hold back his tears. He stood there motionless, solemnly staring at the feet of the only woman he had ever wanted to possess. Damayanti listened patiently to each word. Her longing for love was about to end. She had her lover, her only King, standing in front of her. Like a steady river determined to flow, she gathered her thoughts and searched for a way out. She looked at the frowning face of the defeated prince and, with the kindness of a lover, spoke in her soft, gentle voice.

"The swan rekindled my soul.

It ignited the ever-burning love

With the same melody that the Swan’s sang.

Now, I see you in your flesh and bones, just as described.

We are two halves of a perfect soul.

I see a way of refuge with no blame.

When the ceremony begins,

I will walk up to you in the presence of the kings and the divines,

With the universe and its keepers as alibi

I will pledge myself only to you as my Champion, my King"

Damayanti had made up her mind. She decided to put her true love to the test before the desires of every King and Lords that awaited the trial. Nal stepped back and bowed in respect before hurriedly returning to the crossroads to relay the message to the Divine Four. Damyanti retired to her sleepless slumber. Filled with hope, joy and faith in her heart, she dreamt one last time of the life she would soon begin to live.

The moon remained in the sky even as the sun rushed to dawn on a day of good omen. The celebrations began early, and the music added to the air of excitement as the bugles sounded the summons. Kings and lords from the corners of the world assembled in the royal coliseum, each seated on his throne like a lion on the mountain. The coliseum looked filled with glory and power, resembling a cauldron of might and light.

The Kings indulged in conversations and musings with their neighbours. The air within the coliseum began brewing with power and determination. Each king spoke with a voice louder and heavier than the other, each began to sharpen up their wits in occasional pauses. The commotion of mixed emotions captivated the universe within the coliseum as some Kings grew impatient and began flirting with pride and anger among other emotions.

Suddenly a dead silence conquered the universe as Damayanti entered the coliseum. The Kings retired to their courteous behavior fitting for a royalty and were eager to hear the challenges that awaited them. She bowed down in reverence to the assembled kings as the Swayamvara of Damayanti was about to commence. She passed the first few rows of the assembly without uttering a single word. Confused and unsure, the kings didn't turn to look.

Damayanti walked by several lines of suitors. Silence grew as the King’s began to wonder what was to unfold. No challenge was yet announced, no trial was yet laid out but Damayanti walked with a sense of determined task.

"There he is! I can sense him there!" – she said to herself as she approached one end of a long row she was walking past. She began to walk briskly in the direction her heart dictated and took a sharp turn to the left. She came to a sudden halt as a bewildering sight assailed her senses. "What kind of sorcery is this?" she exclaimed to her now numbminded self, which presented her with five men who bore an uncanny resemblance to her beloved, Nal, seated before her. The radiant glow on her face dimmed as she began contemplating an escape. She, in her truest heart, had chosen Nal as her Champion and was attracted by his very presence in that corner of the majestic coliseum. As she stood in her frozen tracks, she gazed in amaze at the five identical men with every physical and meta physical that her lover Nal exuded. She delved into the depths of her soul, questioning, "How can I discern my true love among them? They all appear identical, even their essence feels the same." Her inquiry carried a resolute determination to seek assistance. Moments later, she offered a prayer with the pride of a lioness and the humility of a saint.

In the sweet melody of the swan's song,

I found my heart's true path, where I belong.

Amidst the Lords and beings untold,

I beg you, my love, to unfold.

For I have chosen you, my chosen King,

In your presence, my heart takes wing.

You dwell in every corner, all around,

Within my heart, your presence profound.

For you alone, my love does reside,

No other can claim a place by my side.

We are two halves of one soul's embrace,

Together, we will find solace and grace.

Bound in love's thread, we shall forever thrive,

With you, my King, our souls will survive.

Mighty four, reveal your noble might,

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