Nikita Dandy "Fly Hunter: The Story of an Inquisitor"

Fly Hunter: The Story of an Inquisitor" is a gripping exploration of human nature's dark corners and the corrupting influence of absolute power. The novel follows Aman-Jalil, a ruthless inquisitor who rises from a violent childhood to become a key figure in a brutal regime. Serving under Iosif Besarionis, he ascends to the head of the NKVD, wielding immense power with ruthless efficiency. Aman-Jalil's early life, marked by violence and despair, shapes him into a person who finds solace in hunting flies, a metaphor for his manipulative actions. This novel starkly portrays human depravity and the brutal realities of life under an oppressive regime, making it a tale that lingers long after the last page is turned.

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child_care Возрастное ограничение : 18

update Дата обновления : 09.07.2024

– Better if he left us alone, talentless hack!

– Don’t spoil your mood before the concert, my joy… By the way, that "scoundrel" brought me a wonderful story. Here, read it!

And Kasym handed his wife the manuscript. She took it with such distrust that Kasym laughed. Nigar read the story carefully and, running her hand over her face, said:

– It can’t be!

– Don’t believe your eyes?

– I don’t believe it! Such a scoundrel couldn’t write such a wonderful story… No, I don’t believe it!

– I’ll read it in the second act.

– You’ve gone mad? Do you think they won’t figure it out?

– The audience today is good, the working class, if they figure it out, they won’t run to inform.

– Kasym, I beg you! Ahmed won’t cover for you forever.

– He will! He won’t have a choice… Yes, I’m showing a "fig in the pocket"! So what? The world won’t change because of it.

– This is not a fig, it’s a slap in the face. They won’t forgive you.

– They ignore these mosquito bites… Instead of calling for revolution, we settle for jokes and consider ourselves honest, but we’re no better than others…

– Do you think betraying or not betraying is the same? Informing or not informing, killing or not killing?

– We see everything, we know everything, we understand everything. If we cowardly remain silent, we’re no better than others. If we keep quiet, others, seeing us, also close their mouths, adapt. If the desire to survive is stronger, if the desire to keep comforts, a comfortable life, is stronger, then we’re animals, not predators, but herbivores. Sheep calmly watch their brother or sister being slaughtered. We’ve all become like that. We’ve lost the right to be called humans. We were promised freedom! The only freedom left is the freedom to choose: to cowardly, submissively remain silent or to go to torment, and even this freedom will soon be taken from us, everything is heading that way. A stone thrown from a mountain drags other stones behind it, each not posing much danger individually, but together they form an avalanche that sweeps away everything in its path: trees, houses, and people. And already the submissive will be swept away by this terrible force, and those weaker stones in the avalanche will crumble into dust from the weight, but the avalanche will continue to grow, until it loses its strength in fighting itself. It’s not enough to be honest with oneself, one must be honest with others. That’s the hardest part!

Kasym’s throat was dry from excitement, he poured a glass of water from the carafe and drank it greedily, almost in two gulps. Nigar approached him, hugged him, and pressed her head to his chest.

– I love you!

Kasym kissed her tenderly.

– It’s time to start the concert… Maybe reading this story will be the most significant thing I’ve done in my entire life. I know how it should be read…

And the concert began. Nigar sang so that the audience’s hearts melted, and Kasym made them laugh to tears.

Arif admired the concert. Unrecognized by anyone, who could have guessed that the closest aide of the Great Iosif Besarionis was sitting in the hall like an ordinary mortal, without security, although Aman-Jalil’s men kept the entire hall under sniper scopes, Arif reminisced about those distant times when he was one of the people, not one of those oppressing them, and enjoyed the rare, long-forgotten sensation of simplicity and unity of souls.

And only Aman-Jalil saw nothing and heard nothing. He waited, as a spider waits for a fly, buzzing merrily near the web, perhaps the spider prays at that moment to its gods to blind the fly for a moment and dull its sense of danger. And once caught in the web, it could not escape, could not avoid the paralyzing bite, it only needed to be nudged to fly a little further…

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