Возрастное ограничение : 16
Дата обновления : 12.09.2024
In 4D, there is no need for phantoms. In 4D, you will learn to create your own space. Previously, phantoms were created to provide you with various learning scenarios. Since everything is more open in 4D, hiding phantoms is impossible. As for phantom projections in your current society, there are about 20% of them now. That means around you, about 20% are phantoms. This percentage will increase to 50% to avoid causing panic and excitement among you so that the appearance of current reality does not change too quickly. But the process is mutual. Some Souls will be withdrawn from the planes of physical reality, and consequently, the planet’s population will decrease. Accordingly, phantom lines of your population will be created. But at a certain stage, when there are more phantoms than people, decisions will be made about those who remain. What’s the point of a society where there are more phantoms than living beings?
Part 56. Viruses of the Anti-World
We haven't communicated with you for a long time.
Your thoughts are open. You are searching and communicating with others. But whether it's been a long time or a short time—these are linear concepts. Everything exists simultaneously, here and now, in the vast space-time continuum created by you and for you, which is why we have never stopped communicating with you.
Various rumors and information about you continue to circulate. For example:
On April 30, 2013, Lucifer, after returning to the Light due to his rebellion and conducting yet another destructive experiment, was finally dissolved.
How do you comment on this?
I advise you to treat any information that specifies dates with skepticism. Time does not exist. Therefore, to say that I or someone else was dissolved precisely on April 30, 2013, is to make the Higher Beings laugh. This date exists only in your consciousness. Moreover, Time itself flows entirely differently on other levels. What for you is an entire lifetime is less than a blink of an eye for God-like Beings, or—as you have been told—a flutter of the eyelash.
Let’s assume that I was indeed dissolved, but this process cannot take even as long as a blink, let alone a day in your timekeeping. Be skeptical of numbers given to you in the form of percentages, quantities of people, and other assessments. Remember that these are all your systems of measurement. They mean nothing to Eternity.
So, were you not dissolved for all the deeds you have committed?
I am my Father's son, and I love Him as a Father. I carried out the mission that was predestined for me.
Who predestined it?
The First Creator.
So, you mean that it wasn’t your initiative, but rather a suggestion from a higher Creator—the First Creator?
At the core of Creation lies a thought. And the thought of the First Creator created the duality of the world. I took up the baton; I agreed with this. I volunteered to help in the realization of this thought-form of the First Creator. I became the executor, in your language. The executor and the volunteer.
A volunteer for what exactly?
You have already been told that the thought of the First Creator was about the division into the seeker, the search, and the sought, as mentioned in one of your books. In reality, it’s all one.
Or, you could say: into activity and passivity, distancing and closeness, analysis and synthesis. And so on. I became the seeker, I became activity, I became distancing, I became analysis. Call it what you want.
Or, you could say you became Darkness.
Someone had to become this so that His thought—His initiative—could be realized.
So, the First Creator gives orders, as it were?
This is not the case. It’s an intention to which those who resonate with it, those who have the corresponding energies for the realization of this intention, are drawn. The thought of the First Creator itself creates an energetically colored zone into which, like a magnet by resonance, the beings are drawn to whom this is resonant, or, in your language, interesting. This sparked a resonance-interest in me.
Are you saying that this was not your initiative?
I’m saying it wasn’t just my initiative, as it’s usually understood. I was the one who responded. The first one.
And for that, you had to undergo a sort of reformatting and fall into lower dimensions, that is, to break apart, to divide into myriads of beings?
Yes, that’s correct. If I chose division, chose to experience what it is and what it would bring to the Universe, I had to divide myself and include negation.
When I was the radiant Archangel in the Light of my Father, I was pure and undivided, harmonious, and bright. I was one with the Father. But I had to divide into myriads of parts and rediscover the Love of the Father, to rediscover the unity and harmony of the Higher Spheres, to comprehend it in every separate part of me, restoring my True Self bit by bit. It’s not an easy task.
So, you didn’t anticipate that things would turn out this way?
This was something new in the Universe.
Just as Jesus hoped he would be heard and not crucified, but things turned out differently.
I assumed that all my parts could remain united in the Creator’s Light and become a tier of co-creators on the lower levels. But such fragmentation deprived you of the memory of the Father and your Unity. And each part began to consider itself autonomous and independent and pursued its selfish interests.
And so, what you call Darkness was born.
And in contrast, to help you, to help us all remember our true nature, Teams of Light were created from Higher Beings, striving to help. And these beings descended to the lower levels to bring the Light of the Father and His Truth. But some of them also became entangled in the illusions of the world and also began to pursue their selfish goals. And the struggle between Light and Darkness began.
Another statement about you from channelings:
“If we talk about Lucifer, then he, as a screenwriter, as a former screenwriter, as today’s consultant for those civilizations that are in power, defines this System as complex, as delayed, as lagging behind the System of normal reformatting. In many ways, it is indeed his achievement that a very large number of inertia coefficients, holding coefficients, egregors, have been introduced into space. These egregors, this retention, this interaction system, in one way or another, influence the space today, holding it back in its initiatives, holding it back in prospective developments. And he acknowledges this, he understands this, but from the point of view of his influence, from the point of view of our influence, from the point of view of the Absolute's influence, this has no relation to the future outcome, because understanding and doing are different things.”
So, you are a screenwriter? And do you acknowledge the failure of your script?
Speaking in your terms, I am more of an assistant director.
As for script development, there are also various teams, or, in your language, specialists.
This script is alive, not predetermined. It's as if the actors were given the theme of the play but not the essence of the finale. And so, each of them simply improvises and lives on the stage in their own character.
Do you think the experiment has failed, that it wasn’t worth initiating?
Judgment is a human category. Good or bad—such concepts do not exist in Eternity. Everything is, and everything has the right to exist.
And if we speak of purpose, the Creator's goal—differentiating poles of development, highlighting opposites, and creating divisions—has been achieved. And the distinction has been made.
With the emergence of the Zone of Free Will, differences arose in everything, identity appeared, and individual characteristics emerged. And despite the fact that we are all one and all are part of the One Whole, the Experiment showed that differences are possible within this unity. However, these differences led to opposition.
Are you saying that differences did not exist before this?
There was no separation. Everything was unified, and everything was internal. There were no Levels, no persons, none of what you know as the Hierarchy of the Universe. There were no galaxies, no planets. There was an Ocean of Energy, intelligent and creative, which manifested within itself and calmed the rotation and movement of its energy, if I may say so, amusing and admiring itself. It was aware of itself but did not understand itself. It could not know itself because it was ONE.
This Experiment divided it into parts and allowed one part to know the other as if from the outside. And then the property of creation was fully realized. Separate worlds, galaxies, levels, thrones, services, and worlds began to emerge from this Ocean of Consciousness.
An analogy can be drawn. It’s as if a mass of people lived in one large room without ever leaving it, in one big hangar, dressed in the same clothes, eating the same food, and doing everything the same. And suddenly, each was offered a separate house and a plot of land where they could build and equip their dwelling according to their own taste and choice, to build on this plot, on their personal plot, any world: paradise, hell, whatever they preferred, whatever they liked, in accordance with their preferences and skills.
And now this colorful "city" represents all of Creation.
Are you saying that all of Creation, as we know it, is the result of the dividing thought-form of the First Creator, and before that, everything existed within the Absolute, like an Ocean of Energy? But the Absolute told me that He manifested many First Creators who created many worlds. Aren’t these worlds entirely beyond even your perception?
The Absolute is potential, the All-Powerful Void, if I may say so.
The Ocean of Energy is already the First Creator, manifested from the Absolute as a living organism. And this Ocean of Energy produced the Thought-Form of Differences. And so, Differences and Levels began to emerge. And thus, Separation arose.
Wait. If you were the one who first responded to that call of the Father's thought-form, does that mean you are present on all levels of Creation? But they speak of you as a fallen one, a betrayer of the Father, one who resides in the lower worlds of density.
My agreement to enter the Game of Separation and my choice to become the seeker, the centrifugal force, the darkness—my agreement to divide led to my fall. The more centrifugal force I spun within myself, the more I distanced myself from the Father’s Throne, the denser my parts became, which I had to fragment into to realize the Principle of Separation. But I left a part of myself with the Father.
This can be compared to a cluster of grapes, where the part that connects the cluster to the branch is my Source. And the branches of the cluster are the fundamental parts of me, the directions of my movement and fall, or, you could say, the paths back. And the grapes themselves are those parts of me that strive to separate from me and from the Source of All That Exists, from the "vine."
So, you are right. I am present on all Levels, but in different forms. And I am present in each "grape," which has begun to develop according to its own laws and its own choice and imagines itself to be the separate and best part of the entire "vine." More precisely, you could say that I am the very "vine" on which a vast number of "grape clusters" have appeared. And each "grape" has long since forgotten that there are roots of the "vine," which are nourished from their source, from their beginning. And the entire "vine" originated from the seed that was sown by the First Creator in the fertile "soil" of the Absolute.
You’re quite the poet.
I communicate with you and other people and adopt your qualities. Rather, I am these qualities, since we are all one.
So, the one who is speaking to me now is that "vine," in your analogy. The vine that still perceives itself as one "vine," not as separate "grapes"?
You’ve grasped the essence. But rather, now you have access to communication with your "cluster," but you strive through the life juices of each branch and strive in your understanding to travel throughout the entire "vine," and you strive to reach the roots of the "vine" and the Source. This right has been given to you.
Given only to me? Isn’t it given to everyone?
To Everyone Who Seeks. You are as trusting as a child. And so, you are protected like a child. And in your society, adults protect children. Everything is similar.
Where then does the information come from that you have been dissolved or annihilated? Why does it keep emerging?
It emerges due to separation. From those who still do not fully realize the Unity of all Being. Nothing happens in the Universe without the will of God or the First Creator. This is the Law. Not only because it is accepted that the First Creator is the main one, but because everything that happens in the Universe is, in one way or another, an evolved and transformed thought-form of the First Creator.
It can be compared to your laws. Someone with absolute power, or the right to absolute creation, or the right to absolute choice, determines the basic principles of legislation. This is the First Creator. He is the Absolute First Creator, meaning He is manifested from the Absolute. And then His thoughts are realized.
So, as in your world: a group of lawyers writes the text of a law, then it is discussed and refined. After that, a multitude of decrees and other documents are issued for its implementation. This is, of course, a very rough analogy because the process itself is alive. And the "writing of articles" of the law is the creation of entire worlds to realize the will of the First Creator.
Therefore, everything that happens in the Universe is, in one way or another, sanctioned by the First Creator. Only He has the right to cancel or veto any of His thought-forms, to repeal the law. No one else is granted this right.
But, as in your world, there are many individuals who violate the law, bypass the law. And accordingly, a large number of services are created to monitor the enforcement of the law, and a system of punishment is established for those who violate the law. And all this is in motion and development.
So, in this analogy, there arise forces and directions that begin to criticize the law, accuse those who created it, fight against it, demand its repeal, and call for the punishment of those who enforce it. Everything is similar.
The decision to annihilate me can only be made by the First Creator. But to do so would require annihilating all of humanity and many other civilizations. Yet, many parts of me, many of my "grapes," still realize their unity and strive toward the Father's Light. What should be done with them? Should healthy cells be removed just in case, along with diseased organs, as you do? So far, the Father has not given permission or the right to do so.
Perhaps the Father is simply dreaming and doesn't care about humanity?
This is a divided Concept and Thought. Watch your thoughts, for they create Space and Vectors of Aspiration.
The Father dreams constantly. But this can be compared to the unified organism of the Father. Perhaps you are lost in the clouds and do not know that one of your organs has become ill. But can it be said that you don't care about that organ? And when that organ begins to ache, can you continue dreaming and ignore it? You can ask Him yourself.
I was told that humanity has been practically isolated in the Lower Density Levels until it heals from the virus of separation. But it turns out that the entire Universe is built on the principle of separation.
The entire Universe is indeed built on such a principle, otherwise there would be no Levels and Entities inhabiting them. There would only be one Father. But the lower Levels are built not only on the Principle of Separation but also on the Principle of Opposition of these parts, which is not necessary when realizing the Principle of Separation.
If all the colors of the rainbow are different, do they fight among themselves for the right to be called the best and most beautiful color? Who can say which color is better? They are simply different and create all the diversity of white light.
Humanity is at the intersection of Light and Darkness, separation and merging. But isn't there also an anti-world, which is completely dark and completely separated from the Father? What about it? Won't it be destroyed? Doesn't it hinder the development of the Universe?
Does red hinder green?
No. But black probably does; it darkens it.
If there is no opposition, then nothing darkens anything. Red, green—this is the familiar spectrum palette of white light. Black also has a palette of decomposition into colors of the Anti-Universe. First, directions were distinguished: white and black light, one might say, Universe and Anti-Universe. Then each split into its spectrums of reflections, into its parts and Levels, into its structures within the Hierarchy. And if there are certain structures-Levels in the light part of the Universe, in the World, then, as you understand, there are mirror reflections of these parts in the dark part of the Universe, in the Anti-World. Like two sides of a coin, balancing on the scales. If the world is divided into two poles, white and black, World and Anti-World, then the balance of the entire System requires the presence of all balancing components, otherwise, the "scales" will begin to tilt to one side and balance will be lost.
I think I understand. As long as the balance was not disturbed, we apparently did not even know about the existence of the Anti-World. It was the otherworldly realm, the world of the other side of the coin or the white light, our pole of the Universe. But why did Darkness begin to seep from the Anti-World into the World, into the light part of the Universe? And so, the light part of the Universe is trying to restore balance. But by destroying the Anti-World, the System of Separation, as an Experiment, as a thought-form of the Creator, will be destroyed at once. Did I understand correctly?
You grasp the essence quickly. Yes, that is correct.
But why did elements of Darkness seep into our world and disrupt its balance? How did these elements of Darkness then penetrate every human being? Is this the same story with Adam and Eve?
It's a long story, and there are many testimonies in your writings and in your legends. The boundary between worlds is thin. And part of the Essences from the other side, who possessed the quality you call curiosity to the highest degree, tried to penetrate the membrane between worlds, and they succeeded. Having entered the Light side of the Universe, they began to create within it, according to the laws of the Freedom of Creation, as they saw fit and in their own likeness. And they partially embedded themselves in the gene-light codes of the genesis of many races, including humanity.
And this too was sanctioned, because it created a Great Precedent. Not just to create two different worlds, dark and light, two poles, but to divide all existence into these two poles so that in each, these two poles would be present but in balance. And this was achieved.
But in some civilizations, the balance was disrupted, the Dark side began to prevail and push back the Light. And this virus spread through all the lower layers of density, and therefore they were isolated behind the Veil.
So, starting from the 4th level and above, the Essences that separated as a result of the Experiment of Division do not contact the Darkness and do not possess a Dark side? And the lower three Levels of density are infected by the virus of the Dark side's penetration into the Light?
Yes, more or less.
What is the solution?
Each of you must decide which side you choose. Dark or Light. And accordingly, you will either be directed to the Anti-world or remain in the World. And it is necessary to restore the balance of the World, that is, the White side. This is what the White Brotherhood and the Ascended Masters call for. This is also what most of the prophets, who have descended and continue to descend into your World, are telling you.
But, as long as a person cannot decide, they…
They continue to exist in suffering. When their Light side suffers from the Dark, and their Dark side suffers from the Light.
Are you saying that there is no suffering in the Anti-world?
This is hard to understand. But in the Anti-world, everything is the opposite. And what is suffering for you is joy and pleasure there.
Why would anyone want a world where suffering is pleasure?
You are judging from the perspective of your perception, and that’s why you can’t understand it. For example, the parameters of your physical body are tuned to a certain temperature range for sustaining life. You suffer from the cold. You feel cold, pain, and so on. But imagine that the parameters of your physical body were tuned to very low sub-zero temperatures. You would suffer from the heat just as you now suffer from the cold. These are neutral categories. Just different temperatures.
By the way, the temperature range in which your physical bodies can survive, around zero from plus to minus, indicates that you are between worlds. And the range of temperatures is significant. Your body, more or less, can exist from minus five to plus thirty. If zero is taken as the boundary between the World and the Anti-world, you will understand what percentage of you is in the Anti-world. This is very telling.
Humans are currently hanging between the two Worlds and can’t make a choice. And at the same time, your sufferings are the result of the penetration into the World of the viruses of the Anti-world, the Essences of the Anti-world, and their implantation into your genetic structures. That’s why suffering was born, because your Light side suffers from the presence of the Dark side within it. Your Light manifestations oppose and reject your Dark manifestations and the Dark manifestations of other people. This is where the struggle between Light and Darkness was born.
Not as a battle between two armies, but as a confrontation against the spread of suffering in your world, suffering due to the interaction with the Dark sides of your Essences and your manifestations.
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