A. L. Safonov "Institution-formation theory and principles of its construction. Globalization and the main mechanisms of the development of society"

This monograph focuses on the study of the laws that govern the development of globalization and the establishment of the new age of post-globalization as well as the analysis of the reasons for the emergence of the crisis in the humanities. The result of research presented principles of building a new socio-philosophical theory, which will help forecast, with a high degree of probability, the development of the society and explain the processes that happen inside it.

date_range Год издания :

foundation Издательство :Издательские решения

person Автор :

workspaces ISBN :9785005387271

child_care Возрастное ограничение : 16

update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023


Davidson, A.B. Cecil Rhodes and His Time. / Sesil Rods iВ ego vremya. M.: Mysl., 1984, 367В pp.


Lenin, V.I. Imperialism kak vyshays stadiya kapitalisma. M.: Lend, 2019, 128В pp.


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Borlaug, N. Green revolution // Ecologia i Zhizn, 200, #4, pp. 37—42.


Appendix 1 has aВ full list ofВ various schools ofВ thought on globalization and authors who belong toВ them.


Safonov, A.L. Osevoe vremya-2: vozvraschenie k istokam ili pogruzhenie vo t’mu? // Vestnik Buryatskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, #14 (Philosophy, sociology, political sciences, cultural sciences). Ulan Ude, 2012, pp. 34—42.


Zinoviev, A.A. Na puti k sverkhobschestvu. M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2000, 637В pp.


Fukuyama, F. The End ofВ History and the Last Man. / Konets istorii iВ poslednii chelovek. M.: Ermak, AST, 2005, 592В pp.


Hardt, M. Negri, A. Multitude: War and Democracy inВ the Age ofВ Empire. M.: Praksis, 2004, 440В pp.


Prazauskas, A.A. Etnonatsionalizm, mnogonatsionalnoe gosudarstvo i protsessy globalizatsii / Ethnonationalism, multinational state and globalization // Polis, 1997, #2, pp. 95—105.


Guseinov, A.A. Lichnost i natsiya v svete globalizma.// Eastern Christian civilization and eastern Christian society in the modern society. M., 2001, pp. 25—33.


Stepin, V.S. OВ typakh tsivilizatsionnogo razvitiya iВ stsenariev buduschego. Epokha peremen iВ stsenarii buduschego. M., 1996, 368В pp.


Fukuyama, F. The End ofВ History and the Last Man. / Konets istorii iВ poslednii chelovek. M.: Ermak, AST, 2005, 592В pp.


Zinoviev, A.A. Globalny cheloveinik. M., 1994, 448В pp.


Braudel, F. Grammar ofВ civilizations. / Grammatika tsivilizatsii M.: Ves mir, 2008, 552В pp.


Guseinov, A.A. Lichnost i natsiya v svete globalizma. // Eastern Christian civilization and eastern Christian society in the modern society. M., 2001, pp. 25—33.


Hayek, F. Individualism and Economic Order. / Individualizm iВ globalny poryadok. M.: Izograf, 2000, 256В pp.


Friedman, M. Methodology of positive economic science / Metodologiya pozitivnoi ekonomicheskoi nauki. // THESIS, 1994, #4, pp. 20—52.


Popper, K. The Open Society and Its Enemies. / Otkrytoe obschestvo iВ ego vragi. M.: Feniks, Mezhdunarodny fond Kulturnaya Initsiativa, 1992, 448В pp.


Kuznetsov, P.G. Izbrannye trudy. Dubna, 2014, 360В pp.


Kondratiev, K.Y., Krapivin, V.F., Savinykh V.P. Perspektivy razvitiya tsivilizatsii: mnogomerny analiz. M.: Logos, 2003, 576В pp.

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