ISBN :Возрастное ограничение : 18
Дата обновления : 14.06.2023
You need at least aВ dozen boars forВ you!
My dear Henry.
She sang. Talking toВ herself and laughed heartily. She stood for aВ moment inВ thought. And IВ decided toВ go toВ his chambers. The messenger waited outside the door for an answer.
Tell His Highness that I cannot refuse the patient’s request and will certainly visit him.
She thought and said.
An hour later.
Yes, she added, I’ll be with His Highness in an hour.
The Messenger bowed and disappeared into the hallways of the palace. An hour later she was at the door of Heinrich’s chambers. Knocking lightly on the door. It was opened by the same servant who brought the letter. She went into the room. The servant disappeared through the door, leaving them alone. She went into the room, where she found Heinrich writing another letter. The paper lay next to him on the bed.
What are you writing? She asked.
He lookedВ up.
I was going to write you the next message in case you don’t come.
What if I hadn’t come back then? Smiling, she asked.
Then, IВ would send you letters all night. He answered.
He put aside the paper on which he was writing the next message.
Well, this is no longer needed, you are already here.
She was standing next toВ hisВ bed.
So you’re dying? She said smiling.
He smiled back atВ her.
I’m feeling better, Henry replied.
How is your leg? Diana continued.
Oh, no big deal, he started, itВ was.
Then IВ caught myself.
Oh terribly bad! And he began toВ moan feignedly.
Oh! Such aВ pain! He said. Theatrically widening his eyes and making aВ grimace. Pretending torment. Fixing aВ painful gaze at the ceiling and holding out his hands toВ her.
Well, sit down next toВ me, otherwise IВ will definitely die! He continued this farce.
She sat down next toВ him on the edge ofВ his bed. She shook her head. She looked at him seriously and asked.
So, is your leg still?
Maybe you can answer?
He looked at her merrily, with his dark eyes, said.
IВ already said. And IВ wanted toВ repeat my theatrical monologue, which IВ said earlier.
But she stopped him. Throwing his eyebrows up. And waiting for an intelligible answer.
He looked at her. Realizing that his monologue is not accepted. And she expects seriousness from him. He just said.
It’s just nothing, my dear Diana.
You are right, there is nothing toВ worry about, and IВ assureВ you.
In less than a week. And I’ll be on my feet again. And he smiled. {{1 Week!
Oh myВ God!
You’ve got a wound all over your leg!
What are you talking about!
Right, madam. You will see for yourself. InВ aВ week, IВ will be on my feet, as if nothing had happened. Believe me. He answered laughing.
That damn boar just scratched me a little, that’s all.
InВ fact, the boar inflicted aВ severe wound on Henry. They ripped like aВ razor skin and meat all over the leg, up toВ the thigh, and only miraculously without touching the arteries, which could threaten Henry with inevitable death! Henry bore this scar, left on that day byВ the monster for the rest ofВ his life. Poitiers said with aВ serious face.
I’ll bring you some broth tomorrow. He will put you on your feet and restore your strength. Not listening to his chatter about scratches and knowing that if she does not take care that Heinrich drinks the miracle broth, and then he himself will not do it for anything. Diana sincerely believed that a good broth is the best remedy for any ailment!
IВ will drink your broth on one condition.
If you yourself will spoon-feed me withВ it!
Raising his finger up, Heinrich spoke. Laughing and havingВ fun.
Otherwise, I won’t drink it for nothing! And he grimaced his face.
Hmm! Poitiers chuckled.
I’ll have to get you drunk with them.
And don’t even hesitate, I’ll definitely do it. Unless you are otherwise, do not intend to be treated!
She added briskly.
Suddenly, becoming serious she added.
Heinrich, IВ wanted toВ thank you. She said.
If you hadn’t shown up in time, out there in the woods. I don’t know what would have happened. She said. Unable to explain his stupor during a meeting with a wild boar in the forest. But, she did not have time to finish, as he pulled her to him and kissed her on the lips. She felt his hot and urgent kiss and responded to it.After a long and hot kiss, pulling a little away from him, she looked at him. His eyes burned with fire, in the faint candlelight. She looked away and said.
I think it’s time to go. Good night Henry.
She was about toВ get up off the edge ofВ the bed she was sitting on, but he stoppedВ her.
Wait, Diana. He held her hand.
Diana, tell me all the same.
Why did you stay where you were inВ the woods?
Instead ofВ running away.
It’s scary to imagine what could have happened to you!
If I hadn’t been there in time, he added.
I just can’t figure it out. Why didn’t you run away!
You were standing there on your ginger mare. So calm! It was like aВ beautiful stone statue and there was not even aВ drop ofВ fear inВ your eyes!
Aren’t you scared?
Oh, you, but about the boar!
She gasped, thinking ofВ the kiss.
Oh no. What are you, I just did not have time to get scared, and that’s all.
He smiled slightly.
Still, this monster would scare anyone. He said thoughtfully.
She has already got up from the edge ofВ the bed, on which she sat down next toВ Heinrich.
I just didn’t have time, that’s all. She answered. Smiling at him. I was about to leave the room. But, suddenly she turned and said.
Heinrich thanks again.
You probably saved my life!
Hope your leg will heal soon.
I’ll come tomorrow, she reminded him. And I’ll bring you some broth.
He made aВ funny face again.
No, Heinrich. You promised me toВ drink all the broth. He smiled atВ her.
OfВ course, my dear Diana.
I’ll even drink poison from your beautiful hands! He answered.
She smiled, shook her head and left, closing the door quietly behindВ her.
A week later, Henry was really on his feet. The wounds on it seem to have really healed miraculously. And Poitier’s miraculous broth helped! With whom, she mercilessly watered Henry, as promised.Tolya was about the hot kisses that followed the broth. Despite the bed rest prescribed by the doctors, Heinrich was already in the saddle a week later. The courtiers marveled at Henry’s speedy recovery. To which he replied to those around him that he got to his feet so quickly thanks to the miraculous treatment of Madame de Brese. And that her broth was definitely magical. And making a mysterious appearance, Henry told the next courtiers, «about the miracle broth.» Poitiers blushed red when she heard him speak. Not knowing what exactly he means. Really her broth or passionate kisses. Although, she was sure that it was the second rather than the first. The courtiers remained in conjectures and doubts about their relationship, and how close they were. Heinrich, seeing her rosy cheeks, smiled broadly at her. And she pretended not to hear what he was talking about. Pretending that she is engaged in a fascinating conversation with some lady. Seeing that she diligently pretends to be deaf. He repeated the phrase louder.
Miracle broth! IВ tell you. Addressing the interlocutor, he almost shouted, inВ his thunderous voice. Even aВ deaf person should have heard it! And then, unable toВ bear it, Diana threw an almost angry and prickly glance atВ him.
As if speaking toВ him. Yes, shut up, you! He made an innocent face and an even more innocent smile. And she replaced anger with mercy. And how could you be angry with him?! It was impossible toВ be angry with Henry! Poitiers tried toВ hide their relationship from all prying eyes. Heinrich, on the other hand, wanted toВ scream, literally, that they were together. And only knowing that it makes her angry. So far IВ talked about broth.
Thus began their life-long story! For which, as it turned out, life was too little! They ran at night along the dark corridors and narrow staircases of the palace, hiding from prying eyes. Sneaking into each other’s rooms, like thieves and making serious faces during the day. But, of course, the courtiers whispered, but could not catch them in any way. It seemed that both took pleasure in leading everyone around by the nose, laughing at the curious and playing cat and mouse with the courtiers. And when they were not seen, they shot fiery arrows of glances at each other. But, nevertheless, rumors spread, because everyone was curious. Is it really? Are they lovers? Finally, they decided to open up, and openly went to a place known throughout France, which only lovers could visit. They traveled to Castle Ecuenne, owned by Constable Montmorency. The mood in this castle was created by the famous erotic stained glass windows. These stained glass windows shocked even Rabelais with their content! They illustrated the love of Psyche, and hinted to Henry that his goddess could be human. Can flutter in his arms, like Psyche in Cupid’s arms.
This is how aВ love story famous inВ subsequent centuries began! Diana, who until then knew only the love ofВ her old husband, who suited her as aВ grandfather and an equally young and selfish king. Only byВ knowing the passion ofВ an ardent prince, who, byВ age, was suitable for her as aВ son. IВ realized that love can be not only the fulfillment ofВ aВ conjugal duty, but also aВ pleasure. Heinrich, inВ turn, did not look like aВ youth. On the contrary, he looked much older than his years inВ appearance, and inВ his mind was aВ mature man. Therefore, Poitiers forgot about the age difference.
Heinrich was all the more happy.
Embracing his goddess, whom he has always dreamed ofВ and dreamed of. From their first meeting, her image was inВ his heart. He also expressed his feelings inВ poetry. He regretted the loss ofВ time. The fear that held him back that his goddess would not condescend toВ him. That he will be faithful toВ her until his last breath, and that his heart will always belong toВ her alone! And when they absolutely happy returned toВ the palace. Everything became clear toВ everyone finally. They no longer hid their relationship, and everyone at court realized that they were lovers.
The Vicissitudes ofВ Fate
Bells were ringing all over Paris and all over France. France was inВ mourning. Crown Prince Francis died ofВ aВ serious lung disease. Henry was heartbroken. He truly loved his brother. He stood silently byВ the window. She came up behindВ him.
Heinrich, you couldn’t help him.
I’m really sorry Francis is gone. She said.
He turned aВ miserable face full ofВ grief and loss toВ her.
I’m sorry, she repeated, and hugged him.
He rested his head on her shoulder and was silent, as he once did inВ childhood. Then when they first met, and he was still aВ child. On the day when their very children, Heinrich, along with his still healthy brother, were sent into captivity.
She stroked his thick, black hair. So they stood silently, without uttering aВ word.
How strange at times the interweaving of fate or the fate itself. Many years ago, the little prince, the second son of the king, everyone simply forgot to even greet, sending him prisoner. After all, he should not have become king. But who among mortals can know what should be? And who’s indomitable strength and the hand from above, writes and decides the fate of people? Inevitable fate or fate itself! And the power that kings have is just an illusion! Because there is only one true power! This is his power and will! And his name is the creator or god! What fate has he prepared for each of us?! What turn will lead us to death or victory?!
Henry was not supposed toВ become the heir toВ the throne, but heВ did!
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