Ashok Kumawat "The Turning Point"

This book contains 45 chapters. Think about accomplishing only the goals you have set. If you focus on more than one goal at once, your chances of success are slim. When you set only one goal, then your brain tries to fulfill that goal in every way. In this state your mind becomes focused on a single goal. Now imagine that you are standing in a floating boat. You see two islands simultaneously. Someone tells you that on one island there is a box full of gold and on another island there is a silver box. So what will you do? Will you pick up those boxes from both islands simultaneously? ”No ” You will pick one box first and then the second one. That is, you cannot accomplish two goals simultaneously. First you have to complete one goal, then the other goal. So keep one goal at a time. Focus your attention on only one goal at a time. If you want to be successful, you have to remain focused.

date_range Год издания :

foundation Издательство :Tektime S.r.l.s.

person Автор :

workspaces ISBN :9788835425717

child_care Возрастное ограничение : 0

update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023

(1). Seeing with the eye: When the mind sees something beautiful with its eyes, it saves that information inside itself. This information brings your mind to you again and again. This will disturb you. This is the first reason for thinking of disturbing you.

(2). Listening with ears: When you listen to a good music, your brain saves it inside you. This information (music) repeatedly brings your mind to you, which causes you to disturb. This is another reason to think of disturbing you.

(3). Taste with tongue: When you eat something tasty you enjoy it. Your mind wants you to have this joy again and again. Therefore, your brain saves this information inside you, which causes you to disturb.

(4). Smelling through the nose: If you go to a flower garden and you get a good smell of flowers, then you get pleasure from the fragrance of the flowers. Your mind wants that joy to be found in future also. Therefore, your brain saves this information within itself. And repeatedly brings the same thoughts in you, which causes you to disturb.

(5). From touching skin: The above-mentioned disturbing thoughts occur even after touching the skin.

Now you know why the disturbing thoughts come inside you. If you want to get rid of these disturbing thoughts, then you have to be detached from them.

You do not have to be completely detained, but to a minimum extent you will have to be detached from them so that the disturbing thoughts in vain will not enter you.

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