Natalie Yacobson "Amaranta-2. Captive of Elf’s King"

The king of elves kidnapped Amaranta. Now she is his captive and sweetheart. Probably she is destined to become the queen of elves. But the Queen of Fairies does not give up, and intrigues against the rival. The dangerous magical secrets are waiting for Amaranta in the castle of elves.

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update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023

Amaranta-2. Captive of Elf’s King
Natalie Yacobson

The king of elves kidnapped Amaranta. Now she is his captive and sweetheart. Probably she is destined to become the queen of elves. But the Queen of Fairies does not give up, and intrigues against the rival. The dangerous magical secrets are waiting for Amaranta in the castle of elves.


Captive of Elf’s King

Natalie Yacobson

Translator Natalie Lilienthal

© Natalie Yacobson, 2021

© Natalie Lilienthal, translation, 2021

ISBNВ 978-5-0055-0571-2 (С‚. 2)

ISBNВ 978-5-0055-0572-9

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Visit of Fairies’ Queen

The feast ofВ the evil spirits was nothing without her. Fiery demons danced inВ the magic ring, and he was not warm from their heat. It would be warm only from her arms.

«It’s hard to want someone else’s wife,«the evil spirit whispered, penetrated on the feast.

В«Yes!В» Dagda himself did not want, but responded. Never join conversations with stray spirits. There are some problems from them. So this spirit turned out toВ be obsessive.

В«Want toВ pick it up for yourself forever so that you will never part with her.В»

В«Yes!В» Why has he toВ hide the truth?

В«But for this you have toВ take her away from the people,В» the spirit said. В«And this threatens aВ new agreement with people.В»

«Sometimes the war is the only way to get something, without which you can’t live and what they will not give.»

В«Who whatever you know it! Who fought against his own fellow for power?В»

«Why do people believe that love needs to be kept under the lock, and someone else’s beloved can be kept next to themselves for marriage?»

– Well, marriage, if it is concluded, even without any love, is not so easy to terminate. You remember about the law about one century before the wedding. You start the war, kill Angus, and then you will have to say goodbye to Amaranta exactly per one century, and maybe forever. She is fragile and naive. In the transcendental fortress, where she will be locked from you, will certainly be a dark peri, who will told to her so that she herself violates all the conditions and extended your separation forever. We live in a cruel world, although we are magic creatures. And you remember perfectly that in heaven there was no better where your friend Lucifer once started the battle, and all of us, the former angels, and the current fairies were exiled on this mortal land, where people also appeared. Iy would be better they did not appear at all. Here and without them it was painfully.

But Dagda did not thinkВ so.

В«There would be no human tribe, and Amaranta would not be born.В»

В«Right! You would have no problem. And now you suffer. You have aВ feeling that near the heart under the skin sprouted with spikes aВ blood-sucking rose. It is concerned, she, as aВ parasite, is embroidered toВ the hearts ofВ all elves who fell inВ love with ordinary mortals. Although probably Amaranta aВ niece or aВ granddaughter ofВ any stray fairies.В»

«Unlikely! There are nothing from fairies. They are all contentious and sly. And she…»

:It is similar toВ those air angels who once fought againstВ us.В»

В«Very accurate definition,В» Dagda and himself thought about it, but he was afraid toВ pronounce it aloud.В»

В«Amaranta! Amaranta! Amaranta!В» sang the spirit. В«This gently girl will bring us something that the whole world will turn upside down, and people will not remain at all.В»

В«Stop it! IВ am so painful.В»

В«Sorry, Lord!В»

It was clear on the tone that the spirit was not at all ashamed, but he flew too high, and Dagda was too lazy toВ catchВ him.

Typically, Pak disgusted all the other free spirits, who twisted over the kingdom of seven hills, but this time he had evaporated somewhere. Probably, the hissing boiler scared him. Dagda himself wanted no longer to sacrifice either the guilty elves, no more people caught on forest roads, but today Medea Shai generously sent victims – her own subjects. And the boiler from their blood came to life again. Miniature faces on it were cheerful it seemed that they would break out of the copper captivity, in which they stay. It was impossible, but even evil spirits were afraid of them.

В«How strange you awarded all your friends and comrades!В» said the spirit. В«Will you do so with all your loved ones too? Does Amaranta also make aВ copper face on gates or boilers?В»

Dagda was inВ aВ rage. Who did not know that his colleagues became his enemies during the war? The spirit was cunning. He flew inВ aВ black swirl around aВ boiler, considering all the troubles.

В«IВ do not see here your best fighter.Is it for him not enough space? Where is Semildanah? Or did you cook him inВ the boiler, like Fomor or their mistress Domny?В»

Duga felt as if he trode on his corns. It’s time to drive the spirit away, but he was burned from the boiler himself. Even an intangible creature it can burn. The thick of the boiler resembled a living being. Still a little bit, and the face of which he wants to forget will be seen. I knew about it.

Theevil spirit disappeared himself. It did not have toВ drive him. The guests slowly disperse, scattered and mowed inВ their own holes and hills. Inside each hill inВ the vicinity was located aВ palace. But some guests came from the black tract ofВ Medea Shai. Even they were embarrassed at the sight ofВ metamorphosis occurring with the boiler. Did you even condemn it toВ the monsters for putting aВ live copper monument toВ his victory on the bones ofВ defeated? Persons inВ miniature whispered something, but he did not listen toВ them. All ofВ them were the monument, erected on the battlefield from the souls ofВ his rivals. And all the rivals once were his friends. Today, they all have got enaugh blood. InВ return there were on the bottom ofВ the boiler something wonderful: gold, stone or some kind ofВ magical object.

The blood ofВ the victims overflowed through the edge ofВ the boiler and flowed on copper persons. Only absorbing it all, they fell asleep.

Finally he remained alone. It was not here! Suddenly, after the feast, arrived aВ new guest and as usually entered without demand. No one dared toВ delayВ her.

What does she want this time? After all, he has already visited the celebration ofВ New Moon, the solstice and disclosure ofВ the gates ofВ the underground world, which happens once inВ the century. Oh, yes on the nose is another holiday night ofВ the afterlife, when all the dead rose toВ the night exactly at night, the bloodthirsty skeletons roam the world, catching travelers, and circle ditch above the ghosts. The king ofВ the dead will be inВ question, and where is the partner ofВ the beautiful Queen, who called him. Dagde will again have toВ play her partner, as he did at her request many times at every important holiday and event. May be time toВ say the stop. And let the king ofВ the dead pulls Medea Shai toВ the kingdom ofВ death. He will still shift himself on her fangs. During the century, Dagda understood that the Queen ofВ fairies was the same black gift, like those evil spells that they gather aВ gloomy cloud nearВ her.

«Dragon’s Love!» said the voices from the boiler. All knew about the love affairs of the fairies’ Queen with her scaly bodyguards. So they were consistent.

Often Dagda wondered why she needs someone else if she loves dragons so much toВ share her bed with them? The passion ofВ Queen ofВ fairies toВ the dragons was more than mutual. Nevertheless, Medea Shai more than once came toВ Dagde, toВ persuade so that he marry her. She did it quite skillfully, at the same time spread rumor. The magic people believed that the weddings would not be powerless, but Dagda himself decided otherwise.

So now the guest began aВ conversation with the old note.

«It’s time for you to make me your queen.» About us are already gossiped.

«You’re too beautiful to belong to someone alone.» In addition, your dragons are already waiting for you. By the way, how many of them are yours. On your bed, guarding the door, in the pools, in heaven…

В«The dragons will be inВ the past, if you say В«yes.В»

В«It is hardly an elf that does not know how and does not want toВ go toВ the dragon.В»

В«IВ will arrange the king ofВ elves,В» she insisted.

В«Is it all about the title? Only?В»

В«The king is suitable for the queen. You are the ruler ofВ the elves, IВ am the Governor ofВ fairies and all sorts ofВ ill spirits. We can rule the whole world together.В»

В«IВ do not want such great power.В»


В«ToВ rule the whole world, you need toВ fight without the end, and the war is expensive.В»

В«When did you spend money on mercenaries?В»

«I’m about moral value. When you kill someone, the black sites of their souls then do not lag behind you for centuries.

В«It only happens with bright elves. If you enter into an alliance with the dark fairy, then your conscience will be neutralized. InВ addition, opposites should be attracted and formed into aВ happy marriage union. You like sunlight, IВ am aВ seductive darkness. We are made for each other.

В«This is poetic, but unreliable.В»

«All because of the man’s wife?»

В«Do not call her so. And please leave.В»

В«She will die during the century, and IВ will still come back toВ seduce you.В»

The queen of fairies’ lips were next to his, but Dagda easily opposed all her charm and tricks.

В«Better toВ seduce another dragon,В» he advised.

She was offended deadly. Now, for sure, she will take revenge. Dagda has already prepared for small dirty tricks, like rains from black mud over the hills or invasion ofВ the black locust. But Medea Shai suddenly started another song.

В«IВ am the queen ofВ faries,В» she began toВ beat on pity. В«Do you imagine how much duties has the queen? IВ will right with my people alone. Without the help ofВ aВ man. Dragons are only part ofВ the Bestiary. There are no benefit.

В«Is it only inВ bed?В» Dagda heard what everyone said, В«Medea Shai is not only aВ lady, but also aВ lover ofВ dragons. Let her temptation for everyone inВ aВ row, but with dragons she is the rightmost. After all, such relationships can not be called mesallians.В»

В«Oh, you are jealous!В» she was delighted. В«IВ thought you were from aВ stone or from copper, as your boyfriend inВ the boiler. But you feel something, so accompany me when IВ ask. Somewhere deep under the gold and green leaves that they grow from the skin, the heart beats.В»

She put her hand with black fingernails toВ his coat, but Dagda was removed.

«I also wanted to talk about… escort,» otherwise it was not called. «I would no longer wanted to play the role of your accompanying.»

В«Because you yourself have aВ lady? Did you forget that she is busy? And here IВ am free. Dragons are only for the species. They will not fly for aВ holiday. Everyone will ask, and where is my king. Dragon is just aВ means ofВ movement inВ the eyes ofВ royal persons. Without aВ king-spent or at least Prince Consort, IВ am considered aВ lonely and unfortunate woman who is easy toВ take away the power.

В«Other Queen ofВ fairies did not complain aboutВ it.В»

В«All my predecessors have not been detained on the throne for aВ long time. So, behaved wrong.В»

В«And among your subjects there is no one who could be your prince consort? For example, one ofВ the dragons or Thierry.В»

В«They are unworthy ofВ such aВ high position. It can only be another ruler.В»

Dagda felt herself trapped. So many arguments, and everything leads to one result – it’s easy for him not to harm her. Sometimes the queen uf fairies resembled a monstrous shadow, which crawled over the wall and fled everything with black darkness.

В«IВ can not walk anywhere without aВ satellite,В» Medea Chai insisted. В«IВ am too seductive. Because ofВ me, war will break.В»

В«You have dragons. InВ my opinion, they are quite enough.В»

В«Need aВ decent satellite.В»

В«What about Thierry and Quentin, which you seduced.

В«Need aВ king, not an ordinary elf.В»

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