ISBN :Возрастное ограничение : 18
Дата обновления : 14.06.2023
– Have you taken everything?
– Yes.
– I’ll go buy cigarettes.
Returning Valyok noticed aВ strange type squatting next toВ standing friends. The strange type was aВ completely intelligent guy ofВ about thirty, but either there was something repulsive inВ the guy, or Valek was annoyed with something:
– What, Fomich, are the blue ones again sticking?
Tip stood up toВ his full height and Valyok hesitated aВ little. There was no fight. Imperceptibly during the conversation, an electric train approached. Having picked up bags and backpacks, everyone hurried toВ the cars, and the intelligent type did not lag behind:
– Take me with you?
– No.
– It’s a pity!
– Selyavi!
Half an hour later, unloading from the carriage, everyone set out on aВ journey. The hardest ofВ the luggage was the button accordion, which was dragged inВ turns.
Arriving at the place, taking off their backpacks and having aВ rest, they did not notice how the evening approached.
– Well, fishing?
– Do you have any fishing rods?
AВ relative gave each aВ fishing rod, and after digging up worms and wandering inВ search ofВ aВ pond for some time, they all sat down on the shore. No fish was caught. AВ huge yellow moon appeared inВ the sky. On such aВ night, only wolves and werewolves were missing.
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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