ISBN :Возрастное ограничение : 16
Дата обновления : 14.06.2023
TheВ Door
Diana Nevidal
Family, credit card debt, career, fear, the need for comfort – admit to yourself, it all makes an escape to the Other World questionable, even if you suddenly find a way to make it happen.Take part in a mental experiment, ask yourself questions the heroes of this book ask. Heroes without any heroic exploits – people just like me. People just like you.
TheВ Door
Diana Nevidal
© Diana Nevidal, 2021
ISBNВ 978-5-0055-4814-6
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
CHAPTER 1: MeetВ Clio
A good writer should not tell the reader some things directly. «Don’t write that the character is sad, describe it in such a way that the readers draw that conclusion themselves,» a good writer sternly points out a typical rookie mistake. With that in mind, I shudder to think what the reputable writers would say on what I’m about to do.
Anyway, IВ ask honourable writers, if any ofВ them happen toВ be reading this book, toВ understand and forgive me inВ advance. I, unlike many authors, do not have enough patience. The description ofВ an oak leaf flying inВ the wind for two and aВ half chapters is beyond me soВ far.
Nevertheless, getting toВ know our main characters is not just aВ whim, but an absolute necessity.
And here, it would seem, what could be better than looking into a person’s past and living through a few fascinating stories side by side to get to know them better?
But a couple of stories, even the most fascinating ones, cannot paint the full picture of someone’s life. A few of their decisions don’t help to get inside a person’s head and soul, to really understand them.
We will definitely come toВ decisions, but byВ then IВ would definitely like you toВ understand our heroes. Maybe not completely, but at least as aВ whole. Understand their way ofВ thinking, understand what stands behind their actions. It is necessary so that at the right moment you would feel if not as aВ part ofВ their family, but at least as good friends or at the very least as acquaintances.
After all, even the most hardcore mathematicians and philosophers would not, inВ fact, want their readers toВ come toВ despair inВ aВ vain attempt toВ get toВ the bottom ofВ the books written byВ them.
Unfortunately, we cannot afford toВ live next toВ our characters for their entire lives as well, either inВ the book or inВ reality. So we should at least try toВ make it as easy for you as possible.
Moreover, I would like to save my readers from a situation where, in the middle of the book, the author for the first time mentions the colour of the character’s eyes and the world, already built in someone’s imagination, begins to crumble. We are here to create worlds, not the other way around.
And how much an out-of-nowhere unnecessary description of «his hair, black as a crow’s wing and stiff as straw inside a scarecrow standing in a nearby field, was so beautifully set off by the eyes of the steel and cherry blossom colour he got from his grandmother» can be omitted! It looks too promising, too tempting!
That’s why, once again, please don’t scold me too much for cutting corners so insidiously, treacherously and not at all like a good writer. And I also ask you to notice how, in accordance with the instructions of good writers, I haven’t spoken directly for a long time about how I can upset those same good writers.
Also, please note, that not a single word has been said about Clio in the chapter that is supposed to be about her. Of course, it’s not an oak leaf leisurely twirling in a steamy dance with the air currents for ten pages in a row yet, but who knows what the future holds for me. Someday.
Moreover, I know that people don’t read prefaces. And if even one of those rational guys bought the fact that it was the first chapter and ended up reading the whole thing, that’s a small (but very gloating!) victory for me.[1 - Now you’ve also read a fake footnote. Huh! 2—0, I win again.]
InВ the meantime, welcome toВ aВ CV that any employer would read with rapt attention. But on the other hand, no employer would ever find such aВ CV on his desk.
AboutВ Clio
в—Џ Appearance:
Eyes: Brown-green, squinting
As much as Clio would like toВ believe that her eyes change colour according toВ her mood, the fact is that most ofВ the time they look brown with some greenery. Only those closest and most attentive toВ details can see specks ofВ yellow and even occasional flashes ofВ grey and blue inВ them.
Hair: Colour light green, pastel; hair cut just above the shoulders
The awe some ladies feel over their kilometre-long braids brings a condescending smile to Clio’s face. She herself had long ago decided that hair is not the same with hands – it would grow back. Although, daring to cut off a metre of her hair for the first time was also rather scary. And the decision to be a full-head greenery came to her one new strand at a time.
Skin:В Pale
Clio is sometimes sad that even in the height of summer she can’t be as tanned as the many lucky people whose pictures she sees in the newsfeed from time to time. However, this quickly passes. Especially quickly, when she reminds herself that that’s not what makes her sad. More likely, what saddens her is that they have the opportunity to go to the seashore for a month and live the fuller lives than she can afford.
However, she likes her aristocratic pallor. At least, that was the conclusion she drew after an incident with one of her former colleagues. She only clenched her teeth tightly, and with great difficulty resisted an urge to punch the one who asked her so aggressively caring: «Why are you so pale? You don’t leave the house at all, do you?»
Height: 165В cm
Styleof clothing: Varied – the main idea is to wear something interesting
She doesn’t like the basic things. Clio is always looking for something unique, something interesting, something that others don’t have. There is only a handful of plain T-shirts in her wardrobe; mostly all of her clothes are covered in prints of different characters or have some kind of interesting story behind them.
Clio doesn’t shy away from running through thrift shops to find something you can’t find in the nearest mall.
в—Џ Age: 29В years
Our heroine does not look or feel her age. She is frightened byВ the big and inescapable approaching three-oh-zero. Clio remembers all too well not believing that there is life after thirty. However, when her back starts toВ seize up or she gets aВ headache from aВ sudden change ofВ the weather, Clio feels being at least seventy-three.
Birthday: 1В February
Being born inВ the harshest month ofВ the year is not the most fortunate thing. All the more so because, as luck would have it, this is the day on which her city has been experiencing severe frosts for years. Not just В«the perfect time toВ go toВ the cottage, take aВ jacuzzi and jump inВ the snow afterwardsВ» frosts, but В«no sane person would go out todayВ» frosts.
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Some people believe in horoscopes, some don’t, and that’s ok. But it just so happens that Clio’s traits largely match the description of a typical Aquarius.
Education: Higher education, humanities (major not specified)
Why tell what your degree was in if your job has nothing to do with it? It wasn’t that Clio didn’t like her major – she’d honed her skills in masterful cheating and covering up cutting classes, learned a couple of new and interesting things and met a lot of cool people.
But she didn’t enter the university because she wanted to dedicate her life to this unspecified profession.
Work: InВ the office, call centre
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