ISBN :Возрастное ограничение : 6
Дата обновления : 14.06.2023
Real book ofВ aВ red-skinedВ man
Василий Чижов
Книги, переведенные на английский язык
This magic book was compiled by a real Indian shaman. He combined the knowledge of the Shoshone, Comanche, Mayan, Vukvukaya and many others Indian tribes. The book was passed from hand to hand, from leader to leader, from shaman to shaman. By reading one chapter a day you will learn.
Real book ofВ aВ red-skinedВ man
© V. Chizhov, 2021
ISBNВ 978-5-0055-8286-7
Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero
В В В В AВ little speak: eat your head.
This magic book was compiled byВ aВ real Indian shaman. He combined the knowledge ofВ the Shoshone, Comanche, Mayan, Vukvukaya and many others Indian tribes. The book was passed from hand toВ hand, from leader toВ leader, from shaman toВ shaman. ByВ reading one chapter aВ day you will learn:
– understand the language of animals: dogs, cats and other animals;
– go through the mysterious rituals of the Indians;
– learn to make it rain;
– you will begin to distinguish urasa from tipi, wigwam from roach, and so on;
– make yourself: an amulet, a dream catcher, a hat with feathers, a bow and arrows, even a rocket!
– learn to summon and catch ghosts;
– develop super telepathic mind reading skills;
– every reader will become a discoverer and go into space!
Only aВ select few can see the magic text, the Giants cannot understand! Reading line byВ line you will gain real magical power. She will protect you and make friends with nature! The adventure begins with the В«Age ofВ DiscoveryВ» chapter. Only aВ real Indian can read the book toВ the end and pass all the tests prepared byВ the book. Whoever reads it can really make money. No cheating. The Indian does not deceive his own! He gives real adventure! Book readers will be discoverers!
As the Indian wisdom says: the less knowledge, the higher the level ofВ superstition and the higher the knowledge base, the lower the level ofВ superstition!
After reading the best and most attentive reader will come toВ the conclusion: AВ dream is not for sale it can only be found!
And now aВ pale face reading aВ book, you will move toВ aВ new world where you will always be welcome! And may the power ofВ Manitou be withВ you!
Age ofВ Discovery
AВ man named Mamuka was born under an unknown sky on an unknown land. Among the giants, he looked at them, lifting his head toВ the Sun toВ see their faces. The giants were many times taller than Mamuka. Sometimes they got angry and forbade him toВ do his great deeds. Once Mamuka took offense at the giants and decided toВ defeat the evil creatures. Time passed and he defeated everyone he wanted. Mamuka decided toВ pass on his wisdom toВ other tribes through this book.
The real wisdom ofВ the Mamuka tribe is inВ your hands. Every word carries the magic ofВ the Indians. The magic ofВ the spirits ofВ Indian tribes protects every reader and carries good inВ itself. Any follower ofВ her becomes aВ real Indian. Mamuka will tell readers how toВ become aВ strong person and found your tribe. He will teach you toВ talk toВ your animal and understand what it wants. At the end ofВ the book, the secret will be revealed on how toВ become aВ real leader ofВ your tribe, find aВ treasure, build an Indian dwelling, make friends, become aВ wizard, make Indian weapons and much more.
– «At the very beginning, I had no friends», – Mamuka said to his faithful dog Hanukkah.
– «But I’m your friend»! – objected the little dog Hanukkah.
– «Hanukkah, you are a faithful friend, when you were not there and I ran alone among the evil giants».
– «And what did you do»? – the dog asked.
– «Hanukkah, do you want to know the secret and become the leader of a new tribe»?
– «No. I’m just wondering how you defeated everyone and became such a wise wizard and powerful leader of the Mamuka tribe».
– «Then sit down more comfortably and I’ll tell you everything. Sometimes I will give you assignments. They must be fulfilled. Otherwise, you will die of boredom without becoming the leader of your tribe».
The dog lay down on the rug and listened attentively.
My difficult journey into the world ofВ giants began long ago. IВ hardly remember him, so IВ wrote this book. IВ had aВ lot toВ learn. As you can see, IВ can read. This is aВ magical gift. When IВ quarreled with the giants, IВ fled from their palace, taking aВ book withВ me.
My feet led me toВ aВ vegetable garden where magical plants grew. Then IВ learned that aВ cucumber is aВ fruit and aВ watermelon is aВ berry. AВ ripe gooseberry is aВ small watermelon, that is, aВ berry. Some ofВ these plants were unripe and sour. Whether they were inВ time or not, it is better toВ ask the giants but IВ found out everything myself and therefore soon ran toВ the toilet. My path was not easy but fast.
– «You mean you can’t eat everything that caught your eye»? – asked Hanukkah.
– «You’re the smart dog»! – Mamuka answered the animal.
AВ real Indian knows his place like the back ofВ his hand. IВ ran for aВ long time and remembered the names that were spoken byВ the flying birds. And then aВ cat caught myВ eye.
– «Cat?! Where is a cat?! I’ll ask him now»! – Hanukkah growled.
Mamuka looked at his four-legged companion.
– «Hanukkah, you can’t bark at cats all the time! Listen further if you can’t read».
The dog looked attentively at Mamuka and fell silent, wagging its tail.
A neighbor’s cat was sitting on the fence. It was he who gave me one secret. If you cannot remember something, then it must be written or drawn. I had to make a real map. After all, a true Indian knows everything that grows near his home. The cat also warned that if I climb into someone else’s garden, then I will have huge troubles.
– «I know this from my shabby tail»! – said the cat and quickly jumped off the fence.
After meeting with an unfamiliar cat, IВ went into the house and took aВ simple pencil and as well as aВ piece ofВ paper. IВ needed them inВ order toВ draw aВ real map. Here is my firstВ map.
Can’t you draw or write beautifully? It’s not scary. By the end of the book, you will be better off, the main thing is to start. Then I’ll show you a real treasure map.
– «Hanukkah, now you have to scout the place and discover uncharted lands».
– «I’m listening to you attentively», – the dog growled to Mamuka.
– «You will go out to our yard now and go around all the bushes with berries. You will remember their location and learn what they are called. If you need the help of the giants, you can turn to them. After all, I defeated them a long time ago and they are our friends. After that, you have to draw a detailed map with a simple pencil right in this book and write down the name of the berries and other plants. If there is a potato, then you need to draw it too. You will soon understand more. If you do not complete the task, you will not learn to speak with animals and you will not become a wizard or leader of your tribe. So go ahead»!
– «But I can’t draw», – said the dog.
– «Well, asking for help when you can’t cope with the case is the right decision. Never be shy about asking for help. I did everything alone when you weren’t and still became a real leader».
Quest from Mamuka:В Map
ToВ do this, you need aВ simple pencil and aВ piece ofВ paper. You do not need high drawing skills. The main thing is toВ remember the location and name ofВ the berries. As you draw the map, keep reading.
Remember that there are also trees! You can do it inВ aВ completely different way. InВ my own way. This will be aВ mapВ too!
Until you draw a map, don’t move on to the next chapter.
Komaria currency
– «Hanukkah! Now I will tell you about our customs and secret currency. Lie down where it is convenient for you. Don’t you dare lick me anymore. You are already a big dog»! – said Mamuka.
The four-legged companion stuck out his tongue, licked his lips and wandered off toВ his favorite place.
«I’m listening to you attentively», – Hanukkah muttered barely audibly.
As inВ every country, we had money. We kept them inВ aВ bank. For this, the most courageous, namely Mamuka, that is, I, crept into Giant and quietly took the glass jar. The giants were furious. They shouted after them when the Indian ran away with the right thing toВ his home. Now that we are at peace with Giant and its inhabitants, we can simply ask for this thing, promising toВ return the jar closer toВ winter.
Hunting inВ Komaria can be incredibly rich! The main thing is toВ get hold ofВ aВ large glass jar at the beginning ofВ summer!
– «And will it make me rich?»? – asked Hanukkah.
– «Yes! Exactly»! – answered the reader Mamuka.
You have already noticed how the annoying squeak of a mosquito begins at night. Having caught a bloodthirsty creature, you must put it in a jar. By the fall, you will already have a huge capital by the standards of Komaria. One rich man had three full cans of mosquitoes. We called him: – «Great Khantman the hunter of bloodsuckers». He had no equal in catching these insects!
– «And if I slam him. Inadvertently. What will happen»? – asked the formidable dog Hanukkah.
– «This is exactly what you need to do! Otherwise, they will break free and eat you»! – Mamuka explained.
AВ long time ago when the first Indian walked under that sun. AВ squeaky tribe hunted him. The leader ofВ the mosquitoes Iramok ordered toВ bite the Indian so that he quickly left this place. The brave progenitor ofВ Mamuka fought with flying insects for aВ long time. His hands were bitten so that they were all covered with pimples. The battle for aВ place under the sun lasted for three days and three nights.
And when the stars and the moon were darkened aВ rooster sang. The exhausted Indian slapped the leader ofВ the mosquitoes Iramoka. However, he collapsed toВ the ground from fatigue. For five days and ten nights, he slept peacefully until aВ new leader ofВ the mosquitoes appeared.
Iramok II gathered an army and again wanted toВ bite the Indian. The clever ancestor ofВ Mamuka decapitated the army with one blow. The insects folded their wings and promised toВ serve the winner until the end ofВ spring. The first Indian proclaimed this country Komaria.
As time went. Summer has come. The vile Iramok the Third again gathered an army and attacked the king ofВ Komaria. So these wars went on andВ on.
There is aВ legend that there is aВ brave mosquito hunter. The earth will get rid ofВ bloodthirsty creatures and peace will come. The Chosen One will be able toВ find the most important leader ofВ В«Iramoka some thereВ» and will be able toВ rid the land ofВ this tribe.
– «It will be me»! – said the dog Hanukkah.
– «My dear friend, I will only be glad, then you will become the leader of the tribe».
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