Василий Чижов "Real book of a red-skined man"

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This magic book was compiled by a real Indian shaman. He combined the knowledge of the Shoshone, Comanche, Mayan, Vukvukaya and many others Indian tribes. The book was passed from hand to hand, from leader to leader, from shaman to shaman. By reading one chapter a day you will learn.

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foundation Издательство :Издательские решения

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workspaces ISBN :9785005582867

child_care Возрастное ограничение : 6

update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023

Now it is no longer known what summer, but the clouds of mosquitoes do not stop in Komaria. Year after year, they make peace, but as soon as the sun’s rays warm up, these flying creatures begin to squeak and bite. No one knows where Chief Iramoka’s lair is. He constantly sends his scouts to interfere with sleep. Using the cover of darkness, they attack and disappear into the darkness. There are also huge scouts!

– «Huge»? – asked Hanukkah in surprise.

– «Yes! The size of a dozen small mosquitoes! Their wings can break a light bulb»!

– «A light bulb»?

– «Once a huge mosquito Rokiy broke a light bulb and disintegrated into ten mosquitoes. They immediately took advantage of the darkness and bit one Indian of the Mamuka tribe».

– «Ten mosquitoes»? – Hanukkah was surprised.

– «You listen, listen. Rocky, though large, but slow. It’s easy to spot. He doesn’t bite. Its purpose is to distract and disturb. It can bang out the window or fly next to a light bulb, but it only attracts your attention. All so that small mosquitoes take advantage of your panic over Rokia and bite you».

– «And they are cunning! The dog barked».

– «Yes! And fast, and sometimes invisible»!

Mosquitoes are very afraid ofВ the smell ofВ tomato plants and valerian. There is aВ magical squad ofВ alchemists inВ Giantania. They mixed magic ingredients and got ointments and perfumes toВ become invisible toВ mosquitoes.

– «Hanukkah! You have to go to Giant and ask for a large three-liter jar».

Any Indian knows the habits ofВ aВ four-legged companion inВ advance. If you have toВ go toВ the kitchen, then your faithful friend will rush there. Carefully observing Hanukkah, one could notice aВ strange feature: when Mamuka turned away, Hanukkah raised his ears, but as soon as the Indian turned sharply, he immediately turned away.

Any dog can learn to speak. The main thing is to read books aloud to him. The more Hanukkah remembers the words, the better. At the end of one of the books he had read, the dog gave a voice. It’s hard to get Hanukkah to sit in one place and listen to the reading. Only the wisest or cunning Indians can achieve this result.

Quest from Mamuka: KomariaВ Bank

В«The Great Khantman the hunter ofВ bloodsuckersВ» was constantly on the hunt. When everyone was sitting on aВ bench with friends, he collected his prey inВ aВ matchbox. Then he came toВ his secret place and poured the booty into aВ jar. He himself hid her away from everyone so that no one would rob him. He collected three cans over the summer! And then he exchanged it for aВ real IndianВ hut!

Ask the giants for aВ three-liter jar. Hide the jar itself inВ aВ dry place so that adults cannot see it. Find aВ secret place for the can. Better if it is somewhere on the street. During the day, it is better toВ expose the jar toВ the sun so that the mosquitoes dry out. Be sure toВ hide the can from the rain. Find an empty matchbox toВ use as aВ wallet and stack your loot inВ aВ day. InВ the evening, having counted their number, shake it out into the jar. Keep aВ record ofВ mosquitoes. If on the first day there were 10В ofВ them, and then 5, then the bank will be 15. Accounting should be kept inВ order toВ know how many ofВ them you have. Now what needs toВ be done:

– ask for a three-liter jar;

– hide in a secret place;

– find an empty matchbox;

If aВ three-liter can is not available, aВ large cardboard box willВ do.


After the bank has been tucked away in a secluded place, we can proceed to a very important task. First you have to explain that the Indians collected bird feathers for various purposes. Think you only have a feather in an Indian headdress? You will need them for other things too! We will create with you: a roach – a hat with feathers, amulets, dream catchers and even learn how to make tattoos!

– «But what about the arrows»? – asked Hanukkah.

– «We will make arrows without feathers, because we live in the world. Many feathers cannot be collected over the summer, they are worth the weight of three hundred dried mosquitoes»!

– «How much weight»? – the dog asked Mamuka.

– «When we gather the tribe, we will have our own currency. For three hundred mosquitoes, you can exchange a real bird feather»!

– «Wise Indian»»! – Hanukkah growled, looking sullenly at the man with the book.

– «Of course, because mosquitoes are caught in fair battles», – Mamuka replied.

There is one thing you need toВ understand. If you harm the bird or somehow catch it inВ order toВ pluck the feathers, then the spirits ofВ the Mamuka Indians will turn their backs on you. You will become aВ terrible person and you will never find unity with nature. That is, not toВ become aВ shaman, and then the leader ofВ your tribe. So read this book out loud!

AВ feather headdress will help you become aВ chieftain or aВ shaman. AВ shaman is aВ spiritual person. He is cheerful and can make it rain or even ask him toВ stop pouring water. InВ simple words, he is aВ real wizard. AВ wise leader always consults with aВ shaman.

AВ friend ofВ mine, Yungani, caused aВ dry thunderstorm. Thunder and lightning flashed, but it did not rain.

– «Mamuka! But how is it a thunderstorm without rain, is it possible»? – the lying dog was surprised.

– «Hanukkah! I myself would not have believed it if I had not seen it».

The birds were frightened byВ thunderstorms without rain and flew away, dropping their feathers on the ground. The wise Yungani collected many feathers. After he made the headdress, birds often began toВ fly toВ him, believing that the shaman is aВ big bird. InВ order toВ get rid ofВ the annoying winged creatures, he took aВ drum inВ his hands and ran away from them, threateningly knocking on it. But the birds were not afraid, but only sang along with the shaman. The poor Indian did not immediately realize that they took him for theirs.

Shaman Yungani beat the tambourine under the roof ofВ his urasa for aВ long time. Urasa is the home ofВ the Northern Indians. Somewhere inВ the book it will be written about how toВ make an Indian dwelling. How toВ chase away the rain will be written inВ the same way, but aВ little further.

Now we are talking about feathers. You should not constantly search for them. You already have aВ lot ofВ tasks. As much as you collect, you will collect as much. Very soon, when you start toВ look like aВ real Indian, people will follow you. They will become your future tribe.

You never quarrel with anyone for no reason. You may be teased, but then everything will change. You will become aВ real leader! Curiosity is the main trait ofВ the Indians. Whoever teases you is just jealous. Future Indians will ask you questions: why and for what. Use their ignorance wisely. Never deceive your fellow tribesmen. You can first ask them toВ help you find the feathers. Never force anyone toВ do what they do not want.

Now look at the picture with the feather. Parts ofВ it are signed there. Just look at the titles, if you remember it will be great. You can tell other Indians byВ showing them aВ page from this book so that they understand what the pen is madeВ of.

– «Did you say something about the dream catcher»? – asked Hanukkah, yawning.

– «You are a very curious friend, but do not rush, but listen further», – Mamuka replied calmly, looking at the dog.

There is a legend about one sleeping bird. Sometimes she can be found on the road. She doesn’t move. Go around her and do not disturb her sleep. Once upon a time she flew, but now she is tired. She is no longer interested in our world. She found a new home. Anyone who breaks her peace can incur the wrath of the Giants or even the gods of Komaria. On the street you can often find her dirty feathers. You should not take them.

– «But how do I know whose feathers they are»? – asked Hanukkah.

– «Dirty feathers should not be taken! You can get sick»!

– «Will you tell me which feathers should not be touched»? – the dog asked.

– «Yes, but listen carefully and do not interrupt, although if you have questions, then ask», – Mamuka replied wisely.

According toВ legend, the sleeping bird flew so high that it became invisible. She decided toВ leave our planet and hide behind the clouds. Having reached the sun, she met aВ new world. She was burned and fell down like aВ stone, but already asleep. If you make at least some object out ofВ her feathers, then it will not help, but will begin toВ harm you. According toВ legend, the bird will wake up and look for its feather. If you see aВ dirty feather on an Indian, be sure toВ explain it toВ him. Even if you are at odds with him. Perhaps you will save your future friend. Remember the shamanic wisdom:

В«The bird chaser has bruised legs and often aВ bump on his headВ».

Never imitate aВ bird, the shaman is not aВ bird. He is not trying toВ learn toВ fly, he is only driving the big eagle away. If he comes down from heaven, he can steal you or other Indians and take with him. Yungani told how he collected aВ lot ofВ feathers and tried toВ take off, but aВ large bird flew inВ and pecked out all the feathers, as it thought they were from its wings.

Giants from Giant also do not like it when the inhabitants of Komaria rise high and jump down like a bird. One Indian named «Black as a raven’s wing» was placed under house arrest after being seen jumping three steps on the porch. Not only did the madman fall and broke his knees, but he also lost his freedom and the feathers he found. We saw him on the street only at the end of summer. When the tribe left this land.

Remember the mosquito jar? Komaria has its own money! They are called Komarii. Now you will understand everything.

Quest from Mamuka: Feathers

Since you have already completed the task with the bank and the secret place, you can proceed to the next one. You need to find the box. You will put the feathers you found into it. It doesn’t matter how big they are. All summer you will come across different feathers. Some will be broken, they are also allowed to collect, but never touch dirty! The little ones will become part of the amulet or dream catcher. Large ones will become part of the headdress of the leader or shaman. With the pen, you can apply a real festive Indian paint. And most importantly, remember, when there is a tribe, you can redeem feathers from other Indians for dried mosquitoes.

If the feather is large, count 300 Komariev, average 200 K, slightly less than average 100 K, small – 50 K.

Save Komaria

– «Mamuka! Potatoes are blooming in the garden and unknown beetles are running around it»! – said the silent dog. Then he bared his face from the heat and stuck out his pink tongue.

– «And what is it to me»? – asked the Indian and began to read the book further.

– «It’s right. It’s so hot there that you don’t even want to go out under this scorching Sun»! – answered Hanukkah to his companion.

Komaria is aВ country. There are many interesting things inВ it. Everything is interconnected. If the Indians help the white-skinned Giants, then everything is fine.

Long ago, before the founding ofВ Great Giant, the Titans roamed the earth. AВ lonely big man found his own kind. Their first meeting was unkind. They got into aВ fight. It all happened because ofВ fear. After all, you do not know aВ friend inВ front ofВ you or not. ByВ mistake, one ofВ the Titans raised his hand with aВ stick inВ greeting. The other Titan thought that the big man wanted toВ hit him and hit him first. When the fight ended, both formidable enemies were beaten.

Then they came toВ the conclusion that it is better toВ walk together and more fun toВ live inВ friendship. After aВ while, they decided toВ build aВ real city. When the construction was completed, other tall residents also came toВ them.

As time went. Titans disappeared from the earth, according toВ rumors they flew toВ distant stars. They were replaced byВ the Giants, their height was lower than that ofВ their predecessors. The Indians from Komaria did have the smallest stature. OfВ course, there was also aВ tribe called В«snailsВ». Their red-skinned inhabitants barely walked. There was always aВ pot ofВ some kind next toВ them. That is why they got the name В«snailsВ». The entire Komaria tribe revolved around these Indians.

AВ certain Yungani shaman painted aВ picture ofВ the growth ofВ Titans, Giants, Indians from Komaria and Indians from the Snail tribe.

The Indians from Komaria greeted their tribesmen byВ raising their left hand. So they greeted. And when they gave something, they gave this item with their right hand. If inВ Giantania handshakes with the right acted, then the Indians had the opposite. They did not shake hands, but simply raised their left. It does not matter who greeted the Indian woman or the IndianВ man.

However, if the Indian got toВ the Giants, he greeted according toВ the customs ofВ the white-skinned tribe. Therefore, when you have aВ tribe, you will raise your left hand as aВ greeting. Showing with this gesture that you have no weapons, and you came toВ the Indians inВ peace.

The Giants of Giants appreciate friendly help. By helping them, you are helping Komaria. You will find out about this a little later. Striped beetles crawling over potatoes are Iramoka’s main ally in the early summer. They can be everywhere!

There is one legend. The two Titans planted a huge field of potatoes to feed themselves. When the green leaves of the plants appeared, mosquitoes flew in from somewhere. They hid in the shade of green foliage. As the Titans watered their vegetable garden, the ground was wet. It became a wonderful habitat for Iramoka’s troops. When the first mosquito fell in the battle with the Titan, the formidable Iramok declared war on the great creatures. One of his scouts overheard the conversation between the two Titans.

– «How many potatoes this year! We will winter easily! So, we will survive»! – said one of the contented white-skinned big men.

An inconspicuous fly rubbed its legs and flew away toВ the potato field.

– «Iramok»! – said the insidious fly, – «I know how to lime these Titans»!

– «How»? – the king of mosquitoes squeaked.

– «We need to summon beetles from America! We will provide them with their favorite potatoes and they will eat them. The Titans will not survive the winter and we can be the rulers of this world»!

The mosquito king liked the idea. He sent his ambassador Krantumok to the Overseas, and ordered him to convey a message to Kuzh from Colorado, so that he sailed here on a ship. After a while, a striped beetle appeared on the potato leaves. He opened a magical portal for his followers. The magic worked very simply. Yellow eggs appeared on the back of the potato leaves. Then small orange bugs emerged from them. Over time, they turned into huge red creatures with black dots on the sides. So, according to the insidious plan of Iramoka and Kuzha from Colorado, they disguised themselves as Ladybirds so that the Titans would not suspect anything. And after a while, a whole army of striped beetles was eating potato leaves. The Titans fought back the plants from these greedy and cunning creatures. The battle lasted for several weeks. It would seem that the wave of Kuzha’s attack from Colorado was thrown back, but a day later, someone gnawed the potato leaves again. And so it all started anew.

The Titans walked around aВ huge potato field inВ search ofВ beetles. They did not notice small yellow eggs because ofВ their small size. After all, the Titans were looking for striped creatures. And when they met red beetles with black dots, they thought they were seeing ladybirds.

At first, Iramoka’s cunning plan worked with a bang. The beetles ate the plants. The mosquitoes themselves hid in the shadow of the mighty weeds. From time to time they flew up and quietly bit the Titans.

One of the emaciated white-skinned big men fell right on the bed of potatoes. His friend ran up to him and dragged him into the house. It turned out that Great Manitou does not spare anyone. He doesn’t care if you are a mosquito or a Colorado potato beetle, a Titan or a red-skinned Indian. His Fiery Eye shines equally for everyone. As soon as the Great Manitou squints, any of the creatures will be punished by Sunstroke. One of the Titans wore a headdress in the form of a tied headscarf. So he managed to avoid the formidable wink of the Fiery Eye of the Great Manitou.

While one companion came toВ his senses, the skin ofВ another Titan was tanned byВ the sun. The Titan who woke up immediately called his companion red-skinned. The shoulders ofВ the Titan inВ the kerchief burned, and it hurt him toВ touch them with his hands. When he sat down on aВ chair or lay on his back, he cried out inВ pain. After the skin peeled off, it began toВ have aВ distinctive color from the Titan that lay inВ the house. And so the progenitor ofВ the first red-skinned Indian appeared.

Quests from Mamuka: find the leader ofВ Kuzh

When you fulfill the request ofВ the White Giants, they will definitely thank you. Perhaps it will not manifest itself inВ words. Usually creatures from the Great Giant can present aВ gift inВ the form ofВ some kind ofВ overseas soda. The Indians love these drinks. The requests ofВ the white-skinned Giants do not end with the collection ofВ the Colorado potato beetle.

Your task: toВ collect corks from plastic bottles. You will need them soon for your inventions. Therefore, try toВ complete all the tasks inВ this book on time. You already have quests toВ collect feathers and mosquitoes. Beetles should not be taken toВ their secret place. It is better toВ give them immediately toВ the white-skinned Giants. They will probably show you what toВ do with them. Listen carefully toВ the Giants! And if you go out toВ Komaria under the scorching Sun, put on aВ hat.

Important: Become aВ Red Indian! Sunbathe inВ the sun, obeying the white-skinned Giants. If they tell you toВ go into the shadows, go away. They will say toВ smear with magic cream, smear. Will be ordered toВ wear aВ hat or some kind ofВ clothing, put it on. Much will depend on the obedience ofВ the future Indian. Once your skin is tanned and peeled off, you cannot burn again. That is, you will develop immunity toВ the Fiery Eye ofВ the Great Manitou, but you still have toВ protect your head.


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