Гилберт Кит Честертон "Сельский вампир и другие истории Отца Брауна / Vampire of the Village and other Father Brown Stories. Уровень 3"

Совершенно запутались в английском? Отцу Брауну под силу и более сложные дела! Знаменитый детектив, способный потягаться с Шерлоком Холмсом и Эркюлем Пуаро, поможет вам разобраться в английском. А его создатель – Гилберт Кит Честертон – знаменитый мастер остроумных афоризмов удостоверится в том, чтобы вы провели время не только с пользой, но и с удовольствием. В книгу вошли лучшие рассказы из различных сборников про Отца Брауна. В них скромный католический священник раскрывает на досуге сложнейшие преступления, пользуясь только своим острым умом. Мы сохранили красивый и образный стиль Г. К. Честертона, снабдив рассказы изрядным числом поясняющих комментариев. Текст адаптирован для продолжающих изучение английского языка (уровень 3 – Intermediate). Книга содержит словарь и подробные комментарии для проверки понимания прочитанного.

date_range Год издания :

foundation Издательство :Издательство АСТ

person Автор :

workspaces ISBN :978-5-17-150468-7

child_care Возрастное ограничение : 16

update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023

‘Right?’ shouted Carver. ‘Right about what?’

‘About this being connected with the old theatrical company,’ said Father Brown. ‘Do you know the first thing that surprised me about this story? It was that idea that Maltravers was killed by villagers because he said something bad about their village. It’s strange what court investigators can get jurymen to believe[58 - It’s strange what court investigators can get jurymen to believe – Удивительно, во что следователи могут заставить поверить присяжных]; and journalists, of course, trust them too. They can’t know much about English villagers. I’m an English villager myself; at least I was grown, with other turnips, in Essex[59 - I was grown, with other turnips, in Essex – я вырос вместе с остальной репой в Эссексе]. Can you imagine an English peasant thinking abouthis village as an ideal place, like the citizen of an old Greek city-state; taking the sword to protect it, like a man in the small medieval republic of an Italian town? Can you hear a merry old villager saying, “Blood alone can wipe out one spot on the emblem of Potter’s Pond”? By St George and the Dragon[60 - By St George and the Dragon – Клянусь святым Георгием и драконом], I only wish they would! But, in fact, I have a more practical argument for the other idea.’

He paused for a moment, as if collecting his thoughts[61 - as if collecting his thoughts – как бы собираясь с мыслями], and then went on:‘They didn’t understandthe meaning of those few last words poor Maltravers was heard to say[62 - those few last words poor Maltravers was heard to say – тех немногих последних слов, которые слышали от бедняги Мальтраверса]. He wasn’t telling the villagers that the village was only a hamlet. He was talking to an actor; they were going to put on a performance in which Fitzgerald was to be Fortinbras, the unknown Hankin to be Polonius, and Maltravers, no doubt, the Prince of Denmark. Perhaps somebody else wanted the part or had views on the part[63 - had views on the part – имел виды на роль]; and Maltravers said angrily, “You’d be an ugly little Hamlet”; that’s all.’

Dr Mulborough was struck; he seemed to be thinking aboutthat idea slowly but without difficulty. At last he said, before the others could speak:‘And what do you suggest that we should do now?’

Father Brown stood up quickly; but he spoke calmly enough. ‘If these gentlemen will excuse us for a moment, I propose that you and I, doctor, should go round at once to the Horners. I know the priest and his son will both be there just now. And what I want to do, doctor, is this. Nobody in the village knows yet, I think, about your autopsy and its result. I want you to simply tell both the clergyman and his son, while they are there together, the exact fact of the case; that Maltravers died by poison and not by a hit on the head.’

Dr Mulborough had to rethink his disbelief when told that it was an unusual village[64 - Dr Mulborough had to rethink his disbelief when told that it was an unusual village – Доктору Мальборо пришлось пересмотреть свое недоверие к словам о том, что это необычное село]. The scene which followed, when he actually did what the priest asked him, was certainly of the sort in which a man, as the saying is, can hardly believe his eyes.

The Rev. Samuel Horner was standing in his black dress, which made the silver of his head more noticeable; his hand rested at the moment on the table at which he often sit to study the Bible, now possibly by accident only; but it gave him a greater look of authority. And opposite to him his rebel son was sitting relaxed in a chair, smoking a cheap cigarette with a grin on his face; a lively picture of youthful disrespect.

The old man offered Father Brown a seat, which he took and sat there silent, looking at the ceiling. But something made Mulborough feel that he could tell his important news more impressively standing up.

‘I feel,’ he said, ‘that you should know, as in some sense the spiritual father of this village[65 - as in some sense the spiritual father of this village – поскольку вы в некоторм смысле духовный отец этого села], that one terrible tragedy has taken on a new significance; possibly even more terrible. You must remember the sad case of the death of Maltravers, who was supposed to have been killed with the hit of a club, probably by some enemy among the villagers.’

The clergyman moved hishand. ‘God forbid,’ he said, ‘that I should say anything good about that case. But when an actor brings his evil into this quiet village, he goes against the judgement of God.’

‘Perhaps,’ said the doctor seriously. ‘But anyhow it was not so that the judgement fell. I have just been asked to make an autopsy on the body; and I can tell you, first, that the hit on the head could not have caused the death; and, second, that the body was full of poison, which caused death without any doubt.’

Young Hurrel Horner threw his cigarette away and was on his feet as quick as a cat. He jumped towards the reading-desk.

‘Are you certain of this?’ he exclaimed. ‘Are you absolutely certain that that hit could not cause death?’

‘Absolutely certain,’ said the doctor.

‘Well,’ said Hurrel, ‘I almost wish this one could.’

In a moment, before anyone could move a finger, he had hit the priest on the mouth, throwinghim backwards like a black doll against the door.

‘What are you doing?’ shouted Mulborough, shaken from head to foot with the shock and mere sound of the hit. ‘Father Brown, what is this madman doing?’

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was but one of the many riddles – загадка… была лишь одной из многих загадок


were eventually solved in solving the mystery – которые были разгаданы, когда тайна открылась


he had been overheard apparently arguing – слышали, как он якобы ругался


though probably only made with some sort of club – хотя и был нанесен всего лишь какой-то дубинкой


there was something rich and fruity about his body shape and rather red face – было что-то насыщенное и сочное в его телосложении и довольно красном лице


In spite of the somewhat heavy appearance of the doctor – Несмотря на несколько тяжеловесный внешний вид доктора


a man of very remarkable sense – человеком поразительного ума


whom he get familiar with over a poisoning case long ago – с которым он давно познакомился во время дела об отравлении


The spinsters are really spinsters – damn it, you could almost see them spin – Старые девы действительно пряхи – черт побери, можно практически видеть, как они прядут.


who is just like a Dickens illustration – который вылитая иллюстрация к Диккенсу


expressions as lively as anything in the Bible – выражения столь же хлесткие, как в Библии


Bright Young Things – золотая молодежь


Need I say – Нужно ли упоминать


It would be almost irregular, if the clergyman’s son were quite regular – Было бы необычно, будь сын священника обычным


is next door to – недалеко от


she keeps to herself – она сторонится людей


All the old ladies having been born this very minute – Эти старые дамы, надо полагать, сами только родились


I think she is said to have vamped the priest’s son – Небось говорят, что она кровь сосет из сына священника?

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