Andrey Tikhomirov "Scientific analysis of the biblical Epistles of the Apostles. Scientific line-by-line explanation of the Bible"

Scientific analysis of the biblical Epistles of the Apostles from the New Testament. In English. Научный построчный разбор библейских Посланий апостолов из Нового завета. На английском языке.

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13В Whether any ofВ you is wise and reasonable, prove it inВ fact byВ good behavior with wise meekness. (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

14В But if you have bitter envy and quarrel inВ your heart, then do not boast and do not lie toВ the truth. (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

15В This is not wisdom descending from above, but earthly, spiritual, demonic, (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

16В for where there is envy and quarrel, there is disorder and all evil. (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

17В But the wisdom that comes from above is first pure, then peaceful, humble, obedient, full ofВ mercy and good fruits, impartial and not hypocritical. (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

18В But the fruit ofВ righteousness inВ the world is sown byВ those who keep the world. (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

ChapterВ 4

1В Where did you get the enmity and strife? is it not from here, from your desires that are at war inВ your members? (AВ question with the statement that all strife and enmity arise В«from your desires, which are at war inВ your membersВ»).

2В You desire, and you do not have; you kill and envy, and you cannot achieve; you quarrel and quarrel, and you do not have, because you do not ask. (Setting the legal and moral foundations ofВ the emerging Christianity).

3В Ask, and you do not receive, because you do not ask for good, but toВ use it for your desires. (Setting the legal and moral foundations ofВ the emerging Christianity).

4 Adulterers and adulterers! Don’t you know that friendship with the world is enmity against God? So, whoever wants to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. (Condemnation of adultery).

5В Or do you think that the Scripture speaks inВ vain: В«does the spirit that lives inВ us love us toВ jealousy?В» (References toВ Scripture, the generalized name ofВ Jewish books).

6В But grace gives the greater; therefore it is said: God resists the proud, but gives grace toВ the humble. (The meek and obedient are beneficial toВ any priests ofВ any religion).

7 Therefore submit yourselves to God; resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (The word «devil» goes back to the ancient Greek «diabolos» – slanderer. The word is formed from the preposition «dia» – there and the verb «ballo» – I throw. It should be understood something like this: spread the rumor, that is, slander, blacken).

8В Draw near toВ God, and he will draw near toВ you; cleanse your hands, sinners, correct your hearts, double-minded. (Suggestion ofВ guilt).

9В Lament, weep, and weep; let your laughter turn into weeping, and joy into sorrow. (Suggestion ofВ guilt).

10В Humble yourselves before the LORD, and he will exalt you. (The meek and obedient are beneficial toВ any priests ofВ any religion).

11В Do not slander one another, brethren: whoever curses his brother or judges his brother, the law curses him and judges the law; but if you judge the law, then you are not the executor ofВ the law, but the judge. (The suggestion ofВ the need toВ comply with the law).

12В There is one lawgiver and judge, who can save and destroy; and who are you, who judge another? (Only God is the chief judge inВ the world).

13В Now listen toВ you who say, В«Today or tomorrow we will go toВ such and such aВ city, and we will live there for one year, and we will trade and make aВ profitВ»; (Condemnation ofВ merchants who make aВ profit).

14В you who do not know what will happen tomorrow: for what is your life? steam that appears for aВ short time, and then disappears. (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

15В Instead ofВ saying toВ you, В«If it pleases the Lord and we live, we will do this or that,В» (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

16В you, because ofВ your arrogance, are vain: all such vanity is evil. (Condemnation ofВ vanity).

17В Therefore, whoever understands toВ do good and does not do it, it is aВ sin for him. (Suggestion ofВ guilt).

ChapterВ 5

1В Listen, you rich ones: weep and weep for your troubles that come upon you. (Suggestion ofВ guilt).

2В Your wealth is rotten, and your clothes are moth-eaten. (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

3В Your gold and silver are rusted, and their rust will be aВ testimony against you and will eat your flesh like fire: you have gathered treasure for yourselves for the last days. (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

4 Behold, the wages withheld by you from the laborers who have reaped your fields are crying out, and the cries of the reapers have come to the ears of the LORD of hosts. (The Lord of Hosts – Yahweh, Sabaoth – (from Hebrew. cebabot – militant) – and Judaism is one of the epithets of the god Yahweh).

5В You have been luxuriating on earth and enjoying yourselves; you have filled your hearts as if for the day ofВ the slaughter. (The В«chosen onesВ» behaved В«incorrectlyВ»).

6В You condemned and killed the righteous man; he did not resist you. (The В«chosen onesВ» behaved В«incorrectlyВ»).

7В Therefore, brethren, be patient until the coming ofВ the LORD. Behold, the farmer waits for the precious fruit from the earth and endures for him for aВ long time until he receives early and late rain. (AВ call for long-suffering В«until the coming ofВ the Lord.В» Analogies, comparisons, parables).

8В Be patient, too, and strengthen your hearts, because the coming ofВ the LORD is coming. (AВ call toВ long-suffering, В«the coming ofВ the Lord is coming.В» So far, no В«comingВ» has been observed!).

9В Do not complain, brethren, against one another, lest you be condemned: behold, the judge is standing at the door. (Condemnation byВ groans and complaints, allegedly В«The Judge is at the doorВ»).

10В Take, my brethren, as an example ofВ long-suffering and long-suffering, the prophets who spoke inВ the name ofВ the LORD. (The prophets are given as examples).

11 Behold, we please those who have endured. You have heard about Job’s patience and have seen the end from the Lord, for the Lord is very merciful and compassionate. (God acts according to Talion’s rule: you are for me, I am for you).

12В But first ofВ all, my brethren, swear neither byВ heaven nor byВ earth, nor byВ any other oath, but let it be with you, В«Yes, yes,В» and В«no, no,В» so that you do not fall under condemnation. (Oaths are forbidden, it is necessary toВ answer clearly: В«yes, yesВ» and В«no, noВ», otherwise you will be condemned).

13В If any ofВ you suffer, let him pray. If anyone is cheerful, let him sing psalms. (InВ the case when someone suffers because ofВ evil, then pray and sing psalms).

14 If any of you is sick, let him call the elders of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. (Presbyter (Greek) – letters, elder; leader of the community of the first Christians. In the Apostolic Church, both presbyters and bishops were sometimes called that, without strict distinction. The apostles themselves were called presbyters, or elders. Oil is olive oil; in ancient times it was used not only for food, but also for cosmetic and medicinal purposes, in sacred rites of anointing).

15 And the prayer of faith will heal the sick, and the LORD will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him. (Prayer is an appeal to God or to other supernatural forces (in modern terms, auto-training, auto-suggestion). It goes back to «pray», and then to «pray». In other languages, the same root expressed a similar meaning. For example, in the language of the Hittites, a people who lived in Asia Minor in the III- II millennium BC, the word «maltai» meant «to ask». The German «melden» is also related. Today its meaning is to report, and in Old German it was used in the meanings: to name, indicate, notify. Compare the Russian verb «to pray» in the meaning of «to ask», «to pray» – to ask yourself, i.e. to be complacent, to inspire yourself with something, bolg. «praying» – «to ask»).

16В Confess your transgressions toВ one another and pray for one another toВ be healed: the intense prayer ofВ the righteous can do much. (Suggestion ofВ the need for confession and prayer).

17В Elijah was aВ man like us, and he prayed with prayer that it would not rain: and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months. (Link toВ the Old Testament history).

18В And he prayed again: and heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit. (Hypersensitive psychic shamans had aВ premonition ofВ the approach ofВ thunderstorms and rains).

19В Brethren! if any ofВ you deviate from the truth, and who converts him, (The need for В«re-educationВ» ofВ sinners).

20 Let him know that he who converts a sinner from his false way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins. (The need to «re-educate» sinners. James, the brother of the Lord – one of the brothers of Jesus Christ; later became a representative of the Jerusalem Church (Mt 13.55; Acts 12.17). Tradition attributes the message of Judas to the brother of the apostle James. However, it is obvious that the author is an unknown Jewish Christian who, using the name of the apostle, created a message in defense of the faith. This epistle is entirely devoted to practical and moral issues, more than other texts it looks like the Sermon on the Mount, and in style it resembles the Old Testament book of Proverbs. The message is written in exquisite Greek. According to the content and form of the work, it can be assumed that it was created at the end of the first or at the beginning of the second century by an educated Christian Jew who wished to express his ideas about morality in writing. This epistle was included in the canon only at the beginning of the fifth century. Luther called the epistle of James a «straw epistle» and did not include it in the Protestant Bible).

2.В The First Conciliar Epistle ofВ the Holy Apostle Peter

ChapterВ 1

1 Peter, the Apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, the chosen ones, (Peter calls himself by the Greek name. «Aliens» who are «scattered», that is, Jews who found themselves in various corners of the vast Roman Empire. Pont (Euxine Pont from Greek. «hospitable sea») is an ancient region in the northern part of Asia Minor, inhabited by various tribes. In 301 BC under Mithridates III it was named the Kingdom of Pontus, in 64/65 BC it was incorporated into the Roman province of Bithynia and Pontus. Galatia – in ancient times a country in the central part of Asia Minor, named after the tribe of Galatians (Celtic tribes who came in the III century BC from the Southern Urals), since 25 BC as part of Rome. Cappadocia is an area in the center of Asia Minor, in the 2nd millennium BC. on the territory of Cappadocia was the center of the Hittite kingdom, in the middle of the III—I centuries BC. an independent kingdom, conquered by Rome, since 17 Roman province. Asia (Asia, from the Phoenician «sunrise», Europe – from the Phoenician «sunset») is the name of the Roman province, which included the western part of Asia Minor and the Greek cities of Asia Minor (Pergamum, Smyrna, Miletus, Ephesus). Asia was annexed to Rome in 133 BC by the will of the Pergamon king Attalus III, but there were constant uprisings against the Romans, which were brutally suppressed. Bithynia is a historical region in the north—west of Asia Minor, about 700 BC inhabited by Thracian tribes of Bithynians, was under the rule of Lydia, Achaemenids, from 297 to 74 BC. an independent kingdom, conquered by Rome. «The chosen ones» – they are de «chosen» by God, in fact, by the Christian priests who are forming to promote a new religion. Suggestion of exclusivity, «being chosen»).

2 According to the foreknowledge of God the Father, with sanctification from the Spirit, to obedience and sprinkling with the Blood of Jesus Christ: grace to you and peace be multiplied. (Mention of God the father Yahweh; Spirit is a three—dimensional concept, including a hypnotic state, a person’s character, his abilities, etc.; Jesus Christ and his blood, blood has a sacred meaning).

3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in his great mercy has revived us by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to the hope of the living, (Praise Yahweh, who raised up his son. The question arises: why was it necessary to kill him then?!, so this is a show performance, because Yahweh’s finale should, from a religious point of view, be known).

4В toВ the incorruptible, pure, unfading inheritance, stored inВ heaven for you, (People ofВ antiquity believed that В«godsВ» В«liveВ» inВ heaven, who only do what they check their В«chosen peopleВ», they have nothing else toВ do!).

5В byВ the power ofВ God, through the faith ofВ those who are kept toВ salvation, ready toВ be revealed inВ the last time. (В«ByВ the power ofВ God, through the faith ofВ those who are kept toВ salvation,В» aВ certain mystery will be revealed, asВ if).

6В Rejoice inВ this, having now grieved aВ little, if necessary, from various temptations, (Let us grieve aВ little В«from various temptationsВ» and rejoice).

7В So that your tested faith may be more precious than the gold that is being destroyed, though tested byВ fire, toВ praise and honor and glory inВ the appearance ofВ Jesus Christ, (Analogies and Comparisons).

8В Whom, having not seen, you love, and whom, having not seen until now, but believing inВ him, you rejoice with joy unspeakable and glorious, (The main thing for the apostles, priests is faith, that is, first suggestion, and then autosuggestion).

9В finally achieving the salvation ofВ souls byВ your faith. (Faith will save souls).

10В This salvation included the researches and investigations ofВ the prophets, who predicted the grace assigned toВ you, (Mention ofВ the prophets).

11 examining to which and at what time the Spirit of Christ who was in them indicated, when He foretold Christ’s sufferings and the glory that followed them. (The «Spirit» foreshadowed something, in a state of hypnotic trance, the prophets talked about anything, but their commentators (backstage priests-hypnotists) «prophesied» as it was beneficial to them).

12В It was revealed toВ them that not toВ themselves, but toВ us, was served byВ what has now been preached toВ you byВ those who preached the gospel byВ the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, into which the Angels desire toВ penetrate. (The messenger angels are the backstage priests-hypnotists).

13В Therefore, (beloved), girding up the loins ofВ your mind, while you are awake, put your full trust inВ the grace that is being given toВ you inВ the appearance ofВ Jesus Christ. (It is suggested toВ rely В«on the grace given toВ you inВ the appearance ofВ Jesus ChristВ»).

14В As obedient children, do not conform toВ the former lusts that were inВ your ignorance (It is necessary toВ fight with lusts).

15 But, following the example of the Holy One who called you, be holy yourself in all your actions. (The «Saint who called you» – that is, the hypnotist-priest, it is necessary to be «holy in all actions», that is, obedient and compliant).

16В For it is written, Be holy, because IВ am holy. (Suggestion ofВ submission and В«holinessВ»).

17В And if you call the Father ofВ the One who judges everyone according toВ their deeds without prejudice, then spend the time ofВ your journey with fear (Personification ofВ God, who В«judgesВ», instilling fear).

18В knowing that you have not been redeemed with perishable silver or gold from the vain life that was given toВ you from the fathers (Analogy with В«not perishable silver or goldВ», which is contrasted with the vain life В«given toВ you from the fathersВ»).

19В But the precious Blood ofВ Christ, as the immaculate and pure Lamb, (the В«preciousВ» blood ofВ Jesus Christ (the В«immaculate and pure LambВ») is contrasted with the eternal life ofВ the ancestors ofВ the Jews).

20В who was destined before the creation ofВ the world, but appeared inВ the last times for you, (Allegedly, Jesus appeared inВ the world toВ reveal himself as an В«immaculate and pure LambВ»).

21В Those who believed through him inВ God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that you might have faith and trust inВ God. (All sorts ofВ verbal tricks designed toВ inspire faith inВ the atoning sacrifice that Yahweh allegedly made inВ the form ofВ the slaughter ofВ his son).

22В ByВ obeying the truth through the Spirit, having cleansed your souls toВ unfeigned brotherly love, constantly love each other from aВ pure heart, (Using the word В«SpiritВ», which has many meanings, including aВ hypnotic state).

23В [as] regenerated not from corruptible seed, but from incorruptible, from the word ofВ God, living and abiding forever. (All sorts ofВ verbal tricks designed toВ inspire faith inВ the atoning sacrifice that Yahweh allegedly made inВ the form ofВ the slaughter ofВ his son).

24В For all flesh is like grass, and all human glory is like aВ flower on the grass: the grass has withered, and its color has fallen; (Analogies and comparisons).

25 But the word of the LORD endures forever; and this is the word that has been preached to you. («The Word of the Lord» – suggestion by the word).

ChapterВ 2

1В So, putting aside all malice and all deceit, and hypocrisy, and envy, and all slander, (AВ call toВ renounce В«badВ» deeds).

2В Like newborn babies, love the pure verbal milk, so that you may grow from it toВ salvation; (Analogies and comparisons).

3В For you have tasted that the LORD is good. (You were told that supposedly Lord God is doing everything for the good).

4В Approaching Him, aВ living stone, rejected byВ men, but chosen byВ God, precious, (Analogies and comparisons).

5В And yourselves, like living stones, make ofВ yourselves aВ spiritual house, aВ holy priesthood, inВ order toВ offer spiritual sacrifices favorable toВ God byВ Jesus Christ. (The concept ofВ В«holy priesthoodВ» applies toВ the apostles and Jesus Christ).

6В For it is written inВ the Scripture: Behold, IВ lay inВ Zion aВ corner stone, chosen, precious; and he who believes inВ it will not be ashamed. (Constant references toВ the Jewish В«sacredВ» scriptures).

7В So he is aВ jewel for you believers, but for unbelievers he is aВ stone that the builders rejected, but which has become the head ofВ the corner, aВ stumbling block and aВ stone ofВ temptation (Analogies and comparisons).

8В against which they stumble, not obeying the word, toВ which they are abandoned. (Analogies and comparisons).

9В But you are aВ chosen race, aВ royal priesthood, aВ holy people, people taken as an inheritance inВ order toВ proclaim the perfections ofВ Him who called you out ofВ darkness into his wonderful light; (The suggestion ofВ exclusivity and В«being chosenВ».В ).

10В once not aВ people, but now the people ofВ God; [once] not pardoned, but now pardoned. (Suggestion ofВ exclusivity and В«being chosenВ»).

11В Beloved! IВ ask you, as strangers and wanderers, toВ move away from carnal lusts that rise up against the soul (aВ call toВ renounce lusts).

12В and toВ lead aВ virtuous life among the Gentiles, so that they, for what they slander you as evildoers, when they see your good deeds, glorify God on the day ofВ the visitation. (The pagans, В«having seen your good deeds,В» began toВ В«glorify Yahweh on the day ofВ the visitation,В» and if they did not see, then they did not glorify Yahweh).

13В Therefore, be submissive toВ every human authority, for the Lord, whether toВ the king as the supreme authority (aВ call toВ submission, submission toВ all authority).

14 to the rulers, as sent from him to punish criminals and to encourage those who do good, – (A call to submission, submission to all authority).

15 for it is the will of God that, while doing good, we block the mouths of the ignorance of insane people – («The will of God» is submission to the authorities, while not opening our mouths and not expressing seditious thoughts).

16 as free, not as using freedom to cover up evil, but as servants of God. («Servants of God» – under the slave-owning system, slaves should be «silent tools»).

17В Honor all, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king. (The attitude ofВ submission, slavery, non-resistance toВ evil byВ violence. This is very beneficial toВ slaveholders and the priesthood).

18В Servants, obey the masters with all fear, not only the kind and meek, but also the severe ones. (The attitude ofВ submission, slavery, non-resistance toВ evil byВ violence. This is very beneficial toВ slaveholders and the priesthood).

19В For it is pleasing toВ God, if anyone, thinking ofВ God, endures sorrows, suffering unjustly. (It pleases not aВ fictional god, but slaveholders and priests toВ keep slaves inВ aВ religious В«collarВ»).

20В For what kind ofВ praise is it if you endure being beaten for your transgressions? But if, while doing good and suffering, you endure, it pleases God. (It is necessary toВ do good and endure, even if you are beaten, it is pleasing toВ God. It pleases not aВ fictional god, but slaveholders and priests toВ keep slaves inВ aВ religious В«collarВ»).

21 For you are called to this, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example to follow in his footsteps. (The «vocation» was, from the author’s point of view, to be an obedient slave, Christ «suffered», they say, and everyone should suffer).

22В He had committed no sin, and there was no flattery inВ his mouth. (Praise ofВ Jesus Christ).

23В Being slandered, he did not slander one another; suffering, he did not threaten, but delivered it up toВ the Righteous Judge. (Praise ofВ Jesus Christ).

24В He himself lifted up our sins with his body on the tree, so that we, having got rid ofВ our sins, would live for righteousness: with his stripes you were healed. (Praise ofВ Jesus Christ).

25В For you were like sheep wandering (having no shepherd), but now you have returned toВ the Shepherd and the Guardian ofВ your souls. (Analogies and comparisons).

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