Наталья Рябова "Test for beginner chess players"

This book is a collection of test tasks for beginner chess players. It contains tasks on a variety of topics: checkmate in a different number of moves, stalemate, pin, double strike, perpetual check and much more… For a wide range of chess fans and coaches.

date_range Год издания :

foundation Издательство :Издательские решения

person Автор :

workspaces ISBN :9785005916846

child_care Возрастное ограничение : 6

update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023

Test for beginner chess players
Наталья Рябова

This book is a collection of test tasks for beginner chess players. It contains tasks on a variety of topics: checkmate in a different number of moves, stalemate, pin, double strike, perpetual check and much more… For a wide range of chess fans and coaches.

Test for beginner chess players

Наталья Рябова

© Наталья Рябова, 2022

ISBNВ 978-5-0059-1684-6

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


This book is aВ collection ofВ test tasks for beginner chess players. Among them you will find tasks ofВ varying degrees ofВ complexity on different topics: checkmate inВ 1В move, checkmate using aВ pin, line checkmate, double strike, creating aВ pin, using aВ pin, stalemate, perpetual check. InВ the В«AnswersВ» section, you can check your solutions and calculate the number ofВ points you have scored inВ the test. The higher the number ofВ points you have, the higher the level ofВ your game. IВ hope that you will enjoy solving this test and it help improve your level ofВ aВ game.


1. Nh5+В gh
Qg5+В Kh8
Qf6+В Kg8
Qg5+ (4В points)

2. Nc8+В Ka8
Nb6+В Ka7
Nc8+ (3В points)

3. …Ne3+
Kb1 Nc4+ (Kf2? Ng4#)
Kc1В Ne3+ (3В points)

4. … Rd2+
Kg1В Rd1+
Kg2В Rd2+ (3В points)

5. Nf7+В Kg8
Nh6+В Kf8
Nf7+В  (3В  points)

6. Rg6 + fg (Kh8 Rh6+Kg7 Qf6+ Kg8 Qh8#) (Kh7 Qh8#)
Qg6+В Kh8
Qh6+В Kg8
Qg6+ (4В points)

7. Nf6+В Kf8
Nh7+В Kg8
Nf6 Kf8 (Kh8 Rh7#)
Nh7+ (4В points)

8. Qh6 andВ Qg7# (1В point)

9. Qc7+В Ka8
Qc8+В Ka7
Qc7+ (3В points)

10. Qg5+В Kh8
Qh6+В Kg8
Qg5+ (3В points)

11. Qe8+В Kh7
Qh5+В Kg8
Qe8+ (3В points)

12. … Qh4+
Kg1В Qd1+
Kh2В Qh4+ (3В points)

13. Nf6В Kf8
Nh7# (2В  points)

14. Ne3В Re3
Ke3 (2В  points)

15. Qf3+В Rb7
Qf8+В Rb8
Qf3+ (3В points)

16. Rh3+В Kg4
Rg3+В Kh4
Rh3+В Kg4 (3В points)

17. Nc7+В Qc7
Kc7 (2В points)

18. Nc8+В Kh8
Nb6+В Ka7
Nc8+В Kh8 (3points)

19. … Ng3+
hg Qa1 (fg Qe4+ Qe2В Qa1) (2В points)

20. …Bc5
deВ В Bf2+
Kf2В Qd1 (3В points)

21. Bf7+В Kf7
Qd5+В Ke8
Qc5 (3В points)

22. Bf7+В Kf7
Qh5+В Ke8
Qc5 (3В points)

23. Bf7+В Kf7
Ng5+В Ke8
Qg4 (3В points)

24. Bf7+В Kf7
Qd5+В Ke8
Qc5 (3В points)

25. Qf7# (1point)

26. …Ne4
Bd8В Bf2+
Ke2В Bg4# (3points)

27. …Ne4
deВ Bf2+
Kf2В Qd1 (3points)

28. Bf7+В Kf7
Qd8 (2В  points)

29. …      Bh3
ghВ Qg3+
Kh1В Qh3+
Kg7 Ng5 andВ Qh2# (5В points)

30. Bf7+В Kf7
Ng5+В Kf8
Ne4 (3В points)

31. Rg7+В Kg7
Qg5+В Kh8
Qf6+В Kg8
Qg5+ (4В points)

32. Qe6+В Qe6 (1В point)

33. f8QВ Nf8
f6+В Kf6
Kf8В  (3В point)

34. …Rg2+
Kg2 (1В  point)

35. Nd5# (1В  point)

36. Nf7# (1В  point)

37. b4# (1В point)

38. Bc2+В Qc2 (1В  point)

39. Qh7# (1point)

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