Elena Vassilieva "Your Majesty, please open your eyes! Your lords are lying to you. They are using you to crush the system"

This is the first of a series of books entitled “Restraining Orders in British Law”. The author’s research is the first attempt to look at the issue of ROs and injunctions from a legal, rather than an emotional point of view. It may seem absurd, but the fact is no one has ever raised the question of how much restrictions imposed on a person under the pretext of “protecting the safety of victims” comply with the law, human rights, procedural rules and even the basic principles of justice.

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workspaces ISBN :9785005935205

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update Дата обновления : 13.01.2023

Your Majesty, please open your eyes! Your lords are lying toВ you. They are using you toВ crush the system
Elena Vassilieva

This is the first of a series of books entitled “Restraining Orders in British Law”. The author’s research is the first attempt to look at the issue of ROs and injunctions from a legal, rather than an emotional point of view. It may seem absurd, but the fact is no one has ever raised the question of how much restrictions imposed on a person under the pretext of “protecting the safety of victims” comply with the law, human rights, procedural rules and even the basic principles of justice.

Your Majesty, please open your eyes!

Your lords are lying toВ you. They are using you toВ crush the system

Elena Vassilieva

© Elena Vassilieva, 2022

ISBNВ 978-5-0059-3520-5

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Dedico a mia figlia Elizabetta A. nella speranza che un giorno si laurei e diventi un medico, così da non interrompere piú di un secolo di tradizione famigliare.

The Royal Court ofВ Justice inВ London inВ the modern world is regarded as the Mecca byВ anyone searching for aВ fair trial. Complex buildings are strategically located on the border ofВ the financial district ofВ the City ofВ London. It preserves the appearance ofВ aВ fortress. It supposedly symbolizes impregnable attempts at corruption, breach ofВ law and violation ofВ human rights. It was here, inВ the shadow ofВ myths and under aВ powerful information cover-up, that В«world governmentsВ» apparently set up an В«EXPERIMENTAL LABORATORYВ». InВ this В«LABORATORYВ» they develop methods ofВ changing legal systems inВ invisible ways which assures nobody would suspect anything.



Actually, by making the title «YOUR MAJESTY, PLEASE OPEN YOUR EYES! Your lords are lying to you. They are using you to crush the system», I was not addressing today’s King, but his late mother, Queen Elisabeth.

The book was planned toВ be published inВ April 2021, when the Domestic Abuse Bill, approved byВ both houses ofВ parliament, was sent toВ the Queen for signature. At the same time, IВ uploaded aВ draft on Amazon and even set the date for release, but then IВ changed my mind.

Now, for various reasons, I decided to return to this topic. During this time, the matter raised by me in 2020—2021 has not lost its relevance, but on the contrary has increased.

From the way the title is worded, it is clear that the author is trying to intervene, to warn, to stop events from happening at the last moment, before it’s too late and irreparable damage happens. The author sort of shouts «SOS».

It is also clear from the title that byВ the time the work was written, the author had already tried all possible methods toВ draw the attention ofВ the members ofВ Parliament toВ this subject. It is clear that the author has already tried unsuccessfully toВ attract the attention ofВ both Houses ofВ Parliament toВ the risks contained inВ the law they were approving. InВ the title, the author named the main risk inherent within, namely the DESTRUCTION ofВ the SYSTEM ofВ BRITISHВ LAW.

And indeed the legal system is being destroyed byВ the new law. Elements ofВ the establishment ofВ aВ regime defined as В«totalitarianВ» are increasingly manifesting themselves inВ theВ UK.

It may seem strange that the only person who warned inВ advance about the risk ofВ the emergence ofВ elements ofВ aВ totalitarian regime inВ the UK came from aВ foreigner living abroad. InВ fact, the alarm came from Moscow addressed toВ British law makers, who were В«makingВ» something irreparable.

Why would IВ state that the В«system is crushedВ»? Someone could say that apparently the way the law system is performing is the same as it has always performed.

IВ want toВ draw attention toВ aВ strange phenomenon: among the documents published inВ preparation for the discussion ofВ theВ Bill


2. There is no police statistics which would justify the importance and urgency ofВ criminalization В«crime ofВ abuseВ».

The shocking fact is that while В«abuseВ» is criminalized, it is not legally defined. This means when somebody is accused ofВ В«abuseВ», they are not given any option toВ prove their innocence. Any action/omission ofВ action results inВ criminal prosecution and results inВ an automatic guilty judgement.

For example. Let’s say an innocent person is accused of some kind of crime, such as threat, robbery or fraud. Defending himself, he points to the law, in which the elements of this crime are prescribed. In the event that there is no corpus delicti in the actions of this person. Having found no elements in his actions, as described in the law, the judge will find him not guilty of the crime. In case of allegations of «abuse», the judge has no legal instruments to produce a not guilty sentence. Someone accused of «domestic violence» has a small chance of being declared not guilty, while allegations of «domestic abuse» leads to an automatic guilty judgement.

People always knew that they do not run risk ofВ being accused ofВ committing aВ crime unless they commit some action prohibited byВ theВ law. Since В«abuseВ» is not defined, people do not know what actions they should avoid inВ order not toВ be accused.

People will always live inВ constant fear ofВ accusation and conviction.

InВ other words, В«abuseВ» is nothing but aВ tool ofВ intimidation.

Interestingly, the British parliament is still the only one inВ the world toВ criminalize В«abuseВ». No any parliament ofВ the world has assumed risk ofВ criminalizing В«abuseВ». Neither Canada, nor the USA, nor Australia, nor New Zealand, nor small island states.



Part 1.

WRITTEN EVIDENCE submitted byВ Elena Vassilieva toВ the Members ofВ British Parliament

inВ connection toВ debates onВ Domestic AbuseВ Bill

WRITTEN EVIDENCE SUBMITTED TOВ MEMBERS OFВ the HOUSE OFВ COMMONS AND House ofВ LORDS when the approved bill has been sent for Royal Assent



Elena Vassilieva,

Moscow, Russia


Dear Sirs,

IВ am writing toВ you inВ connection with the following:


В April 2021, the Domestic Abuse Bill has been sent for Royal Assent.

As IВ have informed the members ofВ the Bill Committee (please see attached), IВ have been following closely the progress and development ofВ the Bill from the very beginning all the way from Moscow.

As an expert inВ the relevant field ofВ English law, IВ have also gathered information concerning all the facts, changes and developments inВ the English legal system that would ultimately led toВ the new Bill.

Many ofВ these events, some ofВ which date back toВ 2009, would seem toВ aВ bystander as somehow random and unrelated. And only upon closer examination it would become clear that there is aВ hard long term systematic work inВ preparing the population for the adoption ofВ the Bill and living under the new condition created byВ it.

Acting inВ the interests ofВ the British people, IВ consider it is my duty toВ inform you ofВ the following: InВ my opinion, Her Majesty was not sufficiently informed about the threats and risks toВ the whole British system, which are contained, albeit inВ aВ carefully disguised form, inВ certain provisions ofВ the document.

This Bill is not aВ routine document, like those that are studied byВ the parliaments ofВ all countries inВ the world on aВ daily basis. This document provides aВ legal tool, the LAW, for structural changes inВ the English justice system, law enforcement, the whole concept ofВ human rights and soВ on.

It should be said that the life ofВ Brits would no longer be the same, and it would be divided on В«beforeВ» and В«afterВ».

British people, as well as their Queen should be informed about it inВ details, and well inВ advance toВ give them the time toВ realize the all the consequences that are still toВ come.

InВ other words, given the importance ofВ the Bill for the future ofВ the British nation, IВ believe that, while providing the Queen with the Bill for signature, you should also prepare an explanatory note on its content.

IВ see no reason for your refusal toВ explain toВ Her Majesty the following:

1. Bill provides a legitimate basis for building in Great Britain a Totalitarian System that is as brutal as mankind has ever seen. The people of Britain could be stripped of all rights, including fundamental and essential, while the justice system would be transformed into punitive. This transformation can happen very quickly, within 3—5 years, before people even start realizing what is going on.

2. The way IВ see it, is that someone inВ UK parliament is planning toВ start mass repressions as something that is necessary for the establishment ofВ totalitarian system inВ the country.

IВ base my assumption purely on the information provided byВ you, Members ofВ British parliament.

Based on the numbers you provided during the debates, IВ estimate that, the total number ofВ В«objectsВ» ofВ mass repression, that is, В«perpetratorsВ» is about 10В million people per year.

Which means that within the first year after the Bill is made into an Act, 10В million BritsВ could be charged, detained and prosecuted under the new law or at least stripped ofВ their rights through the application ofВ Domestic Abuse Protective Orders.

Based, again, on your number, it only means that in some 5—6 years mass repressions and persecutions could affect as many as 40 to 50 million people, almost the entire adult population of the country.

I will give you an example from your own reasoning regarding your vision of the British nation as a nation made up almost entirely of criminals who, in your own words, need to be punished in most severe way. «We will… bring perpetrators to justice, and… provide an effective response to perpetrators», – this is just a quote from your oath.

As an example, the only «offence» that was criminalized by the House of Lords in March, according to you, would provide the system with 4.5—5 million victims and possibly the same number of «perpetrators» in England and Wales. 4.5—5 million «perpetrators», individuals «ready’ to be targeted by the state machine of repression for the only one of the many «abusing offences» criminalized by the Bill, in just one year and only within the jurisdiction of England and Wales.

3. It would be dishonest ofВ you not toВ explain toВ Her Majesty about the В«tricksВ» behind this new crime В«abuseВ». As IВ said, IВ have carefully analyzed the background ofВ the appearance ofВ aВ strange crime, the first В«crimeВ» inВ the world justice history, that has noВ corpus delicti.

ToВ put it very briefly, the following reasoning was behind the В«AbuseВ», the crime with no elements ofВ aВ crime:

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