Возрастное ограничение : 12
Дата обновления : 11.12.2023
Щоб стати сатанiстом – перший крок.
О, який для всiх це був би шок!
Впливае на мене це оточення.
Можливо, це емоцiйне вiдродження.
Бажаю волi я до знеможення.
Хочу я волi в своiх почуттях,
Звiльнюю думки я у вiршах,
Бо видiляюсь я в сiрих рядах.
Вирiс не так я, як бiльшiсть дiтей:
Багато сварок, грошi, Андрей…
Скiльки було в нас поганих iдей…
Змiнююсь я, дорослим стаю,
Іншу музику вже я люблю.
Гадаю, за це не накажуть в раю.
Вмикаю я плеер, коли вже час спати,
Набридло менi цю книжку читати.
I десь двi години рок буде грати.
Гiтара гучна,
Спiвачка це зна,
Несе мене в сон солодкий вона.
Вадим Гарбузов, 22 серпня 2004
Dancing is a way of life,
Dancing is contagious.
Dancing is oh such a hype,
Some would say outrageous.
Dancing is meeting a friend,
Sometimes with you forever.
Dancing is a cool new trend,
For those who can be clever.
Dancing is to open up,
To let lose all your feelings.
Dancing is to get lit up,
And jump up to the ceiling.
Dancing can be lots of fun,
So come into our world.
Imagine your lives just begun.
Let the emotions whirl.
Vadim Garbuzov, 14 March 2005
To Vika’s birthday
Vika you are 20, soon 21.
There are so many things which you still haven’t done.
Many competitions still need to be won.
You have never held
In your hand a gun.
You never had problems from which you had to run.
Look forward to the future.
For sure you will have fun.
We met two years ago.
I came to your party.
We moved with the flow.
We then became naughtier.
Together we have been
through all these special times.
A part they’ll be forever.
Of both of our great lives.
I like that, you are positive.
You’re always nice to me.
I’ll hope that you will always.
Keep your sincerity.
Somehow, I know you’re worried
Of how things will turn out.
Your mind shouldn’t get buried.
Under the dust of doubt.
You are a special person.
You should never cry.
I don’t want to hurt you.
I don’t want to lie.
To me you are my darling.
You shine like the sun.
For sure now you must know,
That you’re my number one.
Vadim Garbuzov, 7 August 2007
Old American smoking in a car. – I have to quit smoking. … But maybe I can keep smoking. I saw a film «Smoke». That’s OK.
Old women in the airport. – Oh, my goodness! Last time I have been to the airport in 1957. Things so much changed since then!
У нас во время конкурсов пол охраняется вышибалами, – говорит Вадик и импровизирует псевдодиалог.
– Куда ты идёшь?
– Хочу потанцевать.
– Нельзя. Я работаю на секьюрити, 10 лет просидел в тюрьме, 5 долларов и ты на паркете с любым заходом.
В машине я, Вадик, Наташа и Надя. Я везу всех к Наташе домой. Наташа недоверчиво критикует мою манеру вождения, противопоставляя мне уверенного в дороге Юру. Вадик так это пародирует. Cначала: «шш…», типа как шум рации.
– Yura, we are already 50 blocks away, but Boris is still not turning. Yura, we turned to 16th, but I do not think we are going to make it home tonight. Please save us. You are the only Communist I know of. We cannot trust these democrats.
Там же в машине. Мы поравнялись с джипом. В нем пара лет сорока. Бородатый мужчина с выпученными глазами выглядит немного озабоченным. Вадик наделяет его голосом:
– Martha, do not look at them! Just pretend you do not see them!
Passages on searching sponsorship in Toronto with Nadiya.
– Where is your coach?
– Right now, he is using an opportunity of making $60 an hour.
Dancing boss. We anticipated first real chance.
– We are dancers, and we know that you too… We are looking for sponsorship…
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