Natalie Yacobson "Amaranta-2. Captive of Elf’s King"

The king of elves kidnapped Amaranta. Now she is his captive and sweetheart. Probably she is destined to become the queen of elves. But the Queen of Fairies does not give up, and intrigues against the rival. The dangerous magical secrets are waiting for Amaranta in the castle of elves.

date_range Год издания :

foundation Издательство :Издательские решения

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workspaces ISBN :9785005505712

child_care Возрастное ограничение : 16

update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023


В«What makes you think that IВ am jealous?В» She was embarrassed.

В«ByВ ladies, it is always visible.В»

В«Only elves or people too?В»

В«Elfs always, people only when your cheeks fled the blush, as now,В» he joked.

В«So the king ofВ elves is sad?В»

В«Other, who was almost like aВ brother, but then betrayed.В»

В«Can you betray again if he takes you back? Wise people would say that the defector is unreliable.В»

«Wise elves will say the same way. But I’m not wise, otherwise the head would not be lost: not in direct, nor in the figurative sense. At first, the queen of fairies made fool of me, then beheaded. Suddenly, next time I will lose my head because of you and betray again my king.»

В«AВ joke again?В»

«I’m not kidding! What a normal guy or an elf will not go crazy because of a beautiful girl? Therefore, Medea Shai is trying to destroy all the beatiful rivals. Although sometimes looking at her, you think that it is more beautiful to be impossible.»

В«So, the prediction ofВ the rival still came true,В» Amaranta thought.

В«What are you about?В»

В«Nothing!В» Amaranta felt aВ chilling cold, as if frost with jets, plenty ofВ body and fell the skin like fingers. The ice elf told something about aВ lady with dragons. The queen ofВ fairies can be so called that, because she tamed dragons traveled on them. Now she crushed over the fact that it is so simple toВ tame the king ofВ elves. And Amaranta could get under the hot hand. Who, like aВ rival, you can blame for the fact that the desired object has not yet gotten.

Was it necessary toВ be the rivals toВ the Queen ofВ fairies! Even the usual earth queen inВ this role is very dangerous. What can we talk about the magic?

Judging by the removed Quentin’s head, even communication with Medea Shai is very dangerous. He flew on the fact that he is her fan. And how does she come with enemies?

«I let go addicted jokes addressed to her gloomy majesty, hoping that she would drive me away. And she is still in any way!» said Quentin. «Remove the head – it is easy. But shet does not want to expel! She can also give me to someone. You would make friends with her and asking me as a gift.»

She has not resolutely agree. ToВ be friends with the queen ofВ fairies is pure suicide! Yes, and with the rival, only the tricky and immoral girl is capable ofВ making friends, which is used toВ shifting others. Amaranta preferred toВ be honest.

«I’m afraid to be friends with the monster,» she admitted.

В«So you are wiser than me,В» Quentin recognized sadly. В«IВ would be like you, IВ would not get my head for anВ ax.В»

В«IВ would be smart, would not get confused with elves,В» thought Amaranta. And immediately she silenced. It is impossible toВ think with Quentin too much, otherwise he will read all her thoughts as inВ an open book. Never stand inВ dealing with magical creatures toВ forget that they have the ability toВ read thoughts.

В«My name is Amaranta,В» she presented herself.

В«IВ know! InВ our kingdom only about you and interpret. You are more popular than the queen herself because ofВ her jealousy towards you. She was aiming for centuries toВ the king ofВ elves, and then sailed behind the sea some mortal and confused all her plans. Beware ofВ Mega Shai!В»

The last words Quentin said very seriously. His emerald eyes on aВ moment flashed with aВ red tint.

В«And otherwise she will demolish me head like you? Only IВ am no longer coming,В» said Amaranta. At least once she is joking on him, not he over her, but Quentin and toВ this reacted with all seriousness.

В«With mortals inВ such aВ simple way, it does not frame. After all, they cannot ride after death, which means toВ torture before death they need toВ long. Medea Shai does not like toВ miss their capabilities. On you, she will try toВ indiscriminate all anger. And her dragons will help her.В»

В«Do not scare me prematurely!В»

В«IВ did not want toВ scare. Just warned,В» Quentin intercepted her hand and kissed, copying the gallantry ofВ mortal knights.

В«IВ wish IВ would see you inВ the role ofВ the queen and lose my head because ofВ you every day inВ the figurative, and not inВ the literal sense, but, alas, IВ did not work out!В»

He took off his head off his shoulders, threw it like aВ ball. And inВ the next moment he was no longer there. If it is not aВ bouquet ofВ bloody lilies ofВ the valley, then no evidence that Quentin was real would have left. Amaranta did not even immediately realize that at this time ofВ the year and inВ this area lilies ofВ the valley do not bloom. And the headless elf will usually not meet here. Today, everything is not like usual.

Ice invasion

Infanta moved multicolored berries and now behaved strangely. Or maybe this one ofВ the fruits presented byВ Dagda is partially echoing toВ her mind. Although she had aВ little mind. What do you toВ take from the bird? But now she sang strange songs and became surprisingly courtesy with her mistress. Probably peckled one ofВ the magic fruits.

Amaranta was glad with her bird now. I didn’t want to constantly conduct verbal battles with your own pet.

Enough the fact that Theobald was inВ rage, accusing the elves inВ the impending war. No one believed him. Ice creatures about which the ambassador has told, did not have anything inВ common with the monsters whom the peasants saw inВ the forests and fields. Amaranta could talk something about her meeting with the creations ofВ ice, but preferred toВ be silent. About the meeting on the bridge now and she did not want toВ remember. And especially about the fact that betting with ice creatures is almost lost. She really has aВ rival, which could be called aВ lady with dragons. And the candidate for the second husband also loomed on the horizon. And he turned out toВ be concretely king, as the ice elf assuredВ her.

Amaranta rode thoughtfully between the palms the hot Dragon apple. ByВ the scales on his skin, burning sparkles ran. If you rumble such an apple inВ an ice creature, does it burn entirely?

She did not give rest toВ the idea that aВ year later, the Ice Speaker would come for the promised inВ case ofВ losing. Unless he forgot about what it is inВ general. Suddenly forgot? Amaranta thought that she needs toВ hope for the best. Suddenly, the ice creatures and the head ofВ ice, devoid ofВ any emotions and the main memory. InВ addition, before the expiration ofВ the year since the meeting on the bridge, are many months. For such aВ term, the King ofВ Ilior may well defeat the ice armies. They are probably can be melt with fire. True, the ambassador muttered something about the fact that if you bring aВ torch toВ them, they first melt, and then from the puddles are toВ be reinstalled, they are still extinct and become more angry.

The picture is terrifying! After all, then there will be no fire for aВ long time. Unless toВ conclude an agreement with Spark and his company so that the fiery elves are constantly nearby. From regular fire, ice armies would have toВ retreat. After all, everything is glowing continuously! Spark is aВ live fire! Only the friendship with him is very dangerous.

Theobald also assured that it is dangerous toВ have aВ friendship with elfs ofВ any type. He disapprovingly mowed aВ dagger donated Dagda. Angus all the time wore it with him. It seems that this dagger had some kind ofВ special power. Theobald was surprised how at all the elf could bring the iron thing. After all, all the unacceptable cannot endure iron.

Only one king ofВ the elves could touch it. His subject is no longer. This covered his special strength.

Girlfriends who came with Amanaran have not complained about anything. But immediately after the wedding, her nurse was sick and died. Amaranta herself learned about it only recently from Adelina’s gossip.

В«It was not worth the old woman toВ disclose the mouth and warn about Guest from another world,В» Infanta said. В«With everyone who is trying toВ warn people from them, the trouble happens.В»

Probably, so she herself did not pay any attention toВ the flow, unexpectedly arising over the jug, full ofВ water. Blue silhouette has grown over the water like aВ genie, which threw out ofВ aВ narrow tank. He had something inВ his hands. It seems, lily from the pond.

В«IВ brought you aВ gift,В» he smiled enchantingly.

And, probably, now he will begin toВ ask for aВ sign ofВ friendship with her, she drove out ofВ here fiery elves. She would drive away from the castle and water beings, and fiery. But just how toВ doВ it?

Fortunately, the flow ofВ her thoughts he did not read. Otherwise, he would be offended.

«I picked it specifically for you. Usually I don’t pick lilies, but the gift for you is a special case.

Amaranta reluctantly took aВ flower. Did you never know what kind ofВ readiness could be the water elf. It is necessary toВ take aВ gift extremely careful. Lily toВ the touch was cold and humid. Instead ofВ aВ yellow core inВ the pile ofВ petals suddenly, the features ofВ aВ pleasant female face. The face lived! It winked and smiled.

В«How wonderful! Is this aВ magic lily?В»

В«She was aВ lively real girl. IВ drowned her,В» Stream admitted proudly.

From such aВ gift immediately became bad. Amaranta did not know where toВ put aВ lily and put her on aВ small malachite table. It would be wiser toВ put it into the water, but Stream was steamed over aВ jug with water.

«How could you drown a girl! It’s cruel!»

«And you see what evil are the girls themselves,» he raised the curtain and pointed to the lawn in the garden, where Angus was practically precipitated her own maids-in-honour in trying to flirt. «Want, I’ll drown them all.»

Amaranth squeezed his fingers so that the coarse covers. It is impossible toВ desire. And the elf was tempted byВ hiding it with the freshness ofВ the spring.

«Girls are charming, like flowers, but how many tricks in them, cunning, desire to grow up rival. To become the first each one is ready for any cruelty. Then they will still find this beautiful excuse. Any rival will easily shoot you on the hunt to take your place and say that it was by chance that in fact she was aiming in deer, but missed. Lilies are clean, so let the girls become lilies. It is better than to find your poison on rivals, while pretending to be timidations. Weak, beautiful, cunning…» He squeezed the water fists. «Let it be better to be lilies in my pond.»

В«What lady so cruelly did with you that you now hate them all? В«Although the conclusion was suggested byВ itself, she was worth it toВ pronounce it out loud, an elf ofВ water was so convincing.

Stream inВ rage squeezed his fists and splashing aВ whole fountain ofВ water splashes on the carpet. She impliedВ him!

В«Smart, though mortal!В» he muttered, as if the aqueous stream was unlikely, stumbled upon sharp stones. He disappeared.

Lily managed toВ let the roots directly inВ the table. Amaranta moved from her. The entire flower head suddenly became female. She was very awkward held on the multiple green stems. Even aВ little bit and the whole room will toВ be the lake!

«You’re right! It was not necessary to deceive him but I needed that he flooded one vessel.»

В«CanВ he?В»

But the lily did not hear her, but told her past.

В«Then he lured me into aВ pond. He promised the largest pearl.В»

The voice resembled the rust ofВ the breeze on the water.

«I’m sorry!» Amaranta felt the door handle and left the room as soon as possible. It’s better not to go here! We will have to crawl into boudoir.

The boudoir near the bedroom was small, but cozy. Here everything was decorated inВ purple colors: sofa, armchairs on bent legs, silk upholstery on the walls. It was worth storming the pillows on the sofa, as from there was flew the luminous insect size with aВ little finger. Again the focus ofВ Spark! Although no, the tiny fairy was not similar toВ the fiery, rather she was floral.

В«Can not be more inactive!В» she squeaked offended.

Well, here, she was still offended! Itself after all hid in other people’s things. Amaranta has already doubted that this castle belongs to her and Angus, and not the evil spirits, which settled here.

В«Who are you?В»

В«Cannes,В» presented herself the Fairy, who walked under the ceiling. On the flower ofВ Cannes her skirts and were really similar. Interestingly, but the petals grow straight from her skin?

В«IВ somehow saw Cannes inВ Aluar. These are exotic flowers. They were brought from behind the sea,В» admitted Amaranta.

В«InВ Tuatu de Danan, they grow everywhere. But not all ofВ them are suitable toВ become my house,В» the fairy has become aВ little more trusting toВ Amaranta, lowered the flight and sat down on the back ofВ the sofa. Now it is possible toВ feel her with the tip ofВ the nail. Clothes petals really grew from her right out ofВ the skin.

В«What is Tuatu de Danan? Some Paradise Garden or Meadow?В»

В«No,В» the fairy laughed, imitating bells. В«It is so called all the magic lands: and the kingdom ofВ fairies, and the kingdom ofВ elves, and the mountains where the gnomes live and underground states. Once there ruled the Goddess Danu. Then she did not, and the possessions were stripped.

В«Ah, yes,В» Amaranta remembered the walls inВ the forest.:And inВ what part ofВ the former Tuatu de Danan do you live?В»

В«InВ any way! IВ now live here inВ your castle.В»

«That’s how!» Amaranta was sure that Cannes was just a messenger.

В«IВ moved here after the union was concluded. All who did not find aВ place at home slowly poured here toВ mortals. IВ decided not toВ lag behind the fashion. You really have aВ chic castle. Only flowers are not enough. Usually IВ will live inside the flowers. IВ prefer Cannes. Hence my name, as you understood. Or did not understand? Well, you are stupid.В»

В«And you are not too polite.В»

В«IВ am aВ fairy, IВ can do something that you mortal can not.В»

В«But the king ofВ elves does not thinkВ so.В»

В«Do you know him personally?В» Cannes alerted. It can be seen, she hid too long inВ boudoir and did not hear the last gossip. Amarantite did not want toВ retell them, but she had to. Cannes noticeably nailed. Let her not respected the mortal girls, but hardly it turned out that Dagda himself was carried away byВ Amaranta, she was somehow forgot about her morality.

Cannes long told about Tuatu de Danan and all its traditions, and byВ evening she flew after Amana. Spark returned from the hills. Her presence near the Countess did not please him. He even called the fairy aВ curious insect, but she did not pay attention toВ him.

Iskra cost toВ be swollen. He was hiding behind the tapestries inВ the most cheekly and lived holes inВ them. But Amarante did not want toВ join the debate withВ him.

«After some girl picked my last house for a joy, I mean Cannes’s flower, I decided to fly here,» Cannes said, flying ahead of the Countess as a colorful firefly. She herself with the butterfly’s wings, more resembling petals, was also very similar to the flower, and not on a curious insect, Spark responded about her.

«These earrings are so heavy, which is surprising how you didn’t break the ears,» Cannes noticed unceremoniously.

В«Learn toВ keep your opinion with yourself.В»

В«And what are they hot!В» Cannes flew toВ one earring and burned down. Spark giggled, hiding behind the tapestries.

There are so many tapestries in this castle! Amaranta wonder how many elves are hidden behind them? Spark, as well as other fiery elves, was immediately noticeable, since they burned the holes in everything, for what they were hiding. They are better not to play hide and seek, they will immediately get out. And other beings that fucked in the Count Castle after the conclusion of the Union… How many of them here and in what corners do they hide? Guests from the Magic world loved to appear suddenly and hide a long time, but did not leave anywhere. Why, because the union with Dagda contributes to their stay here. Amaranta saw the gnomes in the empty boilers in the kitchen, the fiery elves in the oven, goblins in alcoves, where they were before the statues, even strange spine-shaped fairies, wearing a gold cobweb on the ceiling.

В«Want, IВ weave something for you,В» offered one such aВ fairy, having flown on the golden thread from the ceiling, like aВ spider.

And wove! AВ golden handkerchief. It almost instantly arose inВ her hands and lit up inВ the darkness. Even Cannes became interested.

В«Thank you!В» Amaranta accepted aВ handkerchief from the fingers ofВ the fairy. That immediately disappeared on the ceiling, tightening back, like aВ spider.

В«Arahni,В» Cannes squeaked, but Amaranta was more interested inВ her earrings. Is Spark did something, and they became fiery again? At first glance inВ the mirror it seemed. The earrings broke out orange, and this is again just flowers. Optical illusion! How then can Canna feel the heat?

Fairies-spiders turned out toВ be many. It was worth only toВ throw off her head and look at the ceilings, so there they were crawled byВ whole flocks. Subsecured bodies, although they were golden, and suspiciously resembled gigantic spiders.

Fairies-spiders worked and made aВ golden network. Amaranta hid behind the column and secretly watched their work. Although is it possible toВ spy behind the fairy? Can they see all? Are they not from the kingdom ofВ Medea Shai? It seems that all the monsters nest inВ her kingdom, and such creatures, though beautiful, but remind monsters. One spider fairy said:

«Say hello, Dagde, when you will be with him…»

«But I… almost don’t know him.» Taking the fairy for the agent of Medea Shai, Amaranta attached a sharp. Did not work!

В«Is it really?В» aВ fairy spider grinned. What aВ poisonous and wide smile, full ofВ sharp needles-teeth.

В«Did the Queen ofВ fairies send you here?В» Amaranta surrendered. Pretend toВ be stupid is senseless.

В«We have aВ queen no longer. The king ofВ the elves allowed us toВ live on his borders. But we are not his subordinates. But inВ the castle, you can all live since Dagda and Angus entered into an alliance. Doors are open here toВ all wandering fairies.В Р­

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