ISBN :Возрастное ограничение : 6
Дата обновления : 14.06.2023
– «Hanukkah, answer me. When you went to the places of Komaria, what did you see besides the plants»? – Mamuka asked the lying dog.
– «I saw how birds jump around the garden and crush the necessary plants»!
– «And what did you do»?
– «I chased them and drove them away»! – the dog said proudly.
– «You’re done, but you yourself also crumpled the plants and therefore the giants were not happy, listen to me further», – Mamuka said and, sitting down more comfortably, began to read the book aloud.
InВ addition toВ growing plants, Komaria is home toВ many magical creatures. Ants are one ofВ its inhabitants. Who would have thought that this little insect was magical? If these insects are running near your home, then this is fortunately. This is the ancient omen ofВ the Mamuka Indians. Ants are very strong creatures. Despite their small size, they lift fifty times their weight. Therefore, it is one ofВ the most powerful beings on Earth. I, Mamuka, would never be able toВ lift fifty myself at aВ time, another thing is toВ raise my weight fifty times inВ aВ row.
An anthill is the home ofВ ants. They have aВ real queen. It is easy toВ distinguish her from an ordinary worker. It has aВ pair ofВ wings behind it. Sometimes you can confuse the queen with another creature. The male ant also has wings, but it is smaller inВ size. Ants bite with their mandibles or mandibles. When enlarged, the mandibles look like forceps. When bitten, they close. AВ forest anthill can reach the height ofВ aВ giant.
As soon as the sunbeam begins toВ shine, the ants run out ofВ their home and begin their work on the street. Komaria never fights with these hard workers. They are her allies. As soon as the first drop ofВ rain hits the ground, ants begin toВ cover the entrances toВ the anthill. Therefore, near their place inВ the dwelling, you can find small heaps before the rain. They fill the entrances with them. Ants can also anticipate bad weather, so rain can be predicted. The main thing is not toВ confuse this with preparing for the night. At sunset, all the inhabitants ofВ the anthill rush toВ their home. They rest as much as people do. They have aВ real kingdom, only hidden from prying eyes.
The Indians of Brazil have a whole rite of initiation of boys with the help of this insect. For this, an ant is taken and placed on the hand of the future red-skinned man. Redskins are also Indians, as some giants call them. The purpose of the initiation rite is to increase the immunity to pain. As soon as the ant bites the boy, he must not show that he is hurt. After that, you can take him with you on reconnaissance to the war with Iramok. An ant bite is believed to be beneficial. Ant’s mandibles contain useful substances that increase the immunity of a person or an Indian. The main thing is not to anger these insects, and they will not touch you.
– «I know, I was bitten by these ants! I immediately began to gnaw them»! – Hanukkah sighed.
– «So, you have not yet passed your ritual and have not become a real Indian», – answered Mamuka.
– «Why endure this sore bite»? – the dog asked.
– «In order to understand what your pain threshold is».
– «Threshold? But the threshold is at the door, below», – Hanukkah was surprised.
– «Listen to me carefully, now I’ll read it to you», – Mamuka said and sighed.
The pain threshold for each Indian is different. This does not mean that someone is stronger or weaker. The ant is small, but it is the most powerful creature on earth. It’s almost the same here. A small mosquito bite can hurt and make you cry. But this is not an indicator of strength. It’s just that the Indian’s body is not prepared for this. The largest pain threshold in my memory was the Wasp’s Sting Indian. While the brave Indian was eating a watermelon, Iramoka’s cunning ally, the striped wasp, flew up and stung the guy. He didn’t even blink an eye. A huge red pimple with a sting grew on his shoulder. Imagine, he couldn’t even lift a watermelon over his head! And when the evil Giant didn’t give him one more «skibble» of watermelon, he began to cry. He just felt hurt, but this is not an indicator of strength.
– «I also feel offended when they do not give one more bone»! – said Hanukkah, silently looking at the Indian with the book.
– «My four-legged friend, no matter how much you feed, there will still be little. You do not know the measure»! – answered Mamuka.
– «How can I not know the measure»?
– «Your belly is not that huge, but the Giant has it! Listen further, now I’ll read you more about ants».
You can also bite off the ass ofВ aВ forest ant. It tastes sour, but healthy. It contains formic acid.
Important: only forest ants are allowed toВ bite, because they are clean.
Some birds specially sit on the anthill and begin to wallow in it. Angry ants start running around dirty or sore spots on the bird – this is called anting. This is how birds take care of their feathers and get rid of ticks.
– «I remember how one bit me»! – said Hanukkah.
– «If not for the Giant, you would have walked with him».
– «It’s not true, I would have chewed it off myself».
– Never: do not gnaw, do not scratch, do not tear off a tick!
– How do I understand that this is a tick? – asked Hanukkah in surprise.
– The tick cannot be confused with anyone. It painlessly, imperceptibly digs into the skin and becomes like a dark mole. It is necessary to immediately run to Giantania and tell its inhabitants that you have noticed a tick. Its movement through the body resembles a breath of breeze.
There are many inhabitants in Komaria, you will learn about this from this book. Now we already know that the creatures are allies of the Indians and their enemies. We boldly classify ants as allies, and Iramoka’s allies: mosquitoes, large mosquitoes, wasps and ticks. Other creatures will be written later. Since you completed the previous tasks, you should go through the ritual of initiation into real Indians.
Quest from Mamuka: Rite ofВ passage
Now it will be aВ little unpleasant. You should go outside and find the ant. Feel free toВ put your hand inВ front ofВ him and wait for him toВ climb up toВ you. After that, do not let it fall toВ the ground. Wait for the bite. If you restrained yourself and did not curl your face, endured the pain, then return the insect back where you took it. Otherwise, the creature will get lost, and the ants will run toВ look for it. If it hurts too much, then your test is yet toВ come. Wait aВ little and repeat the initiation ceremony again inВ aВ week.
When you accept Indians into your tribe, be sure to make sure that everyone goes through this Indian initiation ritual. The one who cries from the bite, the whole tribe protects and saves from fights, and «name-calling.» In other words, he intercedes until the future Indian begins to endure pain, having passed the rite of passage. This ritual is repeated once a week. If you have endured, then you have passed the ceremony and you don’t come back to it.
– «Hanukkah! You’re messing around again! Sit down and listen, otherwise you won’t learn our language»! – said Mamuka, picking up the book.
– «I listen to you as always. Sometimes the white-skinned Giant lures me with food, so read and do not be afraid, I will hear everything. You know what a sensitive ear I have»! – the silent dog asked.
When the era of the dinosaurs on Earth came to an end, the first man appeared. He had to survive in harsh conditions. The first thing people did without shovels and hoes was picking berries and trying to escape from ferocious animals. The Great Giant has already defeated many, only ardent opponents remain – these are mosquitoes led by Iramoka. Hordes of squeaky creatures fly around the yards in search of their prey. Among them, there may be more terrible creatures, but about them a little later.
Many berries and vegetables are already marked on the map. If this has not been done, then why are you reading this book? You need to make a map! If you don’t know how to draw, just write it schematically, so that it’s clear to you and you can navigate on your map.
When the white-skinned Giant is kind, the inhabitant ofВ Komaria can get something good. Almost quid pro quo, but sometimes there may be exceptions. They are called goodwill gestures. The better you treat the Giants, the better you act toward them. There is such an expression: as it comes around, it will respond. Therefore, it is possible toВ improve the relations ofВ the country ofВ Komaria with Giant byВ offering gifts. For this, berries or crops are usually harvested.
Before going toВ pick berries, В«Sharp FireВ» once thought and took aВ huge bucket. Having collected all the berries from the bushes into it, he ran toВ the white-skinned Giant with satisfaction. Having made an offering, as befits all Indians, В«Sharp FireВ» left aВ bucket ofВ berries at the entrance toВ Giant and disappeared about his business. After aВ minute, he was very surprised. The White Giant went out inВ aВ rage, despite the fact that there was an offering ofВ all the berries from Komaria.
As it turned out, В«Sharp FireВ» gathered underripe fruits ofВ sour gooseberries, overripe currants and rotten strawberries. The giant forgave the red man, realizing that he simply did not know when and what berries should be picked. After that, the great Giant began toВ hang out aВ leaflet at her entrance. On it the wise Giant wrote:
The Great Giant will generously reward any Redskin for the following:
– if someone picks up a full can of raspberries – white snow from the refrigerator in a waffle cone
– if someone picks up a full can of currants – any drink of your choice
And even for some reason they hung out aВ photo ofВ Hanukkah with the caption:
– Wanted, especially dangerous!
В«Sharp FireВ» quickly collected everything on the list and was generously rewarded. The next day, an Indian ran toВ the door, but nothing was written there. Thinking that the mission was valid, В«Sharp FireВ» again picked the berries, but received nothing. The giant was furious again. As it turned out, the berries were ripe, but that day no one wanted toВ makeВ jam.
Having forgiven the Indian, the white-skinned Giant went about his business for sugar. After aВ few chapters ofВ this book, he returned and was surprised. It turned out that the Indian for some reason burst into the chicken coop and chased aВ rooster. Without thinking twice, the evil Giant took away the book and no longer allowed Mamuka toВ readВ it.
From this, В«Sharp FireВ» concluded: you need toВ read the book once aВ day and perform only those tasks that are written here. If you run ahead, then aВ miracle will not happen, namely:
– an Indian dwelling will not be built;
– you will not learn to speak with animals and understand birds;
– you don’t understand how to make it rain;
InВ other words, В«Sharp FireВ» might not have become aВ leader. After all, violating the laws ofВ this book, any Indian runs the risk ofВ being left with nothing. Therefore, you should read the book every day and one chapter at aВ time. Each chapter has aВ thousand words. All chapters are no more than 1,500. Tasks should be completed on time.
When the white-skinned Giant needs help, he will definitely tell about it. You should not run around and ask toВ build an Indian dwelling before it is said here. Everything has its time. Without gaining the wisdom ofВ the Great Manitou, none ofВ the readers will receive what is written here.
– «Mamuka! Why are they looking for me, have I done something again»? – Suddenly the faithful dog asked the Indian.
– «I do not know! I need to read on carefully! And read aloud so that you hear every word»! – answered Mamuka.
Therefore, for everything toВ work out, Mamuka read the book aloud toВ his dog Hanukkah. While reading, he turned off the TV and music, and put his phone away somewhere. You need toВ be inВ complete silence inВ order toВ heed every word and understand what is written. Sometimes he had toВ read the same thing. Later, other children followed him. He read this book out loud inВ front ofВ them. Later, the children entered his tribe. The guys and friends have become aВ real numerous and indestructible brotherhood ofВ the Redskins. After passing all the tests and initiations, you will receive what you need. And what do you need, IВ will not write yet. We both know your secret.
Once the leader ofВ the В«Sharp FireВ» learned that aВ cucumber is aВ fruit, and aВ watermelon is aВ berry. His surprise knew no bounds. The white-skinned Giant told him about it. The wisdom ofВ Giant and the agility ofВ Komaria are combined inВ great strength. Shaman Yungani once talked about the structure ofВ the whole world. The following expression turnedВ out:
Komaria inВ Giant, with the Great Iron Antenna on its roof. Neighbors are located near Giant. All Neighbors and Giants are part ofВ the Great Giant. It also has aВ large Gordlandia.
Quest from Mamuka: Collecting byВ Request
As soon as the white-skinned Giant asks you for something, unquestioningly fulfill his request. For this, the Great Manitou will reward you with his knowledge, and you will become one ofВ the Indians. OfВ course, toВ become aВ shaman or aВ leader, you will need toВ go through many tests. The first thing aВ white-skinned Giant may ask you about is toВ harvest some berries. Complete this task without question. The faster you do this, the faster you will go about your business. For example, seek adventure and replenish your Komariev bank. If you read very quickly and complete tasks, then well done! The main thing is not toВ miss aВ single ritual! Pay special attention toВ the appearance ofВ caterpillars or some kind ofВ potato beetle!
When you pick berries, try toВ remember their names. If the fruit is unripe, never eat it. Otherwise the summer will be ruined. And inВ order for everything toВ work out, be attentive and vigilant. Only aВ select few can see magic words. They say they have special eyesight. And if you have already completed all the tasks, and the initiations from the previous chapters, you can readВ on.
Great Manitou withВ you!
EagleВ Eye
– «Hanukkah, do you remember we drew a map with you»? – asked Mamuka looking at the dog.
– «Of course, if not for you, I would not have been able to do this. I have not yet learned how to hold a pencil in my teeth».
– «Do you remember where our cabbage grows»?
– «Of course, she has not yet had time to tie herself into a large round head of cabbage»!
– «So, next time you pass by her, carefully examine the leaves», – Mamuka said.
– «What is this for»? – the dog asked in surprise.
– «Now you will find out! Listen to me carefully», – said the future leader of the Redskins.
– «Only you read louder, sometimes I don’t hear your words», – Hanukkah complained to Mamuka and put his muzzle with a damp black nose on his paws.
A wet nose in dogs means healthy, but in a red-skinned person, on the contrary, a wet nose, it’s time to go to Giant. For them to heal you.
There are aВ lot ofВ berries growing inВ Komaria, but you must also remember about vegetables. We have already dealt with ants and passed the first initiation into the Indians. ToВ be called aВ leader, you need toВ go through many tests and rituals, as well as complete all tasks, this is the only way toВ comprehend the wisdom ofВ the Mamuka tribe.
Once the В«Eagle EyeВ» Indian passed aВ test with ants and saw several insects dragging aВ green caterpillar on them. She wriggled and wanted toВ break free, but was again captured. The wise leader overseeing the test asked the В«Eagle EyeВ»:
– «Where are you looking»?
To which the Indian replied: – I see how the ants carry the caterpillar.
At that moment, the ant, crawling on the hand ofВ the red-skinned man, clenched its mandibles, and the initiate cried out inВ pain.
– «You have failed the test, but for your vigilance now you will be called «Eagle Eye».
The ability toВ give nicknames toВ the Indians ofВ the tribe is aВ hallmark ofВ the leader. The main thing toВ understand is that the nickname is given once and is not disputed byВ other Indians. It is very important toВ highlight the best side ofВ the redВ man.
For example: В«Eagle EyeВ» saw aВ caterpillar inВ the distance, which means he has excellent eyesight. The Indians love their planet, so you should call the red skin, comparing it toВ nature. Sometimes an exception should be made. An Indian ofВ short stature may receive the nickname В«Growing RockВ», simply for the reason that sooner or later the Redskin will grow up and, thanks toВ the words ofВ the leader, will have the growth ofВ aВ Giant.
The wisdom ofВ the leader lies inВ the fact that he knows how toВ choose the right words and get rid ofВ disputes inВ his tribe. An offensive nickname can affect the fate ofВ the Indian inВ the future. It got toВ the point that one red man was offended and no longer came toВ the tribe. He became aВ loner. Nevertheless, the Indians continued toВ respect him, but the red man did not want toВ communicate. He was so offended byВ others.
– «I, too, sometimes take offense and can even bite»! – said Hanukkah.
– «That is why, when I go to the tribe, I don’t take you with me», – Mamuka replied.
– «It’s not my fault that it’s easy to offend me», – the dog sighed in response.
– «Yes! Yes! What if you bite someone, and they just wanted to stroke you! Okay, listen further», – say Mamuka.
The most important thing for a leader is not to choose a nickname. As it will be called in the company, so it will be called. The main quality in this situation is easy to treat yourself with humor and understand that the main person in the Indian tribe is a non-violent, intelligent and reasonable person. A little time will pass and the leader himself will give nicknames, and at his own discretion. And when the Indian tribe is replenished, at a large meeting it will be possible to rename itself. If in Giantania Mamuka was nicknamed – «The Leader of the Redskins», then in Komaria he can be called differently. The inhabitants of Giant often have poor imaginations and cannot come up with anything. Therefore, you should not take offense at them.
After the В«Eagle EyeВ» Indian got his nickname, Mamuka approached the caterpillar.
Long ago, Yungani talked about aВ meadow with butterflies. According toВ legend, aВ real beautiful creature grows out ofВ aВ caterpillar. Shaman Yungani caught them with aВ cage, and then it tore. There were no threads toВ sew next, but there was an empty jar. Yungani quickly realized that instead ofВ catching butterflies, he could collect caterpillars from cabbage leaves. After all, they eat up the crop and harm the plant. And when they are full, they become aВ butterfly and fly away wherever they want.
– «I’m catching two rabbits»! – Yungani said and collected all the caterpillars in a jar.
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